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Tonycubed2 and SOT Gang and Refusedzero

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About this mod

Raises the number of NPCs in a cell that can have AI, normally the limit is only 20 with the rest of the NPCs just standing around.

Permissions and credits

This is a super simple tweak to two game settings. Created with WryBash, the latest version as of 2-5-2014 .

Attempts to increase number of NPCs with AI in a cell. Normally the limit is only 20 with the rest of the NPCs just standing around. Mods like ASIS, SOT/UDE will benefit from having more NPCS using their AI. Immersion breaking just to have them standing around while you hit them.

The new limits are 100 for pcs in a cell in general, and 80 for npcs in combat.

Install: place last in load order.

Also on the files section is a PDF and word document that will walk you step by step in making this change yourself. This is useful if you already use wrybash .