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About this mod

Hone your skills in solitude at Angi's Camp of Falkreath.

Permissions and credits


This mod expands upon Angi's humble campsite. Angi has more amenities like an alchemy lab, anvil,
grindstone and wood chopping block.

  • More idles markers placed around her home, Angi will do more.
  • Tweaked dialogue that had restrictive conditions, and added some phrases. Result is Angi has some extra dialogue.
  • Angi now has a schedule to sleep, eat and practice her archery. Added food to her table so her AI lunch package will activate.
  • Turned her weapon racks into functional weapon racks. She won't accidentally knock down her bow anymore!
  • Gave Angi some perks so that she is a formidable foe should you choose to kill her.
  • You can get Angi's bow by killing her if you don't want to finish her lessons.

There are archery skill level requirements before you can move on to the next lesson.
1st lesson: None
2nd lesson: 25
3rd Lesson: 40
4th Lesson: 60

After the first lesson, you can practice archery in freestyle mode! To start, ask Angi to use her targets for individual practice. Go down to the practice area. Shoot the targets.
It will make your archery skill better, I promise.

"Angis' Camp" is incompatible with anything that edits:
- The quest dunArcherQST
- The cells AngisCampExteriorCell and Wilderness (-6, 26)
- Angi's archery targets
- The NPC Angi
- Angi's original sandbox package



This can be installed mid-save, given the following:
* Character is currently NOT located at Angi's Camp!
* You have NOT started training with her!

1) Use a mod manager for ease of use.
1) Manual installation, drop the contents of the zipped file into your Skyrim Directory, replacing the "Data" folder if asked.

2) Activate "Angi's Camp.esp"

First, get into a different cell.

It's recommended that you use a new save, but most likely you are fine just replacing the file if the update is a small increment, for example 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.



Make sure your character is no where near Angi's Camp!
Guaranteed to break the quest if you already started it. If it's completed, it probably doesn't matter anymore.

1) Use mod manager to uninstall.
1) Manual installation, delete Angi's Camp.esp and .bsa files.
2) Locate "Sound > Voice > Angi's Camp.esp" and delete the "Angi's Camp.esp" folder.