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About this mod

A scriptless improve to werewolf to work with around all of your werewolf overhaul

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A scriptless improve to werewolf to work with around all of your werewolf overhaul and be compatible with close to anything

I tried a few werewolf overhaul such as Tales of Lycantropy and got anoyed finding out no change would be compatible with these so i made this mode to fix it. What it does:

lvl 10: + 10 unarmed damage + 40% damage reduction
lvl 15: + 30 unarmed damage + 45% damage reduction
lvl 20: + 50 unarmed damage + 50% damage reduction
lvl 25: + 60 unarmed damage + 55% damage reduction
lvl 30: + 70 unarmed damage + 60% damage reduction
lvl 35: + 90 unarmed damage + 65% damage reduction (take note by then your character will proly still do more damage in human form then in werewolf form but these bonus were made to keep werewolf behing playable despite the overwelming ammount of health most mobs have at that point)
lvl 40: + 120 unarmed damage + 70% damage reduction
lvl 45: + 150 unarmed damage + 75% damage reduction
lvl 50: + 180 unarmed damage + 80% damage reduction (the equivalent of a full legendary daedric equipment boosted over time and time again with a rank 100 in two handed... unless you use some uber cheat weapon you will hardly hit any harder then this)

when shapeshifted a werewolf character regenerate health FASTER then when in human form

mod used for the pic:
werewolf reskin
La femme Lycana