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About this mod

Black Sword from One Piece

Permissions and credits
My other:
Sir Crocoliles Hook
|Garrisons Blade|The Alligator|Green Dragon Crescent Blade|Bleach weapons|D-Greyman weapons|Soul Eater weapons|Stormbringer|Black Sword, Yoru|Rorona Zorros Katanas|ApachiiSkyHair Retexture|My Coolsims retexture mod|Vampire Gameplay Overhaul|Rans and Yinsiyue Hairstyles Retexture|Kuma Kuma Kokuma Hair and Bagserk Hair Retexture|Beautiful Hair Retexture|Iron Claw Daggers Fist Weapons Retexture|Soulfang & Darkfang

Mihawk Dulacre´s Black Sword, Yoru, from One Piece. 1hand and 2 hand version. Hope proportions and Textures match a little the Sword from the series ;)

Sword can be crafted, upgraded and enchanted. Damage is around 27.
For people who want if faster use console ( Tilde -Key, then type "Help Black" without quotes, then there is a the name from the sword and some kind of identificator "weap" before it then a number 22000xxx or else. then u type "player.additem NUMBER (2200xxx) 1. the 1 at the end is the number of swords u get.) or search in Riverwood, the buildung right to the inn upstairs in a barrel. ;)

Sadly i wasnt able to put the 1Hand version on the back so try this mod if u want

1HD Weapons on Back TS Edition by TS


Extract Into Skyrim\data
Activate .esp file via Launcher


Delete folder
Skyrim\Data\Textures\Weapons\Black Sword
Skyrim\Data\meshes\Weapons\Black Sword
and in Skyrim\Data the BlackSword.esp

3. Recommend Downloads

Armed to the Teeth - Custom Weapons

Credits to

The great Eiichiro Oda for making One Piece
Bethesda Softworks