About this mod
updatess :
- New 2hm Arrogant animation ( attack, walk, run, ssprint, etc )
- New Dodge Animation ( sshifting )
- New Sshout Animation ( jedi )
- Fixed Front Flip / Faulting Animation ( more fluid )
Check It Out!! read Des'scription!
- Permissions and credits

Thiss iss made by me because in the nexus’s site female animation is Mucher than Male, …Sso the ssign of the end of the world is saughted. Aren’t mos’st of you in this site male??
New Idles's :
-Battle Thirst (now with walk!) :
all dirrection added, it'ss insspirated by Connor from AC3 though
-Fixed Arrogant Idle (now With Walk!) :
All Dirrection Added, It'ss insspirated by Vader from Starwars Though
fixed height issue
-Need More Power
-fighting stance fixed
New Attacks's:
-Taekwondo Kick (2)
-Ryu’s Signature Kick
-New Normal Kicking Attack
-Alternative right Attack(note : if you want to change it just rename the h2h_attackright (alternative) into h2h_attckright)
New Dodge/fault Animations's :
-New Front Fault (fake roll - sprint)
Fixed Front Fault (more fluid) (new!)
(+) if You Have Tk Dodge Installed You'll Get :
-New Left Dodge (roll)
-New Right Dodge(roll)
-New Back Dodge (flip)
-Sha no Kamae - left (spin)
-Sha no Kamae - right (spin)
-Sha no Kamae - back (spin)
-Arrogantis -left (shift) (new!)
-Arrogantis -right(shift) (new!)
-Arrogantis -back(shift) (new!)
New One Handed Animation - beta :
-New Arrogant 1hw idle
-New Right Attack
-New Blocking Animation
-New walking Animation
-New Running Attack
-New Dodge Animation ( Combine it With Running Attack!! :3 )
-etc (find it yourself)
New 2 handed Animation :
Sha no Kamae :
-New Walking
-New Strafing
-New Blocking
-New Bashing
-New Attack Power
-New Sprinting
-New Moving Power Attack
-etc (find it yourself)
Arrogant :
-New Walking (new!)
-New Runing (new!)
-New Blocking, bashing (new!)
-New Strafing (new!)
-New Attack (new!)
-New Attack Power (new!)
-New Sprinting (new!)
-New Moving Power Attack (new!)
-etc (find it yourself)
New Shout Animation (new!) :
-jedi Shout (inspired by Starwars)
Read README, Explained All In There
Jus’st Delete The Mod Filess which Located In Skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character/animation.
(see the WinRAR (download) if you dont know what you've installed )
Note : if you dont like s'some of the animation jus'st delete the hkx file by the order name. (e.g 1hm_attackright.hkx)
If Im Not Having Too Many S’sKooma Order ,
I will improve :
New normal attackss
New dodging Animation
New Weapon animation
I will Improve All of the Vannilla male Animation in SSkyrim, But I Need Ssome Help
I Don’t Want Anybody reupload this file, etc-etc and Ussing this’s on Other Webssite.
Thanks's for narphous to Give Me Li's'st Of male hkx file, but can you give me full hkx file in "animation folder" if you wanted to help.