About this mod
DDSopt is a tool which manages (preview & resizes) and recompresses your DDS-files. It is an optimal tool for ensuring your textures are saved in the right format, to create high quality DDS-textures from your sources (PNG etc.) and to package down-scaled versions of your textures. It has been forked off NIFopt and both programm share the same und
- Permissions and credits
Requires Vista (and up).
Fully multi-threaded, and for 32bit and 64bit Windows.
The documentation and newest version can be found here:
The bugtracker is here:
This is what it can do to the Skyrim-Textures and Mods:
Skyrim - Textures/ 2383177381 -> 2242262835 94.8%
Better Dwemer/ 232233284 -> 178661228 76.9%
Skyrim HD/ 1389453680 -> 1400638264 100.8% ("lots" of missing mip-maps)
There has been a bit of discussion here:
DDSopt of use?
If you've released a texture mod, or plan to, please read
This is rather good information about (re)normalization and also 565:
Mods which have been DDS-optimized (besides my own):
Skyrim Weapons and Armor Tweaks and Changes Completed by cmdo
Version history:
- the edge bleeds
- resource-management fixes (no more crash on end, and when you preview textures)
- included the gain from texture-optimizations in the effectivity-bar
- fixed previews for non-DDS files (JPEG etc.)
- fixed "normal steepness", was inverted
- fixed the double-counting progress
- added missing "passthrough" for not leaving files behind
- typed fields (in/out) auto-update the tree only when loosing focus now (not on every key)
- inputs can now be inside BSAs (".../test.bsa/textures" is valid now)
- double-click into the tree loads the location into the input-field
- removed all extensions from the dialog which were unsupported
- fixed a bug in the normal-map quantizer
- fixed crash caused by "removed all extensions" for browsing an output
- a few UI fixes, probably too minar to have been seen
- added the ability to ignore border-regions while detecting possible optimizations
- added bitfield formats (4444, 565, 1555)
- speed improvements, jump-free and almost branch-free SSE2
- added the option to skip optimized files
- added the possibility to save individual files
- added the constraints-configuration
- very high quality 565 compression for model-space normal maps added, you have to normalize to see them in the "pleasing" colors from now on
- fixed a channel-swap in the 8-bit MSN normalizer
- fixed the resolution-constraint letting pass landscape-oriented maps one res. too big
- fixed desync of saveas and settings
- added percentages to the resolution-constraints
- added the resolution-constraint to the save-as in the preview as well
- added the very high quality mode to tangent-space normal-maps as well (565 and 888)
- added "_nor" as tangent-space identifier and "_diff" as diffuse-map identifier ( just for you Jaysus ;^) )
- added the possibility for whitelists (custom configs per file) in "DDSopt.ini"
- gracefull degradation of backfacing tangent-space normals, who would have thought someone would make those ... :-(
- took out the white matte replacement because Serious HD apparently has already partial derivative normal-maps (respect), so white is a valid vector in that case
- added progress in the taskbar-icon for windows 7
- fixed a problem determining a file-size when the BSA uses prefixed filenames
- fixed Oblivion BSA regression
- reworked core, faster & higher quality (best DDS-compressor core I evaluated)
- [to be completed, will be updated when the updated BSA-core from BSAopt is stable and ported]