File information
Last updated
Original upload
Created by
ElminsterAU and the xEdit TeamUploaded by
ElminsterAUVirus scan
About this mod
TES5Edit is the Skyrim ("Oldrim") version of xEdit. xEdit is an advanced graphical module viewer/editor and conflict detector.
- Requirements
Off-site requirements
Mod name Notes 7-Zip For unpacking Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You are not allowed to use assets from this file under any circumstances
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
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Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
under the License.File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
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- English
Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name English Author:Zylice How To Merge Skyrim Mods - Mirrors
Name GitHub - Changelogs
Version 4.0.4
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #777 - [Skyrim SE/LE] - Unknown Map Marker TNAM value 59
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #788 - For Oblivion Copy as overrides fails for MGEF
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #792 - Flipped indexes in display of blocks and sub-blocks
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #803 - after cleaning, some new worldspaces from DLCs may not load their temporary records correctly
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #813 - Unknown field in Script Fragments decoded by Creation Kit error log
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #823 - FO3: Anchorage.esm & PointLookout.esm need Mark Modified applied during QAC
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #848 - Records with hardcoded FormIDs show as new records instead of overrides/injected
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #853 - FNV - cleaning dead money master erases map geometry
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #855 - After cleaning dlcnukaworld.esm, items in Nuka-Town market vanish
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #860 - tooltip always disappears after a second
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #863 - FO4: DefaultObject forms (DFOB) should override via EditorID
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #871 - Updates for Static Collections [FO4]
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #875 - TES4Edit 4.0.3 not able to copy Magic Effect Records
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #886 - Crash by confirming add of *no* master
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #880 - Minor problem with double clicking during module selection
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #894 - [Skyrim] Several RACE subrecords are not marked as required
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #909 - xEdit should double apostrophes in generated LOOT masterlist entry names
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #912 - TES4Edit crashes when trying to load Nehrim.esm
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #914 - RNAM subrecord of INFO needs to be treated as case sensitive
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #916 - DR displayed incorrectly in Armor and Armor Addons for F3/NV
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #919 - For REFR, Linked Rooms Count needs to be updated whenever the Linked Rooms are changed
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #926 - [FO4] Load order is being ignored
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #946 - GetNewFormID only allows 0 argument when it needs IwbFile as the input
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #947 - [FO4/F76] NPC_\AIDT - AI Data subrecord 4 Unknown bytes correspond to "No Slow Approach"
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #949 - [TES4] Oblivion.esm shows as edited when using VQSC mode
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #953 - Time passed wrong for long running scripts
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #959 - Quick Auto Clean should force-enable "Remove OFST Data"
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #964 - SLGM and FLOR refs are completely valid for pack data
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #965 - Game master automatically re-added after clean masters removes it (when no masters left)
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #972 - NPC_ 'Geared Up Weapons' should only show 1 byte
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #973 - GetIsID condition with Hazard argument is reported as an error
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #974 - xNVSE inline variable declarations comes up as error in error checking
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - .esl extensions don't always force loading as ESL correctly when the module is not ESL flagged
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - [TES4] EDID and ESCE incorrectly report "Expected 4 bytes but found 0" when running "Check for Errors" on MGEF
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - EnderalSE mode incorrectly performs exact instead of partial matching when loading .bsa for loaded modules
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - Long running operations like filters and scripts can't be aborted
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - 64 bit version does not handle extended FormID range in FO4 correctly
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - saving a file without changes could discard previously queued saves for that file, resulting in data loss
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (reported on Discord) - loading a masterless file alone can crash xEdit if it contains references to hardcoded records
- Bugfix: GitHub issue (found by developer) - Need to force InternalEdit for AfterSet handlers
- New: GitHub issue #827 - Allow SSEEdit to Minimize during processing
- New: GitHub issue #901 - "Unhide all..." option in column context menu
- New: GitHub issue #902 - Option to ignore MHDT conflicts when using Very Quick Show Conflicts (use `-IgnoreWorldMHDT` parameter)
- New: Initial support for Enderal Special Edition has been added.
- New: By starting xEdit with a -quickedit:somefile.esp parameter, only that file (and it's required masters) will be initially selected in the Module Selection Form
Version 4.0.3
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #649 - Right pane filter bug
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #654 - [FO4] Check for Errors: reports error when a region / object list has SCOL entries
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #659 - When comparing records, right-clicking to Expand All produces a contextual menu that hangs the Expand All functionality
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #669 - CELL at 0,0 may be spuriously added to worldspaces during cleaning.
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #670 - [FO4] Damage magic effects mislabelled subrecord
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #674 - Invalid ITMs may be reported in rare cases when form versions differ
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #676 - Ghosted ESPs and Modgroups
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #678 - AccessViolation while generating conflict status in rare cases
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #691 - [FO4/FO76] Copying CELL data into a file can cause landscape collision to be re-enabled when it shouldn't
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #694 - scheduled save from save failure not removed on subsequent successes
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #695 - Typo in Weap>DNAM>Animation Type: Balistic -> Ballistic
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #682 - The path bar covers the forward and back buttons if the window is too small
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #696 - Double Listing of "Decrease Equip Time" in Weapon Mod Effect
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #697 - Cannot apply scripts using Classes, SysUtils, StrUtils or Windows units
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #708 - "Clean masters" function doesn't remove all masters at first use
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #718 - access violation when holding delete
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #720 - wrong order for FNAM and LNAM in MUST
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #721 - The MTNM field in RACE record is written with unnecessary terminating 0 byte
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #729 - LODGen can fail with references that have NULL or unresolvable Base FormIDs
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #732 - New CK leaves Base record listed for deleted REFRs, should not be marked as error
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #733 - changing the form id of an overridden record doesn't update the link between original and override until restart
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #734 - right side window's record overrides don't focus on currently selected mod
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #737 - Ambiguity in Skyrim's QUST definition
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #747 - Ambiguity in Skyrim's PACK definition
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #748 - Changing ANAM in Skyrim's PACK does not update the CNAM prompt
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #750 - form id override's id changes while the original fails in case id number's changed to an existing id
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - cleaning Dragonborn.esm can make Boars non-aggressive
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - crash in NAVM when triangle edge is flagged as edge link, but the number stored in the edge field can't look up a valid external NAVM via the Edge Links table
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - VeryQuickShowConflicts may very rarely not show certain conflicts
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Hardcoded (FormID < 800) records are not handled correctly in modules that don't have the game master as a master
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - adding a new module after having performed a "Compare To" puts the new module at the wrong load order
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - error when copying nif blocks with skinning
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - double click on integer and float elements does not show in-place editor if they are inside a union
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - in very rare cases, a change might not result in the file being marked as having unsaved changes
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - changing the FormID of a record might not always update the FormID of the "Children of" group for that record
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Module selection misbehaves for modules with missing masters
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - [TES5/SSE] BOOKs teaching SPELs should not allow NULL
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - TdfElement.LoadFromResource does not report if the resource can't be found
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - Quick [Auto] Clean allows selecting the game master (which makes no sense)
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - [FO4] incorrect subrecord order in CELL
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - injected records are not showing up in drop down of FormID in-place editor
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - orphaned "Children of" groups can cause Asserts when trying to display them in the nav tree view
- Bugfix: Changes to QuickAutoClean
- New: GitHub issue #637 - [FO4/FO76] TTEB - Unknown in RACE record is "Blend Operation"
- New: GitHub issue #679 - [FO4/FO76] VISI and PCMB subrecords decoding
- New: GitHub issue #722 - suffix removal during formid copying
- New: GitHub issue #731 - [FO4] "Unknown 11" in the "Data-Flags" subrecord of CELL records is "Hidden from Interior Cell List"
- New: [FO3/FNV] Flag 0 in BOOK means "Scroll"
- New: [FO3/FNV] make "RuntimeScriptProfiler xSE Extension Log" available
- New: Report error records in PrepareSave with full path instead of just their name
- New: Show tooltip hint for View column headers
- New: Show indices for unsorted SubRecord Arrays
- New: [TES5/SSE] added ENCH to Knowable Forms
- New: Allow assigning to deleted records
- New: Experts can activate an option which enables an extended FormID space (001-FFF instead of 800-FFF) when compacting for ESL
- New: Check for Errors now reports invalid ObjectID in light modules and HITMEs
- New: Shortened Parameters
Version 4.0.2
- New: It is now possible to support xEdit development with both one time and monthly donations via Ko-Fi, charged directly to a credit card using (or via PayPal) in AU$.
- New: A new "Videos" button has been added in the top right corner of the main form, it opens a YouTube playlist with xEdit specific videos by GamerPoets.
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #634 - [FO4] Unknown Perk Entrypoint 157
- Bugfix: GitHub issue #636 - Adding a script fragment to a Quest's VMAD record doesn't update the fragmentCount field
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - xEdit remembers (unwantedly) if the main form was minimized when it was last closes and restores that state
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - When the same file is saved twice within the same second, it results in an error while renaming .save files on shutdown
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - [FNV] Unused at the end of BMDT is wrongly defined as variable size (should always be 3 bytes)
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Collapsing of record storage (used when adding/removing/sorting masters) can under certain circumstances result in an assert while trying to save the file later
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - "Deep Copy as Override" does not check records in child groups when looking for masters that need to be added to the target
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - When using `Insert` key in the View, it is not possible to use Ctrl to flip the "Focus newly added elements in View" option
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - [SSE] DATA in WATR is Unused
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Without theme, the icons in the top right corner have a black background (thanks shad0wshayd3 for the fix)
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - Saving `.esm` or `.esl` files without ESM flag for SSE stripped ONAM instead of writing it as required (the game treats files with these extension always as having ESM)
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - `AddMasters()` can be called with names that are not valid module files
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - The navigation treeview unnecessarily checks nodes of them main game masters for changes
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - [TES5/SSE] Words of Power in SHOU should not be alignable
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - [FO3/FNV] Some strings that are translatable are not flagged as such
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - [FO3/FNV] Sort FLST should be disabled by default
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - Duplicate "Children of" GRUPs should report a non-fatal error instead of asserting
- New: Collapsed Conditions now display in a easily readable 1 line format. Conditions are collapsed by default.
- New: Option "Collapse Arrays with Benign Conflict Priority by Default".
- Note: Manual Cleaning functions are deprecated. Use QuickAutoClean instead.
- New: [Very] Quick Show Conflicts, Quick [Auto] Clean, and Auto Game Link Sub Modes can be activated by filename
- New: Auto Load for Quick [Auto] Clean
- New: Auto Exit
- New: Enderal support
- Updated: Fallout 76 support
- Fixed and extended: Sorting of INFO records
- New: ONAMUpdate Mode
- Reimplemented: .bsa/.ba2 Handling
- New: Expert Options
- New: "Shrink SpeedButtons in the top right corner of the main form" Option
Version 4.0.1
- Bugfix: #618 - 3.3 and 4.0.0 fail to update records when changing form IDs (breaks auto-renumbering, merging)
- Bugfix: #619 - Assertion failure when running REPLACE MODEL FILE NAME script
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - attempted reporting of encoding error might result in endless loop and crash
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - back/forward mouse buttons do not work in 64bit
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Legend Form can show up with 0 size under some conditions
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - [FNV] TCFU in INFO should be called "Follow Up"
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - [TES5/SSE] "PlayerKnows" condition does not accept WOOP parameters
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - broken `.bsa`/`.ba2` crashes the loading instead of just giving an error message
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Remove ITM should not apply to injected records
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - "Dialog Topic" and "Worldspace" Groups can be very slow to expand
- Bugfix: (reported on Discord) - Script access to TSearchRec is broken in 64bit
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - the View tab is initially visible without a record having been selected in the navigation treeview
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - main records do not correctly cache that they have already searched for a child group
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - if the focused navigation treeview node is moved outside the current visible nodes, it is not scrolled into view automatically
- Bugfix: (found by developer) - certain scripts with `for` loops or `case` statements might fail with `Integer required` error in 64 bit
- New: A PayPal button has been added for people that prefer to make a one-off donation instead of pledging on Patreon
- New: When a new update is available, the caption of the NexusMods and GitHub buttons will now be bold and underlined
Version 4.0.0
- Fallout 76 support
- UI Themes, Theme awareness for conflict colour, and High-DPI awareness
- ESL support
- Much improved language and codepage support
- Referenced By Caching and Multi-threaded building and loading of Referenced By information (much faster startup after the first time)
- Complete reimplementation of Load Order handling
- New Module selection dialogs
- Completely reworked ModGroups support (with full UI integration for creating and editing them)
- Creating delta patches
- Aligning alignable array elements
- Filter for View Treeview
- Merge into master
- Collapsible Nodes in View tab
- Countless other improvements and bugfixes. A full "What's New" document is available in the program.
Version 3.2.1
- - [SSE/FO4] Creation Club support (ESL plugins), forced load order for plugins in *.ccc file
- [TE5/SSE] "Generate as Objects" LODGen option
- [FO3/FNV] LODGen Atlas options
- [FO4] FO4LODGen mode
- Skyrim VR and Fallout4 VR support: rename as TES5VREdit.exe or FO4VREdit.exe, or execute with -tes5vr or -fo4vr parameters
- filtering: if 8-digits hexadecimal FormID number is provided in "Base Record EditorID contains" field, then FormID will be checked instead
- multiselection in plugins window and similar ones, right click menu options apply to selection only
- "Reset structure" right click menu in the right view pane to add missing fields if any
- "Compare selected" right click menu in Referenced By tab when several records selected of the same type
- read (TES5|SSE)MapMarkers.txt and (TES5|SSE)QuestTypes.txt if present to replace game values with custom ones including new values
- improved record definitions
- various bug fixes and optimizations
- new scripts and scripting APIs to work with json, nifs, materials, lod files
- - [SSE/FO4] Creation Club support (ESL plugins), forced load order for plugins in *.ccc file
Version 3.2
- - [SSE] Skyrim Special Edition support
- [SSE] SSELODGen mode
- [FO4] Fallout 4 support
- improved record definitions and error checking
- various bug fixes and optimizations
- new scripts
- - [SSE] Skyrim Special Edition support
Version 3.1.3
- Version 3.1.3
- [FO4] Fallout 4 support PreAlpha
- utf-8 support for translatable strings with -cp:utf-8 command line parameter
- "Stick to" right click menu in the right view pane
- improved record definitions
- Version 3.1.3
Version 3.1.2
- - improved record definitions and error checking
- [TES5] LODGen support for glowing meshes
- [FO3/FNV] Fixed possible error when reading LOD meshes
- [TES5] TES5LODGen avoids generating trees LOD for duplicate FormID ref numbers, bug in Skyrim causes them to not switch off properly in the game
- - improved record definitions and error checking
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
Other xEdit variations:
xEdit can be used to view, detect conflicts, and edit module files of various Bethesda Games. Other members of the xEdit family include TES4Edit, FO3Edit, FNVEdit, TES5Edit, EnderalEdit, SSEEdit, EnderalSEEdit, FO4Edit, FO76Edit
What's new in xEdit 4.1.5?:
What's New
This version includes significant changes since the last (4.0.4) release of xEdit. Those changes are
described in What's New (which shows at program start) and a document in rich text format that is included with xEdit for offline viewing.
Become a Patreon:
ElminsterAU's Patreon Page
ElminsterAU has created a Patreon Page for anyone who wants to support futher development of xEdit.
Current Documentation:
The What's New document shown when starting xEdit is the cannonical documentation of all new and changed functionallity in xEdit.
Beyond that, the Fallout 3 training manual was converted by EpFwip in 2013 to HTML format. This conversion has been updated as the official and current
documentation for all versions of xEdit.
Tome of xEdit
Change Log:
The changes have been moved to the What's New document.
Q: I have the following errors with one of my plugins what do I do?
[00:43] Background Loader: Error: record ARMA contains unexpected (or out of order) subrecord MODL
[00:43] Background Loader: Errors were found in: ShieldofYsgramorDraugrAA [ARMA:01001001]
[00:43] Background Loader: Contained subrecords: EDID BODT RNAM DNAM MOD2 MO2T
A: Occurs with plugins made with the ReProccer, NPC Editor or other 3rd party tools. These
cannot be corrected with xEdit. You can try using the official Bethesda
Editor but the official tool may not be able to correct the errors with
loss of data.
Q: The Font is too small, I have a 4K or Hi-Res monitor. I can't read the text how do I increase the size?
A: There is some support for font scaling for Large Size, Hi-Res, or 4K
monitors. This will help readability but in some situations there is no
control for popup boxes that expect input from the user.
xEdit Team Members:
Community members who have contributed in some way:
Listed in alphabetical order
AndalayBay: Without her help getting me in touch with Elminster we would all still
be waiting for confirmed record definitions, and even longer for a
working TES5Edit.
Divstator: for his work on Improved NavMesh Decoding
fireundubh: for all his record decoding suggestions for FO4Edit
Jonathan Ostrus: For his significant contributions to the FO76 record definitions
jonwd7: for his work on Improved NavMesh Decoding
shad0wshayd3: for his work on Enderal support and a number of UI tweaks