About this mod
A Driveable Covered Wagon, with a built in Tent, the first TRUE mobile home in Skyrim.
Hit the road and never pay for a room at a tavern again,.
Sick of fast travel? want to take a slower pace in the game,
but need something to carry all your stuff, well this is the mod for you!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Turkish
- Changelogs


A Driveable Covered Wagon, with a built in Tent, the first TRUE mobile home in Skyrim.
Hit the road and never pay for a room at a tavern again,.
Sick of fast travel? want to take a slower pace in the game,
but need something to carry all your stuff, well this is the mod for you!

Bring your friends along!

Carry all your loot!

It's a mobile home! Set up a tent! (interior worldspace)

Travel to Exotic Lands!

Always know where your wagon is! (uses a quest tracker marker)

Originally conceived as SRM Companion Cart by Supernastypants, he graciously gave me permission to re-issue and re-imagine his amazing mod.
The big differences are that my horse and cart are not CRAZY like his where.
I have added a covered wagon and stuff to the back of the cart.
The cart is now a mobile home! there is a built in tent.
I have slowed the speed of the horse/cart, much less bumpy and less prone to "flip-out"

Find the Khajit named J'zzir (fully voiced by Supernastypants) near the Pelagia Farm on the road near Whiterun (see description page map)
Make sure you have 20,000 Septims on you or you will NOT get the dialogue to buy.
Once you have purchased the Travelers Covered Wagon, simply click on the cart and a dialogue box will appear, click the "More" selection and then click "Set up Tent" once in the tent Save and then load that save, then exit the tent you will now be able to use the "Jump in" selection to drive the cart.
New in Version 2.1 Compatibility with Simple Taxes Mod
Read J'Ziirs Note that is in your inventory and this will add a "Horses Owned" stat to the game, and this is used by Simple Taxes to apply taxes.
NEW in version 2.0 -Tether Cart!,
You now can tether the cart using the cart menu. The best way to use is to Jump In cart,start to drive if horse walks away and cart does not move, Open Cart Menu (press E or default controller button A) and select Tether Cart, horse and cart should reset. The best way to still reset horse and cart is to enter the tent and exit, this feature is an alternate way but may cause Havok issues.
NEW in Version 2.0 - Relocate Cart!
If you are a long way from your cart, you can now pay to have it brought to you for 500 gold! This new service is available in any worldspace, including Solstheim(Dragonborn DLC), Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Elsweyr (Moonpaths to Elsweyr) This does not require ANY DLC or mods but can be used with them.
Select the cart menu, then "More" then "Add Relocate Spell" this will add the relocate spell to your Shouts/Lesser Powers magic menu.
Once horse is moved to the player, you may need to use Tether Horse, or enter and exit the tent, (I always save in the tent in new locations you should too)
NEW in Version 2.0 -Cart Bell power! (lesser power/shout key)
A fun little Bell sound that is only active when you are driving the cart to warn pedestrians of your crazy cart driving.

This mod should be compatible with everything*, including all horse mods, as it does not use the horse tracking in the default game.

You MUST use the Cart Tent (Set up Tent dialogue) save then load that save
then exit the tent. The horse and cart WILL separate if you load a save in front of them. This must be done each time you want to drive the cart. (this works with any interior location also)
Cart is Bouncy
The cart will bounce around quite a bit(this is why I slowed it down)
Followers entering the cart will make it freak-out for a moment but it will settle down, if it does not, enter the tent, save then load that save, exit the tent and it will reset itself.
I have not tested this with more than 2 followers as they will clip through the crates and barrels in the back.

Version 2.0 released on 8/8/2014
NEW in version 2.0 -Tether Cart!,
You now can tether the cart using the cart menu. The best way to use is to Jump In cart,start to drive if horse walks away and cart does not move, Open Cart Menu (press E or default controller button A) and select Tether Cart, horse and cart should reset. The best way to still reset horse and cart is to enter the tent and exit, this feature is an alternate way but may cause Havok issues.
NEW in Version 2.0 - Relocate Cart!
If you are a long way from your cart, you can now pay to have it brought to you for 500 gold! This new service is available in any worldspace, including Solstheim(Dragonborn DLC), Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Elsweyr (Moonpaths to Elsweyr) This does not require ANY DLC or mods but can be used with them.
Select the cart menu, then "More" then "Add Relocate Spell" this will add the relocate spell to your Shouts/Lesser Powers magic menu. Once horse is moved to the player, you may need to use Tether Horse, or enter and exit the tent, (I always save in the tent in new locations you should too)
NEW in Version 2.0 -Cart Bell power! (lesser power/shout key)
A fun little Bell sound that is only active when you are driving the cart to warn pedestrians of your crazy cart driving.
Version 1.1 released on 7/30/2014
Fixed: Incorrect name for tent interior - now displays "Wagon Tent"
Fixed: (mostly) Horse AI has "no combat" and "ignore combat" settings checked.
(in testing horse will not auto-attack and run away, but will defend if close enough) Still sorting this one out, if any one has suggestion I will be very happy.
Added: Mood Lighting! set the interior to farm(house)lighting, darker and long shadows to match lantern.
Added: Heat source for Frostfall and Hypothermia mods.
Added: Lit Lantern for new Mood Lighting!*
Added: Non-Respawning Storage - 2 Barrels, 1 Sack, 1 backpack* all should be safe for long term.
Added: Clutter - 1 East Empire Co. crate, 2 rolled rugs*
*Tried to emulate items that are seen in the back of Wagon.

Immersive First Person
This mod is a must have I feel, plus it works really well with the Wagon, as the camera can be a bit off
Bordeceil Bank Mod
Ok for those who need to get a loan for the 20,000 septims this is the mod for you, plus the cart is parked right out front! I love any banking/economy mods and I love real estate buying mods, and mods that let you trade the heavy gold for paper, well this mod has all of it. Remember to pay back loan or bad things happen.
Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger
Gives you a place anywhere tent, fireplace, chairs, cooking spit and more.

The creator of the Original SRM Companion Cart, awesome modder and nice guy for letting me muck about with his mod.
For giving me permission to use the mesh and textures for the Covered Wagon from his awesome mod DragonKiller Cart.
For creating the tent scripts and fixing all my texture/mesh issues, and for always being there for me, he is my modding mentor.
For Testing this mod in ways that might be considered obscene in some countries Thank You!
(here is your reward)
Steam Workshop Version