Original post on Shrike's Blog
This Article will explain in detail step by step how to install Anna NPCs 2.0 on an existing save game and remove the older versions of Anna_NPCs and/or Anduniel mods from the save game.
Before installing new AnnaNPC's 2.0 mod you'll have to do a few things.
1) Retrieve all items you do not want to lose from the followers!!!
2) Goto a 'save' location.
(I suggest go inside Dragonsreach.)
3) Save the Game.
(We'll use this save as a starting point for the save game cleaning operation.)
4) Exit the game.
5a) Download this this save game cleaner program from nexus website: SaveTool
5b) Open the zip file and extract the SaveTool.exe to a convenient location.
(ie: Desktop.)
6) Start the SaveTool program.
(by double clicking it on desktop.)
7) Open the save game you created in step 3.
(see images below.)
8) Cleaning out Anna_NPC's and/or Anduniel Mod Forms from your save game.
Select FOL_Anduniel.esp in the Plugins section as shown below.
And click "Delete mod forms" button.
Do the same for ANNA_NPCS.esp
9) Save the changes.
(You can choose to over write or give new name and make back up or not.)
10) Uncheck Anna_NPC's.esp and FOL_Anduniel.esp in your mod manager.
(if you only have 1 of the 2 mods then just uncheck that one.)
11) Start the game and load the save game created in step 9.
(Wait till it is fully loaded plus 10 seconds.)
12) Save the game.
(either new save or overwrite.)
13) Exit the game.
14) Start the SaveTool program again.
15) Select the save game you made in step 12.
(see step 9 for images.)
16) Cleaning out Anduniel Mod Scripts from your save game.
(If you don't have Anduniel installed goto step 17.)
16a) In the Scripts section Click "Fix all #->" and "FixScriptInstances"
(see image below.)
16b) In the Scripts section type in the box "FOL_" and delete all the scripts that start with "FOL_".
You'll have to select and click "delete" for each script.
(be careful not to delete any other scripts)
16c) Savethe changes.
(You can choose to over write or give new name and make back up or not.)
17) Cleaning out Anna_NPC's Mod Scripts from your save game.
(You can skip step 17a if you already did that in step 16a.
17a) In the Scripts section Click "Fix all #->" and "FixScriptInstances" buttons.
(see in images below.)
17b) In the Scripts section type in the box "AN_" and delete all the scripts that start with "AN_".
You'll have to select and click "delete" for each script.
(be careful not to delete any other scripts.)
17c) In the Scripts section type in the box "DAR_" and delete all the scripts that start with "DAR_".
You'll have to select and click "delete" for each script.
(be careful not to delete any other scripts.)
17d) In the Scripts section type in the box "ELY_" and delete all the scripts that start with "ELY_".
17e) In the Scripts section type in the box "MAR_" and delete all the scripts that start with "MAR_".
17f) In the Scripts section type in the box "NAD_" and delete all the scripts that start with "NAD_".
17g) In the Scripts section type in the box "TER_" and delete all the scripts that start with "TER_".
17h) In the Scripts section type in the box "VAL_" and delete all the scripts that start with "VAL_".
17i) In the Scripts section type in the box "ZOR_" and delete all the scripts that start with "ZOR_".
17j) Save the changes.
(You can choose to over write or give new name and make back up or not.)
18) Start game and load the save created in step 17j.
(Wait till it is fully loaded plus 10 seconds.)
19) Savethe game and exit game.
20) Start the game again and load the save created in step 19.
21) Save the game and exit game.
Step 20 and 21 may seem to look redundant but they are not!!
(After step 19 the game is still searching and trying to load missing scripts and mod forms!! By loading the saving it again all missing forms and scripts are no longer looked for by the game.)
22) If you want you can check and verify if everything went okay.
Start the SaveTool and open the save created in step 21.
Clicking "Fix all #->" button should result in:
"0 scripts and 0 instances removed."
Clicking "FixScriptInstances" button should result in:
"Removing orphan script instances.."
"0 script instances removed."
Typing "FOL_" , "AN_" , "DAR_" , etc. etc. in the script section box.
Should not bring up any scripts beginning with that.
(Whoohoo :) )
25) Install the NEW Anna NPC's version 2.0!