About this mod
LiFE - Lith\' Face Enhancement Cosmetic enchantment for the female characters of the Vanila Human races. HQ Face texture and Normal map, 15 Lips colors, 34 Eyes, 2 Warpaints.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

1.0 What it does?
1.1 What races are effected and how?
2.0 Change Log.
2.1 Known Bugs.
3.0 Installation.
3.1 Installation of different face variant.
3.2 Un-Installation.
4.0 Credits.
4.1 Permissions.
4.2 FAQ
Thanks to l1nkown for featuring my mod in Skyrim Mods Weekly :3!
1.0 What it does?
LiFE is a cosmetic mod for Human Races in skyrim; it adds HQ face textue and NormalMap (2048x2048 in size) that is seamless with the CBBEv3 body or UNP\UNPB body,
15 New lips color, 34 New eyes and 2 Warpaints.
It also adds tint masks for lips, lough lines upper eyes and lower eyes.
Note: This is not replacement\retexture you will have your vanila lips, eyes and warpaints plus the new that LiFE adds,
I made it this way so you could still have your fav eye pack or warpaint pack at the same time with mine.
If you enjoy this mod, please take a moment to endorse and leave a vote and/or a screenshot of your own on the Nexus!
1.1 What races are effected and how?
HQ Face Texture: All females in any race of vanila skyrim.
HQ Normalmap: Females of all human Races of vanila skyrim; Nords, Imperials, Bretons and Redguards.
Eyes: Females of all Human Races of vanila skyrim.
Lips, Warpaint: Females of all Human Races of vanila skyrim, and Orcs.
For Better Elven races I strongly recommend Nuska's Mod Ethereal Elven Overhaul.
2.0 Change Log:
=LiFE v1.0 - 02/11/12 - First Release.
=LiFE UNP\UNPB v1.0 - 8/11/12 - First Release.
=LiFE v1.1 - 21/12/12 - update release.
1)Fixed Lips tint mask - now the shape is right and it won't be odd looking with some colors and lights.
2)Tint mask of lower makeup tint mask reworked - as for my taste it was too much and wasn't really usable. Now it smaller and actually usable and recommended.
3)Tint mask of eyeliner reworked - now its much stronger, again as it was there weren't any difference what color it is, now its noticeable.
4)Face Normal map updated, now it has skin bumps\texture looks much better.
5)Created a face specular\gloss map, didn't had one in LiFEv1.0.
6)Created new 9 eyes, I really like them (much more then the 25 that in LiFEv1.0 to tell the truth) I think you will really like them too.
7)Updated LiFE to work with CBBEv3.2 body skin.
*)Note atm LiFEv1.1 is only for CBBEv3.2.
2.1 Known Bugs:
None atm.
- Horse Combat - Power right attack stuck, here is a fix:
Download "LiFE.esm - Fix .rar"
1)Extract LiFE.esm to your data folder,
2)use NMM or any other program that change mods load order,
3)disable LiFE.esp and enable LiFE.esm,
4)put LiFE.esm right after skyrim.esm.
5)You will need to use SHOWRACEMENU command to set back the eyes of your char.
6)That it enjoy!
If you find any other please let me know.
3.0 Installation:
LiFE does work as a simple drop-in install but as this replace your face texture and normalmap back up your original face texture and normalmaps.
- and then place the provided Data folder in your Skyrim directory and overwrite on all prompts.
Packup files locations:
Update to LiFEv1.1:
extract all files to your data folder and click yes to all when asked to overwrite.
Un-check LiFE.esm from loading or just delete it you don't need it anymore.
Only LiFEv1.1.esp is needed. Make sure its selected.
3.1 Installation of different face variant:
The face textures come in 2 formats, compressed and not, I recommend the un-compressed as its more accurate
but if your rig isn't new and you get any fps drop use the compress though I didn't see any fps drops.
Note: the main files come with Un-compressed 'Clear' type face texture.
Download the optional texture pack and open it,
choose one variant, Clear\Brown\Glamour\Blue\Green check the images for reference.
copy the file 'femalehead.dds' from the variation you like to:
3.2 Un-Installation:
Uninstalling LiFE manually requires removing the following folders and files:
And restore your backup files to:
4.0 Credits:
Caliente - creator of the CBBE mod.
ZZjay - for his normalmap and facetexture I've used parts of them for creating mine.
Nuska - for some help with CK :3
4.1 Permissions:
Please don't upload it to any other site without asking first.
4.2 FAQ:
Q: There is only 2 Warpaints will you add more?
A: Yes, next time that I have free time I will make some more and share it.
Q: I don't use CBBE\UNP\UNPB I use xxx, will future updates support my body mod?
A: If more then one person asks for it I will consider making it, but most races use one of the three CBBE\UNP\UNPB.
Q: Is it compatible with this mod xxxx?
A: The only thing that can conflict is the facetexture and normalmaps, as they are replaced when you are installing LiFE, the eyes, lips, warpaint and the tint mask can't conflict as they are all in a different unique folder.
Q: When you first shared info about LiFE you've mentioned hair retexture, why there isn't any?
A: Just short on free time, wanted to share the work asap. Atm there I've made 3 hair retextures, one of them comes with my Lian Vera - Mage follower.
Q: What is this tattoo skin mod that you use?
A: This is my Sakura Tattoos Skin.
And its for CBBEv3 and UNP plus some other races bodies.
Q: Any suggestion on Elven face enhancement \ eye pack\mods?
A: Sure:
Ethereal Elven Overhaul by nuska.
The Eyes Of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot.
Non Whory Looking Housecarls by navetsea
Q: With what ENB mod did you take the main picture?
A: For the main pic I used Fimbulvinter ENB by 1000stenar.