About this mod
Fight interesting and challenging bosses in this dungeon to earn unusual rewards
- Permissions and credits

Fight interesting and challenging bosses in this dungeon to earn unusual rewards!
Updated trailer:
Yet another of many Skyrim mysteries is hidden in an unremarkable cave. Here the unique sword Spellblade had long been under the protection of powerful guards. This could go on for centuries, if certain dragonborn has not found an adventurer’s note which revealed the location of the cave.
The Spellblade can be used to open even more dangerous part of the cave - the lair of its creator, an ancient dragon-mage Yolviing-Dilon.
- Five unique boss encounters
- Two unusual rewards for completion
- Scripted enemy mechanics and vivid visual effects
- An atmosphere of wonder and mystery
- Bosses have interesting scripted abilities, for example: health redistribution, enrage, invisibility, teleportation and more!
- The rewards are: magic sword with unique properties and an ability, with power depending on your weapon skill and stamina reserves.
- Check the screenshots to assess the enviroments.
- Encounters are balanced to be hard on master difficulty for different level ranges.
- Dovahkin of level 25+ is recommended. You can probably try it with lower level on lower difficulty but the loot will be overpowered.
- Doesn’t require any DLC.
- I've put months of my time into this mod. Indulge the opportunity to gain new experiences and try it!
- For those who already played previous version - you better remove old version, save game and add new one.
Let Nexus Mod Manager do all the work or...
1. Extract the archive
2. Copy the contents of the archive in your Skyrim\Data folder
3. Open the Skyrim launcher and check the Unremarkable cave.esp in the Data Files section in Skyrim launcher
- A new quest "Mystery of Unremarkable Cave" will be started when you load the game.
1. Uncheck Unremarkable cave.esp in Skyrim launcher
I thank InsanitySorrow, DoODABoOM and Hothtrooper44 for the permissions to use their models in my mod.
- Unique Uniques by InsanitySorrow
- Warmage Armor by DoODABoOM
- Dragon Knight Armor by Hothtrooper44
+ 1.22:
- fixed bug when dragon missed reanimating shout and hanged in the air forever
- fixed bug when final boss becomes permanently invulnerable when his spellcast is interrupted
- adjusted script that controls fight start with the black warriors
- corrected quest text in couple of places
- other small fixes
+ 1.2:
- Replaced armor for two bosses with more appropriate variants
- Replaced Spellblade model, improved visual effects, altered stats
- Rebalanced encounters difficulty (should be hard on Master and easy enough on Adept)
- Rebalanced Stamina Hammer
- Improved some visal effects
- Changed quest structure (you need Spellblade to enter second part of the dungeon)
- Added path from final boss chamber to Skyrim
- Added a readme :)
- Various misc fixes
+ 1.1 - Polished and balanced 1.09 with some alterations and enchancements
+ 1.09 - (beta) Two new interesting bosses, new locations, misc encounters, new reward etc.
+ 1.01 - Adjusted difficulty level (mostly lowered enemy damage, for final boss in particular)
Please endorse if you liked the experience - dungeon mods are somewhat underappreciated so your votes will help a lot. And share you comments and ideas! You feedback is very important for me.
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