About this mod
A revisiting of guardian300's original call of the North mod. To give alternative bear helms and wolf helms for the true sons and daughters of Skyrim.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Version 3.6 is out as a patch. It has Steel plate Bear helms, Ancient Nord and Yngol Variants added to the leveled list. This patch should have been out sooner but I didn't look at the message from Khamuy about it.So I'm really sorry about that!
Hope you all enjoy.
Version 3.5 is out and as of version 3.5 Khamuy has become an official member and author on the team for Call of the North Revisited. It also means as of 3.5 her patch is not needed.
She will be taking over the technical side incorporating leveled lists, so that you can find the helms all across skyrim on bandits, forsworn, etc. Even ensure compatability with other mods.
I'll work on creating and adding more helms to further improve Call of the North Revisited.
She's even added a hierarchy at my suggestion for the forsworn. Sorta based off the idea of the hunting grounds to a degree.
So when you encouter the forsworn the hierarhy will look like this:
Forsworn Gets No Helms (warlord, standard, looter)
Forsworn Shaman Gets Light Dog Helms
Forsworn Forager Gets Light Wolf Helms
Forsworn Pillager Gets Skull Helms
Forsworn Ravager Gets Bear Helms
Briarhearts being the highest rank get the main forsworn helm
Now onto the big features everyone is probably waiting for,
Now many of you stormcloak players like the bear helms but you've seen I haven't shown as great a focus on them as I have with the wolf helms. That has changes as of 3.5.
3 new sets of bear helms have been added. These helms are:
Steel Plate Bear Helmets which come in the standard colors (Black, Brown, White)
Ancient Nord Bear Helmets that come in the standard colors (Black, Brown, White)
Ancient Nord Bear Helmets (Yngol Variants) that come in the standard colors (Black, Brown, White)
Also as of 3.5 and this is in huge thanks to CaBaL120 for allowing me permission to edit and upload an optional Texture pack That allows Call of the North Revisited to be 100% compatible with his mod "Amidianborn Book of Silence" Retextures. I highly recommend the optional pack if you use Amidianborn book of Silence.
Do enjoy!
Version 3.0 is out with Wrig675 (Bellyache)'s textures and TheBrissman's Companion and Skull helms! A preview picture of both are in the gallery
Also there is 3 new wolf helmets too. A light Grey Wolf helm, A Cyrodiil Shepard (German Shepard) Helmet, and a Husky Helmet!
Things to note about the new Skull helms, They are light armor and they will require you have a troll skull to make them. They are abundant in Skyrim. But if you can't find them or are to lazy to find them then here is the code for them
player.additem 319e4 1
TheBrissman has created 2 new wolf helms for this mod. One using the Companions helm textures and a special one using a bone texture. I didn't want to announce anything about them till I looked them over. I liked them from the screenshots I saw but there was a few problems I had with it. I went over them and did a slight bit of tweaking to the meshes and the textures to get it just perfect and I think I've done just that.
These will only be available for man and Mer (Elves) at the moment and will be introduced in the next version of CotN Revisited and several thanks go to TheBrissman for this.
Wrig675 (Bellyache) has given me permission to use her textures so I will be adding them to this mod finally to replace all the old textures! The instructions I gave on how to do it before are obsolete. They have been removed. the Old textures I've decided I'll put in an optional pack for those that liked the originals.
I will also add new wolf helmets since there is a variety of textures she created and I want to add all of them. I mean who wouldn't want to wear a German Shepard or even a Siberian Husky helmet? No? Oh well, the option will be there for those that do.
I love the original call of the north mostly for the wolf helms that guardian300 created. However the wolf helms didn't feel complete to me. I never had intentions of releasing my modification to guardian300's original mod and because he wasn't online enough I figured it wasn't worth leaving him a PM. So I just lived with it.
Now Guardian300 has stopped development on his original mod and has stated that we are free continue work on his mod. to quote his nexus page:
Last updated at 16:08, 25 Nov 2012 Uploaded at 15:33, 13 Jun 2012
Sorry guys, the mod is dead, I do not have time to do this and realized that to make a mod work properly is very difficult for someone inexperienced like me, then you better leave it to someone who knows what do doing this.
If someone want to continue these items, use or improve what I did to feel more comfortable without asking permission.
The changes in this mod is only on the wolf helmets themselves. mostly minor fixes but they make the helms look better and have a more complete feel especially on females. It also hide the baldness as some helmets will cause if you use hair replacers like Apachii Sky Hair.
All my modifications to the meshes were done in nifscope since I have no clue on how to work 3dsmax or blender. That and I don't have the money for 3dsmax.
and Argonian and Khajiit Bear helms still TBA.
Bear and Wolf Steel Helms, and Bear and Wolf Ancient Nord + Yngol Helms.
To be noted there is some clipping problems with some Argonian Brows in game. This can't be helped or fixed. I'm sorry for this. Also to note female argonian helms have a few problems of there own because of the odd way the female argonians were designed. so I had to make some executive decisions. Allow a slight gap to show or face clipping issues with the argonian head. So I went with a slight gap.
Call of the North Revisited - Leveled by Khamuy
aMidianBorn Book of Silence by Cabal
Winter is Coming-cloaks by Nivea
Apachii Sky Hair Wigs by Apachii
Dimonized UNP Female Body by dimon99
Sabre Cat Gear Mod Pack by DVAted and TreasureChest
Sabre Cat Gear Ancient Nord Armor Variations Add-on by DVAted and TreasureChest
Immersive Armors by Hothtrooper44
Immersive Weapons by Hothtrooper44
Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116964610&searchtext=Call+of+the+North
Anything in this mod can be used by anyone, it can be shared anywhere, do what you want. However, credits MUST be given to both myself (Foxia) and Gaurdian300 (The original creator).
The only thing I will not allow since it was also a part of Guardian300's original policy, was that it cannot be converted for another/similar game (example: TES IV: Oblivion)
Other than that go ahead and enjoy it!
khamuy for her Massive contributions to help further improve CotN Revisisted.
Guardian300: for most of the work on all the helms.
Foxia: for Wolf Armors, fixes to all of Guardian300's wolf helms and heavy bear helms, and TheBrissman's wolf helms.
khamuy: for Contributing and helping further improve Call of the North Revisited. Without her help this mod wouldn't be possible.
Defunkt: for giving permission to use his argonian and khajiit iron helm meshes and his wingless steel helms from his Helmet Variants mod.
Fhaarkas: For his softer fur wolf normal map textures.
MAK07: For his remodeled female Wolf Gauntlets and Boots look much nicer.
Exeter: For his UNP Female Wolf Armor.
Dimon99: For making the wonderful UNP body.
Wrig675 (bellyache): For her amazing wolf textures!
TheBrissman: For his Companions wolf helms and the skeletal texture for the companion helm as well.
Cabal120: For allowing me to edit his helmet textures for an Optional Book of Silence compatibility patch for CotN Revisited.