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About this mod

A growing list of homes created with the CK, for roleplayers to live in. From forts, to lumber mills, to farms, and to even things people request.

Permissions and credits
AUTHOR'S NOTE: From now on, I will be uploading 'Roleplaying Abode' separately, meaning that is is significantly easier to find, simply by using the Recent Uploads tab.

v1.1 - Proudspire Lair, a VAMPIRE LAIR released.
v1.0 - Player-Owned FORT and LUMBER MILL released.

Over a lengthy period of time, more and more homes will be added. Of course, having daily updates would be ridiculous, and so the 'un-requested' housing will come in pairs, whereas the requested housing will come standalone. Feel free to suggest anything, though... I'm not perfect, and no very adept yet, but happy to try anything.

Note: In Fort Foehammer's Prison, it is likely you will encounter the 'missing map' bug. It will do nothing, to what I have tested. Just run towards it, or 'in to it', and everything should appear as normal, though it may return.

Also, with the Lumber Mill, you can not properly cut wood, and when exiting the building, you spawn under the exterior stairs. However, you will NOT be stuck.