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Created by

Stavius Dreeg

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About this mod

Simple retexture of leather armor

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Uploaded for a friend.

He requested a retexture of the leather armor set as follows:

-Gold buckles
-Gold studs
-Gold adornments
-Darker, slightly reddish leather

Once the SCK is released, I will make this a separate set of armor that requires gold ingots to construct, as well as having better armor rating than stock leather armor.

1. Extract archive using 7zip
2. Copy textures folder into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data (or your own custom location)

To uninstall:
1. Delete "textures>armor>studded" folder

KNOWN CONFLICTS: This mod shouldn't conflict with anything that does not also replace the leather armor, mesh, or normal map.

I take requests for creating textures or normal maps: [email protected]