About this mod
Big retexture project that covers terrains, grasses, ruins, villages, cities, bridges, forts.... and also adds parallax to many of them.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

This mod is a step above from my other mod Immersive roads. Since people liked it, i started updating road textures of all Skyrim map but i ended also modding terrain textures, villages and cities.
This mod is a WIP. At the moment it covers:
- Roads
- Whiterun, Solitude, Riften, Villages and Windhelm a little.
- Forts and some Ruins.
- Eastmarch zone
- Almost al grass.
- Almost all terrains.
- Bridges.
- Mountains and rocks.
- Mills and lighthouses.
Check links below for latest TR mods, consider them like big updates.
-Added FOMOD installation with all files for the ENB version. The file was made by the user Crinch33, so all credit and hard work is for him. Soon i will add the no ENB version.
Before install update edit Skyrim.ini in /my docs/my games/skyrim and add iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 in [Grass] section like this:
- 3 diferent cliff textures.
- New bark textures (4) and branches.
- Optional sun glare added.
- Some texture fixes (landscape and pixelated)
- New textures for village houses to make them different look.
- Added small plants to eastmarch zone.
- Ivy from walls dont fade anymore.
- Added some flowers and plants to the rift, the reach and forest zones.
- New textures for hay and wheat.
- New bridge texture.
Added ELFX and SMIM 3D patches. Also fixed snow roads.
Added update 1.2 with new textures for markarth, nordic interiors and exterior ruins, dwemer ruins, windhelm floor and also some fixes.
Added 2K textures.
- 12-1-2013
Added optional file for whiterun tundra grass making it more bright. If you see it too dark use this update.
- 11-25-2013
Added snow, markarth exteriors, dwemer ruins and exterior ruins textures. Installation for both ENB and non ENB versions:
Main esp files - Choose your esp and copy into Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
Data files - Copy textures and meshes folders into Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
- 11-20-2013
Added optional whiterun grass in diferent file for who dont like whiterun original green grass. I think this grass had to come by default.
This is a lore friendly and performance mod. I included some options for grass, roads and other stuff. Both dense grass options have a performance hit. Mod works good in old c2d 6300 i use to test with HD 4850 512mb video card WITH A ENB (i forgot to say). Check images section for some screens with real fps in that pc.
Important to get all plants working:
Before install edit Skyrim.ini in /my docs/my games/skyrim and add iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=7 in [Grass] section like this:
With ENB:
1- Download the Tamriel Reloaded for ENB and install via NMM or copying content into Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
2- Activate the Tamriel Reloaded.esp in NMM.
3- If you want to use any optional file, chose the file and copy TEXTURES folder or Tamriel.esp to Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
4- Edit enbseries.ini or enblocal.ini and set FixParallaxBugs=true
Without ENB:
1- Download the Tamriel Reloaded without ENB and install via NMM or copying content into Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
2- Activate the Tamriel Reloaded.esp in NMM.
3- If you want to use any optional file, chose the file and copy TEXTURES folder or Tamriel.esp to Skyrim/data folder and click "yes" when prompted.
Tamriel reloaded must be installed and loaded in NMM the last. You can install any parallax and texture mod BEFORE.
Is compatible with almost all mods, but for example any grass/city mod will be overridden with Tamriel reloaded textures since must be loaded last. You can try load any grass mod after Tamriel reloaded and see how grass looks like in new terrain textures (probably horrible).
Im my gaming pc i have this installed with 200+ mods and not a single problem.
skyrim HD
Parallax Remastered
Climates of Tamriel
And whatever you like.
There are many ENBs and most of them are tweaked by users. So you can have a little problem with grass. If you find is too dark tweak it again or give them more brightness in photoshop.
Project ENB

Performance and Realistic ENB

Sharpshooters ENB

Some screens:







Optional Whiterun textures

Optional Solitude wall

Default grass

Higher grass

Dense grass (performance hit)

Dense + higher grass (performance hit)

Optional Sunglare

For road options check this: Immersive roads.
Some screens from users:

My other mods: