About this mod
This mod adds a variety of new items to the looting list in the game. Making it more interesting and exciting on going explore ruins and dungeons. Now you can make your Character stronger and wealthy, or just collect the many decoration items to your personal treasure.
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New mod to skyrim Link in Image

LC Immersive Looting
This mod adds a variety of new items to the looting list in the game. Making it more interesting and exciting on going explore ruins and dungeons. Now you can make your Character stronger and wealthy, or just collect the many decoration items to your personal treasure.
You will find golden and silver treasures in many places in Skyrim. Golden items will be hard to find and much worthy, although silver items will be easier to find but not so worthy. Everything is being done to keep the balance of the game, so it wont break your immersion.
Dragon’s Eggs
There will be three different kinds of dragon’s eggs as ingredients, it can be found in all places over the continent, you just need to put some effort on looting because they aren’t so easy to find.
(Tip: Dont forget to eat the eggs to earn their bonus)
1 – Blue Egg -> +10 permanent Magic.
2 – Yellow Egg -> +10 permanent Health.
3 – Green Egg -> +10 permanent Stamina.
Magic Feathers
You will find magic feathers, they will be equipped on a free slot, so you get your ring slot and your pendant slot free to equip.
1 – Magic Feather +50 on carrying weight capacity.
2 – Silver Feather +100 on carrying weight capacity.
3 – Golden Feather +200 on carrying weight capacity.
You will find 7 new amulet models, each of them with a unique and powerful enchantment (all balanced to keep your immersion)
Each amulet can be found on 3 different levels of power, so, the powerful the amulet is the harder it is to be found. There are 21 amulets totally, in the levels described below:
(Fine) Amulets – Easier to be found.
(Super) Amulets – A bit rare to be found.
(Legendary) Amulets– Totally hard to be found
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If you would like to thank me for this mod, please read below. Otherwise, you can skip
the text, which is not related to the mod itself. (See spoiler)
If at least one of you get what I’ll be saying here and put in practice what I’m writing
about, or, if my words help you somehow, all the effort I dedicated to the creation and
development of this mod, as well as so many others, will be made worth it.
Have you ever thought about what you have been doing to make the world a better
place? It is a hard task, isn’t it? Specially when we find ourselves immersed in personal
issues, essential/existential problems, heavy work routines, and the list goes on... I
understand it–better than you can imagine.
Yet, one day I decided to suspend the exterior queries and get some time to look inside
myself. “To look inside oneself?”, you might ask. It can sound weird at a first, as it was
for me in the beginning of this intimate and profound journey—a search for something
superior. I started reconsidering my behavior, analyzing my right attitudes and mistakes
from the past. From then on, I began working on each one of my faults and weaknesses
by looking at myself as if I were an spectator, observing me in the third person. With
each of my faults mapped, I started observing what was leading me to commit each
error. This task takes time, the results don’t come overnight, but it will transform you
substantially, if you allow it to happen.
I eliminated most of my anger, hate, greed, envy, and vanity, among other
imperfections. I still have a lot to learn and I hope to die learning. Hence, I try to be a
little better every single day. Scientific studies have shown that negative emotions cause
diseases such as cancer, and they have a huge negative social impact. I’m not better nor
worse than anybody else; all of us have these and other imperfections to smaller or
greater degree.
These negative emotions are the reason why so many people are starving in the world,
or pay huge amounts of money for medicine that are in fact, cheap to produce—in such
a way that few can make fortunes. And those who need it most don’t have access to
basic necessities—while corrupt politicians steal taxpayer's money with their insatiable
and deranged greed.
This is only a small part of the troubles caused by these character flaws, which are truly
a worldwide disease. Yet, you all know about the problems of the world. What many
people don’t know it is how to start solving these problems, how to improve the quality
of life in the world. Along the years, I listed some of my conclusions and inspirations. A
good point of departure is to start following these steps:
1– What you do not want done to yourself, do not do onto others.
2– At a certain point in your life you will harvest the seeds of the good and the bad you
have done. It can take many years, but one day what you have done will get back to you
(so, do good deeds, “greasy soul”! lol)
3– Try to take something good out of the bad things that happen to you. There are
lessons to be learned.
4– Before criticizing others, try to put yourself on their shoes and ask yourself if you
wouldn't do the same, or how would you act better under the same circumstances. Know
yourself very well before judging the others.
5– Try to always show a positive attitude. This attracts good things (yeah, it is hard, I
get it—specially with a half dozen trolls salivating on your neck, but be faithful and you
will succeed).
6– Don’t take things for granted. Be grateful for the good things you receive, and for the
ones you already have, by forgetting for a moment what you don’t have.
Very well then. Look at the #1: “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to
others”– How much better the world would be if everybody followed only this thought?
Much, much better... wouldn’t it?
Folks, think about it. How can we make the world a better place if, so often, we
ourselves are sick?
It is simple: start by improving yourself. Practice the list above. I put it in practice and I
improved a lot—personally and toward the ones around me. That is the reason why I’m
sharing it with you. Acquire knowledge by studying many books, religions, and
philosophies. Have an open mind, absorb the best of each lesson, and build your own
truth. Eventually, you will see the world and the circumstances more clearly.
Look inside yourself. It all starts with this. Question yourself, and, if feasible, follow the
six steps above. I can assure you the world would be a much better place if people
followed it. You might not be perfect, but you can be a little better at each day. It is up
to you.
Well, that’s it. I may not be the Lord of Universal Truth, but I’m talking to you with an
open heart, sharing my two cents. I hope no one will take a wooden baton and beat my
head with it thinking I’m crazy... Or, perhaps it is the world that is?
Open your eyes and your consciousness. Thank you for reading this far. I wish the best
for each of you. The power of change is in the hands of each one of us. Don’t wait for
the change to happen—be the change!
Peace and light to everyone.
I recommend use Nexus Mod Manager or another of your choice.
Manual Installation
Extract Archive.rar to an specific file in your computer, then copy “LC_immersiveLoot.esp” and “LC_immersiveLoot.bsa” to the Skyrim/data.
Active the plugin on Launcher and BE HAPPY!
Quite simple, just go to Skyrim/data and remove:
PrivateEye mesh of rings very thanks!
PrivateEye Mods see too!
Amalurian Test file.
Luan Vecchi Ferreiratranslation :D