About this mod
There are several things in Skyrim that are annoying and tedious. To me constantly re-casting often used spells like candlelight, armor spells, and conjuration spells is frustrating and tedious. This mod addresses a lot of these issues.
- Permissions and credits
This mod is base game compatible, no DLCs required!
There are several things in Skyrim that are annoying and tedious. To me constantly re-casting often used spells like candlelight, armor spells, and conjuration spells is frustrating and tedious. This mod addresses a lot of these issues. It is a pain to have to stop enchanting or smithing to re-use potions because the duration is so low. Oftentimes I'm almost done enchanting an object only to have the potion expire before I have time to rename it.
I also increased the combat stamina and combat magicka regeneration rates because they seemed too low. Real life wars and battles often last for hours and sometimes days. In vanilla Skyrim you are out of stamina or magicka after swinging your sword four times or casting four spells. You are then pretty much running on low stamina or magicka for the rest of the fight which may last for a while. This may be realistic for someone who is unskilled and out of shape but not for seasoned warriors and mages.
Dual casting seemed too costly for the benefit. Unless the player pours most of their level bonus into magicka and neglects health it is hard to justify dual casting in its current form.
I also disliked the default light that torches cast as well as the radius. Torch light is supposed to have a red tone to it but the vanilla Skyrim effect goes a bit too far. The same applies to candlelight and magelight.
Crime alarm distance is too far. Guards will respond to crime half way across the city (out of auditory range).
Encumbrance, although realistic, gets in the way of having fun too often. No one enjoys ten trips to the same dungeon in order to get all of the loot out of it. I increased the carry weight improvement for each level of stamina above default.
The amount of time that passed while fast traveling was ridiculous. You would have to crawl there for it to take that long.
Compass quest and location markers showed up on the player compass when the locations were really far away and not within a reasonable range. Lowered these settings to reflect what quests and locations are actually close to the player. This will result in less compass spam.
Added several follower tweaks to help followers move out of the way when the player bumps into them. This annoyance is especially problematic at door entrances (still somewhat buggy even with improved settings - thank Bethesda). Increased the maximum allowed followers to 100. Increased the movement speed of followers when they get behind.
Fall height damage is a bit extreme in vanilla Skyrim so I adjusted it down by 50%. I also increase the jump height a bit.
Once there are over 20 enemies in a single cell enemies just stand there motionless and have no AI. I tweaked the AI settings to allow for a greater number of enemies that have AI. I also increased the amount of copses that can exist in a single cell. Currently Skyrim starts deleting them once they reach 20.
Adjusted the friend and ally hits allowed inside and outside of combat to better reflect human tolerance - followers, friends, and allies aren't mindless robots.
Lowered the distance allowed for NPC greeting with the player. This will lower the chance that NPCs will interrupt quest conversations and other important conversations.
Increase default player run speed by 25% and walk speed by 50% - vanilla speeds seems too slow and tedious. Increased follower catch up speed to help compensate.
Removed the annoying ball of light from the candlelight spell. Used a blank mesh to remove it. Candlelight spell still works great.
Much more! See the Details section below for all changes and additions.
I originally wrote this mod for myself and then decided to share it. These changes reflect my personal play style and may not fit everyone.
-Torch light (torches), Candlelight, and Magelight have their radius increased by 125%
-Increased the flicker intensity of torches - will be more noticeable now
-Changed torch light to have a more natural light color effect
-Changed Candlelight and Magelight to mimic real sunlight - much better for screenshots in dark places (I hated the default color)
-Increased the duration of Candlelight and Magelight to 6 minutes (default 1)
-Increased the brightness of Torch light (torches), Candlelight, and Magelight
-Removed the ball of light from the Candlelight spell - modified the mesh and removed the bulb which works great
-Oakflesh, Stoneflesh, Ironflesh, and Ebonyflesh have their duration extended to 6 minutes (default 1)
-Oakflesh, Stoneflesh, Ironflesh, Ebonyflesh, and Dragonhide have their spell costs reduced by 20% - the default seemed awfully high
-Dragonhide has its duration increased to 90 seconds (default 30 seconds)
-Conjure Familiar, Flame Atronach, Frost Antronach, Storm Antronach, and Dremora Lord have their duration increased to 3 minutes (default 1)
-Reanimate Corpse, Summon Arniel's Shade, Revenant, and Raise Zombie have their duration increased to 3 minutes (default 1)
-Invisibility has its duration increased to 60 seconds (default 30 seconds)
-Courage and Rally have their duration increased to 3 minutes (default 30 seconds)
-Fortify Carry potions have their duration increased to 10 minutes (default 5 minutes)
-Fortify Barter potions have their duration increased to 90 seconds (default 30 seconds)
-Fortify Enchanting potions have their duration increased to 3 minutes (default 1 minute)
-Fortify Smithing potions have their duration increased to 3 minutes (default 30 seconds)
-Vendor and Player crafted potions are both affected!
-Fast Travel Time Scale has been increased to 5 (default 1) - this mimics the time it would actually take to run there
-Combat Magicka Regen penalty has been removed (default 33%)
-Combat Stamina Regen penalty has been removed (default 35%)
-Combat Health Regen penalty has been removed (default 0%)
-Dual Casting magicka cost has been reduced to 2.5 (default 2.8)
-Dual Casting effectiveness has been increased to 2.5 (default 2.2) - i.e. more damage
-Crime Alarm Distance has been reduced to 1000 (default 4000)
-Removed the penalty for carry weight while sneaking
-HUD Compass Location Max Distance has been reduced to 10,000 (default 20,000)
-Map Marker Fade Start Distance has been reduced to 4,000 (default 10,000)
-Bump Reaction Ideal Move Distance has been increased to 250 (default 125)
-Bump Reaction Minimum Move Distance has been increased to 175 (default 75)
-Bump Reaction Small Delay Time has been reduced to 0.5 (default 1.0)
-Bump Reaction Small Wait Timer has been reduced to 0.5 (default 3.0)
-Follower Spacing at Doors has been reduced to 96 (default 200)
-Follow Spacing Between Followers has been reduced to 18 (default 192) - this will pack them in nice and tight for convenience and screenshots
-Follow Run Max Speed Up Multiplier has been increased to 2.0 (default 1.25)
-Follow Run Min Slow Down Multiplier has been increased to 0.85 (default 0.75)
-Follow Walk Max Speed Up Multiplier has been increased to 2.0 (default 1.5)
-Maximum Number of followers has been increased to 100 (default 6) - NOTE: Not all follower mods support this many. Place this mod before any follower mod to use it's setting over this one.
-Player Fall Height Multiplier has been reduced to 0.05 (default 0.1)
-NPC Fall Height Multiplier has been reduced to 0.05 (default 0.1) - NPCs and actors will no longer die from falling a short distance
-Player Jump Height Minimum has been increased to 133 (default 76)
-Maximum Number of Actors to Receive AI has been increased to 100 (default 20)
-Maximum Number of Actors Allowed to Follow Player through Doors has been increased to 12 (default 2)
-Maximum Number of Actors In Combat with Player has been increased to 80 (default 20)
-Combat Target Player Soft Cap has been increased to 30 (default 15)
-Increased the Maximum Number of corpses per cell to 40 (default 20)
-Friend Hits Allowed in Combat has been increased to 12 (default 4) - this will help with long fights
-Friend Hits Allowed Non-Combat has been increased to 6 (default 0) - some forgiveness here
-Ally Hits Allowed in Combat has been decreased to 30 (default 1000) - you can no longer beat your followers to death constantly without them turning hostile - be careful with area of effect spells now
-Ally Hits Allowed Non-Combat has been increased to 9 (default 3) - increased forgiveness here but there is a limit
-NPC Max Greeting Distance has been reduced to 80 (default 150) - this will help lower the chances of NPCs interrupting important quest and other conversations
-Player Default Run Speed has been increased to 462 (default 370) - 25% increase
-Player Default Walk Speed has been increased to 150 (default 100) - 50% increase
-Follower Sandboxing height max has been increased to 450 (default 150)
-Follower Sandboxing height min been decreased to -450 (default -100)
-Arrow inventory chance has been reduced to 0% (default 33%)
-Max arrow count that can be stuck (from being shot with an arrow) on an actor - 6
-Max duration the arrow will be stuck on an actor - 2.5 seconds (default 10 seconds)
-Max Runes that can be displayed on the player has been increased to 3 (default 1)
-Hours to Respawn a Cell has been reduced to 72 hours (default 240 hours)
-Hours to Respawn a Cleared Cell has been reduced to 336 hours (default 720 hours)
-Hours to Clear Corpses has been reduced to 16 hours (default 24 hours)
-Housecarls and followers will be less insulting to the player - "Hey, ugly!", "Hey, slug-breath!", etc. disabled
-Increased the Night Eye power duration for Werewolves and Khajiits to three minutes
-Fixed the invisible Candlelight bulb so it works much better now
-Added a new light spell - Bloodmoon - works great outdoors - optimized for outdoor use only
-Added a new spell - Night Eyes - same as the Werewolf and Khajiit power except that it can be recast and used more than once per day
-Both spells were added to the leveled lists - you will find both spells in-game by the usual methods (vendors and loot)
-Tweaks to bring the mod in compliance with Combat Evolved
-Removed the Unofficial Skyrim Patch requirement - Mod is still base game compatible and DLC free
-Improved compatibility with Perkus Maximus (Perma) - patch still required - Ingredient changes - some potions will work over time now instead of instantly
-Removed changes made to Candlelight and Magelight so that players have the option of using the vanilla light spells if desired - Candlelight bulb is still invisible
-Added a new spell - Sunspot - which is an enhanced version of Magelight
-Added a new spell - Sunshine - which is the new improved Candlelight spell - the spell of choice for great indoor lighting and cave plunging - mimics real sunlight
-Both spells were added to the leveled lists - you will find both spells in-game by the usual methods (vendors and loot)
-Unlimited instances of Magelight and Sunspot now! Cast as many as you'd like and they won't disappear until the duration expires - light up any room or area!
-Followers will not always draw weapons when the player does now but always will when in combat
-Housecarls and followers will now sleep in player owned beds such as in Breezehome, Hjerim, Honeyside, Proudspire Manor, and Vlindrel Hall
-Housecarls and followers have the option of sleeping with the player in player owned double beds (above residences)
-Merchants now have a reasonable amount of gold:
Blacksmith - 5,000 gold
General/Misc - 3,750 gold
Apothecary - 2,500 gold
Inn/Tavern - 500 gold
Street Vendor - 250 gold
Spell Vendor - 2,500 gold
Fence Stage 1 - 2,500 gold
Fence Stage 2 - 3,750 gold
Fence Stage 3 - 3,750 gold
Fence Stage 4 - 5,000 gold
Fence Stage 5 - 5,000 gold
-NPC guards and Skyrim residents no longer say annoying comments about magic to the player. The harassment stops now! Here is a small sample:
'Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the magic!'
'Go cast your fancy magic someplace else.'
'So you can cast a few spells. Am I supposed to be impressed?'
'Destruction magic's fine, just don't go burning down any buildings.'
'It should be careful with those flames'
'Your not suppose to play with fire'
'Careful with that fire'
'Take care with those flames'
'That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance'
'I trust you know what you are doing with that spell?'
'Ohhh, pretty colors'
'What a display of colors'
'Is that magic? Careful please'
'Keep that magic away from me'
-Lowered the frequency of NPC comments regarding Poor Clothing (75% reduction), Being Naked (75% reduction), and Sneaking (50% reduction)
Alchemy ingredients availability changes - Merchants and Vendors:
- Common ingredients will have increased availability and quantity
- Uncommon ingredients will have lessened availability (USKP change) but improved quantity
- Rare ingredients will be difficult to find (USKP change) but have improved quantity
Added the missing Glowing Mushroom ingredient to the Common ingredients leveled list
Improved Skyrim Thunder game settings - Louder and more variation in pitch and tone - Thunder sounds closer and may scare you now - no audio file changes - compatible with Thunder and Lightning mods
This mod has been play tested to keep things effective and less tedious yet not game breaking. Unless otherwise stated the default costs for spells and potions were untouched and left at default values (they do not cost more due to an increased duration or effect).
This mod should be compatible with everything except other mods that edit the same values. If this mod edits values that one of your other mods changes then load this mod before it so that the setting/s will be overwritten.
Bugs, Known Issues, FYI
None known.
Load Order
Place this mod towards the end of your load order or just before your bashed patch.
Skyrim version 1.9.32 or later
1. Extract the contents of the 7z file
2. Copy the contents into your Skyrim's Data folder
3. Activate LongerDurationsandAnnoyanceFixes.esp
1. Remove 'LongerDurationsandAnnoyanceFixes.esp' and the following file in your Skyrim's Data folder \meshes\magic\lightspellactorfx.nif
2. Rebuild your Bashed Patch if you have one
Change Log
Version 3.9a
-Fixed the missing mesh that removed the ball of light for Sunshine and other light spells
Version 3.9
-Max arrow count that can be stuck (from being shot with an arrow) on an actor - 6
-Max duration the arrow will be stuck on an actor - 2.5 seconds (default 10 seconds)
Version 3.8
Minor adjustments to bump reaction with followers - followers are less likely to run into the player from behind now
Removed the Follower Sandbox Search Radius tweak - was causing some followers to try and run through walls
Lowered Duel Casting Effectiveness to 2.5 (down from 2.8) - was a bit too powerful
Lowered Remove Excess Dead Actor count settings to 40 (was 80, default 20) - was causing instability with mods that spawn large number of actors/enemies
Lowered NPC fall damage by 50% to match the player's setting - NPCs and actors will no longer die when falling from short distances
Alchemy ingredients availability changes - Merchants and Vendors:
- Increased the quantity of Common ingredients by 100% (availability percentage per ingredient untouched)
- Increased the quantity of Uncommon ingredients by 50% (availability percentage per ingredient untouched)
Perma Patch updated to include all of the potions, ingredients, and spells that this mod affects. Patch must now be placed after
PatchusMaximus.esp in your load order in order to be effective.
Version 3.7
Removed encumbrance changes from the mod - Elys Community Uncapper highly recommended
Lowered merchant gold by 50% - 75% to be more realistic - still 5x over vanilla defaults (new values listed under version 3.5)
Alchemy ingredients availability changes - Merchants and Vendors:
- Common ingredients will have increased availability and quantity
- Uncommon ingredients will have lessened availability (USKP change) but improved quantity
- Rare ingredients will be difficult to find (USKP change) but have improved quantity
Added the missing Glowing Mushroom ingredient to the Common ingredients leveled list
Improved Skyrim Thunder game settings - Louder and more variation in pitch and tone - Thunder sounds closer and may scare you now - no audio file changes - compatible with Thunder and Lightning mods
Added Object Bounds settings to the four added Spell Tomes so they shouldn't fall through the floor anymore if dropped
Increased the value of the four added Spell Tomes
Increased the duration of most light and armor spells to 6 minutes (was 3 minutes)
Version 3.6
Lowered jump height from 150 to 133 (default 76)
Lowered torch brightness by 12%
Lowered the frequency of NPC comments reguarding Poor Clothing (75% reduction), Being Naked (75% reduction), and Sneaking (50% reduction)
Added Relev bash tag to ESP to fix the vendor gold changes not working correctly
Version 3.5
Removed the Unofficial Skyrim Patch requirement - Mod is still base game compatible and DLC free
Improved compatibility with Perkus Maximus (Perma) - patch still required - Ingredient changes - some potions will work over time now instead of instantly
Removed changes made to Candlelight and Magelight so that players have the option of using the vanilla light spells if desired - Candlelight bulb is still removed
Added a new spell - Sunspot - which is an enhanced version of Magelight - added it to the leveled lists for distribution (vendors and loot)
Added a new spell - Sunshine - which is the new improved Candlelight spell - added it to the leveled lists for distribution (vendors and loot)
Unlimited instances of Magelight and Sunspot now! Cast as many as you'd like and they won't disappear until the duration expires - light up any room or area!
Increased follower search/wander radius when sandboxing
Followers will not always draw weapons when the player does now but always will when in combat
Lowered cell reset from 96 hours to 72 hours
Housecarls and followers will now sleep in player owned beds such as in Breezehome, Hjerim, Honeyside, Proudspire Manor, and Vlindrel Hall
Housecarls and followers have the option of sleeping with the player in player owned double beds (above residences)
Merchants now have a reasonable amount of gold:
Blacksmith - 5,000 gold
General/Misc - 3,750 gold
Apothecary - 2,500 gold
Inn/Tavern - 500 gold
Street Vendor - 250 gold
Spell Vendor - 2,500 gold
Fence Stage 1 - 2,500 gold
Fence Stage 2 - 3,750 gold
Fence Stage 3 - 3,750 gold
Fence Stage 4 - 5,000 gold
Fence Stage 5 - 5,000 gold
NPC guards and Skyrim residents no longer say annoying comments about magic to the player. Here is a small sample:
'Whoa, whoa, whoa! Watch the magic!'
'Go cast your fancy magic someplace else.'
'So you can cast a few spells. Am I supposed to be impressed?'
'Destruction magic's fine, just don't go burning down any buildings.'
'It should be careful with those flames'
'Your not suppose to play with fire'
'Careful with that fire'
'Take care with those flames'
'That spell looks dangerous... keep your distance'
'I trust you know what you are doing with that spell?'
'Ohhh, pretty colors'
'What a display of colors'
'Is that magic? Careful please'
'Keep that magic away from me'
You will need to rebuild your bashed patch in order for the new version to work properly.
Version 3.0
Improved follower sandboxing - allows them to go up and down several levels in homes, buildings, etc. when idle/sandboxing
Arrows that hit you and your followers don't get added to your inventory anymore
Lowered the delay when cells reset - Cell (96 hours), Cell Cleared (336 hours), and Clear Corpse (18 hours)
Increased the max runes that can be displayed on the player to three
Increased the max arrows that can be stuck in a character to twelve
Housecarls and followers will be less insulting to the player - "Hey, ugly!", "Hey, slug-breath!", etc. modified
Increased the Night Eye power duration for Werewolves and Khajiits to three minutes
Fixed the Candlelight spell so it works much better now - the spell of choice for great indoor lighting and cave plunging - mimics real sunlight (not lore friendly - who cares in this case)
Added a new light spell - Bloodmoon - works great outdoors - I tried to make a light spell that worked well indoors and outdoors and finally gave up and made one optimized for outdoor use only
Added a new spell - Night Eyes - same as the Werewolf and Khajiit power except that it can be recast and used more than once per day - can they see in the dark or not, seriously?
Both spells were added to the leveled lists so you will want to rebuild your bashed patch - you will find both spells in-game by the usual methods (vendors and loot)
Tweaks to bring the mod in compliance with Combat Evolved
Version 2.3
Reversed the Crime Alarm Distance back to 1000. This fixes a bug where guards won't enter buildings, shops, or homes if the setting is too low
Version 2.2
Removed the penalty for combat health, stamina, and magicka regeneration rate to match my Combat Evolved mod settings
Removed the penalty for carry weight while sneaking
Crime Alarm Distance has been reduced to 800 (down from 1000)
(If any of these changes breaks immersion for you then stick with version 2.1 or edit the esp in TES5Edit to your liking)
Version 2.1
Finally figured out how to remove the annoying ball of light from the candlelight spell. I simply pulled the vanilla mesh into nifscope and emptied it. Candlelight still works great!
Changed friendly and ally hit allowed inside and outside of combat - Followers, friends, and allies aren't mindless robots.
Lowered the minimum greeting distance for NPC greetings to help limit them from interrupting quest and other important conversations.
Increased player run speed by 25% and walking speed by 50% - seemed too slow and tedious.
Version 2.0
Cleaned the mod with TES5Edit and removed some old Identical to Master records that weren't needed.
Added Compass marker tweaks, follower tweaks, jump and fall height tweaks, maximum actor combat AI tweaks.
Adjusted dual casting settings a bit.
Version 1.2
Player crafted alchemy carry, barter, enchanting, and smithing potions now have their durations extended just like the vendor versions!
Lowered the brightness of Candlelight and Magelight a bit more - I won't lower it anymore than this
Changed the carry weight bonus from 50 to 25 - was too overpowered
Version 1.1
Lowered the Candlelight and Magelight radius to 125% instead of 150% - was a bit much
Adjusted the torch light color a bit more
Lowered the brightness of Candlelight and Magelight a bit - was a bit too bright
Fixed the carry weight mod not working
Version 1.0 (05/24/2014) - Official Release

Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
SKSE (latest non-alpha/beta version is highly recommended)
BOSS (outdated and no longer being developed) Or LOOT
Wrye Bash
ENBoost (only if not using a full ENB - use version 0.236 of ENBSeries)
Fuz Ro Doh
Brawl Bugs - Compatibility Edition
User Interface
Immersive HUD - iHUD
Less Intrusive HUD II
Extended UI
Better Dialog Controls
Better MessageBox Controls
Categorized Favorites Menu
A Quality World Map
Deadly Combat, Or Duel - Combat Realism, Or Ultimate Combat
Combat Evolved
Animal Tweaks
Deadly Wenches
OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Deadly Dragons (don't install the optional Deadly Monsters component - it conflicts with too many other mods)
Bellyaches New Dragon Species
Immersive Patrols II
PermaZONES - Dangerous Encounter Zones for Skyrim
Populated Forts Towers Places (Google 'Erkeil Team – SKYRIM MODS')
Encounter - For High End Gaming Systems, Highly Optimized Games, and Advanced to Guru players
The Way of the Dovahkiin - Ultimate Deadly Encounters aka Sands of Time (don't install this mid-game!)
WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest (don't install this mid-game!)
High Level Enemies - scaled version - add all the DLC optionals - I prefer not to use the SIC edition if also using Revenge
Revenge of the Enemies - use the SIC Revenge patch from the SIC site
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
Barenziah Quest Markers
Dragon Priest Mask Quest Markers
Follower and Dialog
Extensible Follower Framework (latest version) (highly recommended) Or Amazing Follower Tweaks
Follower Commentary Overhaul
Guard Dialog Overhaul
MFVM - More Follower Voices Mod Plus Khajiit Marriage
Sleep Tight
Perkus Maximus (Perma)
PerMa Compatibility and PaMa Patches (PCaPP)
Defluffing PerMa and PerMa Extended Perk Descriptions
Perma Patches and Tweaks
Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade (use 01 WAF Complete and 08 True Orcish Daedric + any needed patches)
Elys Community Uncapper (use the INI from the Combat Evolved or PCaPP site)
Longer Durations and Annoyance Fixes
Forgotten Magic Redone
The Real Way to Shout
Marked for Death - Ultimate
Simple Spell Scaling (if not using Perma)
NPCs Protected Redux with Uncapped Followers
Backup Movement Speed Reduction
Treebalance - Speech Tree (if not using Perma or a Speechcraft perk overhaul)
Werewolf and Vampire
Better Vampires - ML (turn corpse feeding OFF - buggy) - need someone to tell me how to turn off slow motion attacks, PM me
Bloodthirst - Vampire NPCs can feed
Dark Maneuvers
Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul or Moonlight Tales - Werewolf Essentials
Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture Overhaul (Alpha sounds, meshes, textures)
Werewolf Perks Expanded
VioLens - A Killmove Mod
Unread Books Glow
Lanterns of Skyrim (set timer to 120 seconds)
New Bard Songs
NPCs of Dibella
Immersive Wenches
Smaller Atronachs
Face Light
Faster GET UP STAND UP animation
Realistic Ragdolls and Force - use the Realistic version - you ONLY need the ESP
XP32 Maximum Skeleton -XPMS - use the 1.9x version unless you have to have HDT (should be the last mod that you install)
Glowing Ore Veins
Faster Mining
More Firewood per Chop
Better Animal Footsteps (install this mod first (before other sound mods) to allow other sound mods to overwrite some files)
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2 (make sure you add patches for any needed mods)
Immersive Sounds - Compendium (make sure you add patches for any needed mods)
Fantasy Sountrack Project + Combat Music - Google 'AceeQ Modding' (use non-replacers) (make sure you add patches for any needed mods)
Immersive Skyrim Thunder
Enhanced Draugr FX
Enhanced Beast FX
Thundering Shouts
Guides and Tutorials
Skyrim Guides and Tutorials
TES5Edit (release version) or TES5Edit (pre-release version - recommended)
TES5Edit Merge Script
Optimizer Textures (use minimal setting - don't include BSAs)
Optimizer Textures – Improved INI file
Savegame Script Scalpel - Papyrus Data Transfer
BSA Unpacker
Make sure that you install any needed mod requirements/dependencies and compatibility patches for the mods that you use. Please pay close attention to this! Follow ALL mod instructions for each mod that you install!
These are the Core mods that I run and have been running many of them for years without issue. The above mods I recommend without reservation and are generally solid and well written.

Highly Recommended System Specs:
Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8 64-bit
Intel Core i7 Quad-Core or Intel Core i5 Dual or Quad Core Processor
8 GB DD3 RAM (or more)
Nvidia GeForce 580, 680, 770, 780, 970 or faster Video card with a minimum of 2 GB VRAM (3-6 GB VRAM is optimal)
Optimize your Skyrim setup using all of the advice in this guide - How to Have the Best Modded Skyrim Experience
If you don't have the Optimal System Specs then choose 1K versions (whenever possible).
Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized - Full 1K (use this instead of the Official High Resolution Texture Packs!)
Langleys Textures Workshop - all-in-one
Dust Effects
Vivid Clouds and Fogs
Realistic Clouds - 2K
Luminescent Luna Moths - CyanMoth
Better Dynamic Snow
Quality Snow HD 4K - works with Better Dynamic Snow
Quality Snowflakes
AURORA - v2 x2048
Real Roads for Skyrim
Ruins Clutter Improvement
Skyrim Realistic Overhaul - SRO - Google 'Skyrim Realistic Overhaul - SRO torrent' - beware that many torrent clients and torrent sites are fully of viruses, malware, and spyware - PM me for recommendations
Skyrim Realistic Texture Overhaul Landscape - don't use LODs
SkyFalls and SkyMills - if installing manually make sure you check each folder for files - it's super easy to miss some and will break your game if you do - carefully follow all instructions!
Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD
SMIM - Full - use the all-in-one ESP
Skyrim HD 2K - Full
Moss Rocks - use SMIM compatible version
Skyrim Realistic Texture Overhaul Dragons - download the Deadly Dragons and Bellyaches New Dragon Species addons
Project Parallax Remastered HD 2K - only if using an ENB
Project Parallax Stonewall Update - only if using an ENB
Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons & Ruins - 2048 - use SMIM and Better Dynamic Snow patches
Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area - 2048 - use HQ Parallax optional
aMidianBorn Caves and Mines
Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Full Regular - v.2.0 alpha or newer
Realistic Aspen Trees
Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs & Creeks - 2048
Superior Rocks - Light Grey HD-2K NEW
Seasons of Skyrim ENB - (personal preference is True HDR with No DOF optional)
Real Ice - Azure Glacier - 2K + Parallax - install less bright addon
Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - red - use Parallax Map addon (if using an ENB) plus the SMIM patch
Realistic Water Two - High Resolution
Realistic Water Two - ENB Textures - only if using an ENB
Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two - only if using an ENB - follow all instructions!
SkyFalls and SkyMills - (Main mod already installed) - install Parallax (if using Project Parallax Remastered), Realistic Water Two patch, LOD addon
HD Enhanced Terrain PRO - Blended Version
Vivid Landscapes - Orc and Farmhouses - 2048 - use SMIM Ropes and SMIM Carriages downloads
Rustic Windows
High Quality Food and Ingredients
Jen's 2K Food and Ingredients
Realistic Sun and Sunglare - Climates of Tamriel not needed or required
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Detailed Rugs
Natural Grass Texture Floor
High Definition Ivy
Better Nirnroot
Blacksmithing Design HD
Roadsigns Redone
Animated Dwemer Lift Load Doors
EWIs Glowing Mushrooms, Hanging Moss, Blackreach Mushrooms, HD Thickets
Skygazer Moons - 2K
Oil - 2K
Realistic HD Ores
Realistic HD Ingots
Realistic HD Misc
PELTAPALOOZA - Pelts of Skyrim Expansion
Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin (shorter grass version) (set iMinGrassSize=75 for best results)
Rustic Pottery
CM Bark - need the URL, please PM me
4K Parallax Treebark - 2K - use Realistic Aspen Trees patch
Embers HD - 2048 - install forges addon
Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Region - 2K - install any patches that you want
Lock o Motion
Make sure that you install any needed mod requirements/dependencies and compatibility patches for the mods that you use. Please pay close attention to this! Follow ALL mod instructions for each mod that you install!
These are the Core mods that I run and have been running many of them for years without issue. The above mods I recommend without reservation and are generally solid and well written.

Bethesda - For the awesome Elder Scrolls series and their Construction Kit
The Nexus Staff - For putting together a forum for sharing mods and bringing this community together