in the versions above 2011 the niftools shader may not work
i don't know about all the bugs and things that needs to be fixed so any feedback or suggestions are welcome post it here
this plugin is made from altering Figment's plugin's source code.
i just made this plugin , that export nif files which are the mesh files for several games ex. skyrim ,oblivion, morrowind, ...,it was buggy for me so to make your lives a bit easier, it is for skyrim mainly.
I don't actively dev this so if you want to do something with it heres the github repo:
version 1.6 //////////////////////////////////////////
fade node option
emissive color export
bone import
rigid body unknown7sorts and gravitytime changes
version 1.5.1 //////////////////////////////////////////
fix tangent bitangent swap
version 1.5 //////////////////////////////////////////
aims to fix update tangent space (it will export tangents bitangents and set bsnumuvsets to 4097 if you check update tangent space on export and nif version above oblivion version)
version 1.4.1 //////////////////////////////////////////
vertex color shaderflag only added when exporting vertex colors
emissivecolor is set to black
version 1.4 //////////////////////////////////////////
texture export even if it is not in the original skyrim datafiles directory (but have to be under a textures[default prefix] folder so it cuts the path from there if its unknown )
added speular map export
version 1.3.1 //////////////////////////////////////////
texture uv scale set to x = 1, y = 1
version 1.3 //////////////////////////////////////////
now imports skyrim materials(from bslightshader)
version 1.2 //////////////////////////////////////////
Unknown object type encountered during file read: BSBoneLODExtraData
niflib update
version 1.1 //////////////////////////////////////////
vertex colors always exported for skyrim if export option selected
fade node option working
vertex alpha will be added to shaderfalgs1 if you export with niftools shader
version 1.0 //////////////////////////////////////////
Texture set to Clamp Mode = WRAP_S_WRAP_T
Alpha set to 1
Emissive Multiple set to 1
No extra material property for skytim meshes just shader
new niflib
below 1.0 figments changes///////////////////////////////////////////////////