File information
Created by
PeanutUploaded by
PeanutofDeathVirus scan
Also, if you encounter errors,
will open devtools. If you want to contact me about a bug, any information there will be helpful.Description
This is an executable that will upload your load order and ini files to, where it can be easily accessed and read by anyone. The site as well as the script are open source, and no information is stored other than your mods and username.
Q: Is Modwatch still being maintained?
Short answer is yes. Long answer is sometimes I go on hiatus for a couple months (or years), so from time to time (like the past long while) Modwatch goes unmaintained. There is currently a Modwatch organization on Github where I'm migrating pieces of Modwatch as I get to them, so if you want to see if I'm actively developing, check those repos for activity.
Q: Is Nexus Mod Manager Supported?
Yes, NMM is supported as well as MO. The "Using NMM" button will attempt to read from the default directories that skyrim uses. The "Using MO" button means you will have to find the directory where mod organizer put your profiles.
Q: What about Vortex?
Not quite. But the wonderful nexus user "NotYourAverageGamer" has posted a workaround here that will suffice until I add official support.
Q: Can I run Modwatch from Mod Organizer?
Q: Do you like tacos?
I love tacos.
Q: Why does this even exist?
Occasionally, Skyrim players decide to download a mod. Then they decide to download another mod. Then ten hours later they've downloaded every single Trainwiz quest mod and Elianora house and boob physics mod they can find, and they wonder why their game won't start. So they go to a forum (hopefully /r/skyrimmods) and beg for help. Then they copy paste their 255 line plugins.txt into the comment box, unformatted, and expect someone to divine a solution from the ascii vomit that is their post. So instead of that nonsense, the fine folks at /r/skyrimmods (or wherever) can tell them to install Modwatch and press the big pretty button, and voila! All the relevant files on one page, in a legible format. Also one day I got bored and made a python script to share my modlist.
Q: The site is down, what happened?
I probably broke it because I didn't write unit tests because I'm a terrible person. It's usually not down for more than a few hours, so stay calm and download a few more mods while you wait.
Users Updating From an Older Version
Just overwrite your old install with the new one, and it (should) read your username/password/file path correctly. You can also install in a new directory if you're squeamish.
How To Use It
USE THE NEWEST VERSION. That'll make things a lot easier for everyone. As of now, there is a graphical version (applause), so it should be a little easier to upload. There are 3 text boxes: username, password, and file path. If you have never uploaded, the username and password can be whatever you want, as long as the username isn't already in use. The file path depends on your mod manager. If you're using Nexus Mod Manager, press the handy dandy "Using NMM" button. It will do all the magic for you. If using Mod Organizer, press the "Using MO" button. Then, find your MO install (wherever you extracted it), and go to profiles > your profile, and double click "plugins.txt". Finally, once you've done one of the two above things, press "Upload". It should upload, giving you some nice descriptive text in the console window to the side, and then you're free to share your mods with
And for you daring devils, there is now a button for changing your password. Click it, type a new password, press submit, and you (should) have a brand new password.
A Note On Custom Passwords (FIXED)
If you're using NMM, you will NOT have a modlist page. That file is harder to get to for NMM. Sorry about that.
If your page is blank below the 'Filter By...' box, I have no idea why that happens. Sometimes upload just doesn't work. If you run into that issue, and feel like sending me your modlist, maybe I can find what is causing that. Maybe there's a mod out there with 15 backslashes in the name.
If you have errors, you should be able to open a console (just like your browser) via
. If you're not familiar with this screen, you can press the "Console" tab and that should show you an error message. Send me that and your issue will probably be much easier for me to solve. At some point I'll add better error handling, but not today.Other than that, if you have any issues, message me on reddit, post an issue on Github, or post on the Nexus page. I'll most likely check them in that order.

Thank you, mysticentity, for the beautiful logo.
My load order on the site