About this mod
Beg mercy if wounded and strike back mocking. Every cool kids do that
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

Children Voice Pack for Additional Player Voices for Skyrim by Nanahane. Including UI FX: Alchemy (only alchemy fail), Enchanting (only
recharge), Health heartbeat (critical health voice with gasp/wounded
breathing), Lockpicking (pickbreak & unlock) and Sneak attack hit.
Player will comment or say something when:
1. Shoot a bow or crossbow
2. Discover a new place
3. Getting hit/damage 25%, 50%, or 75%
4. Absorbing dragon soul
5. Entering dungeon
6. Entering combat
7. Raising Skill or Level up
8. Mounting horse
9. Sneaking
10. Killing an enemy (kill1) and when your follower kills enemy (kill2)
11. Casting offensive spell (cast1) and defensive spell (cast2)
Update log
New Lockpicking and sneakattack fx.
New Alchemy, Enchanting and Health heartbeat fx.
Installation use NMM or:
1. Extract the archive.
2. Merge the data folder with your Skyrim Data folder.
Do reverse
RS Children Overhaul by Ranaline
Armor and Clothing for Kids by PlagueHush
Additional Player Voices for Skyrim
See also
Grumpy Sound FX
Badass Voice Pack