About this mod
Adds new Features to Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul by Brevi and Al99
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Adds additional Features to the Mod Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Overhaul (v2.33):
1) A toggle able chance to lose the control over your Character while a Lunar transformation, which means you will see your body moving around killing everything that comes too close, the Chance's calculation is highly customizable using:
A base chance
The actual Lunar transform chance
A feedscore, based on how frequently you are feeding on humanoids
2) An Option to drop all your gear, when transforming.
3) Some new uses for the ring of Hircine, which now slowly gains usage charges able to channel lunar transformations or regain the control ones it's lost as mentioned in 1)
4) An Option to make Werebears slower, but stronger: -20% speed +10% damage -10% incoming damage (only works for player an NPCs explicit spawned by this mod due to the lacking ability to add perks to NPC's via script)
Loose Control details:
The Feedscorecalculation:
Each time you feed on an humanoid, the Score increases by 2 + feedscoreboost.
feedscoreboost increases each time you feed on an humanoid by 1.
feedscoreboost will reset to 0 if you don't feed on anything for 45sec, yes animal will count here to.
Feedscore will be reduced by 10% if the Loose Control chances were rolled.
Both value start with 0 after a fresh lunar-transformation.
Feedchance is Feedscore/2, Lunar and Basechance should be self explaining.
Dices are rolled any 500sec to 1000sec randomly.
The loose control duration is only calculated using feedscore:
FeedMult = 0.5 + Feedscore/100 and not greater than 2
The duration is rand(100sec,200sec)*FeedMult, so it's ranging from 50sec to 400sec.
Drop Equipment details:
Your Equipment will be moved inside a new dynamical created container, so if you transform 7 times you get 7 containers.
Questitems and the Ring of Hircine won't bei moved inside the container.
You will get a questmarker for the last 3 containers.
The Container (technically an activator, and an invisible container) looks like a sack (not fount a better mesh yet).
Recommended files:
all recommended files for MT which are compatible:
• HD Werewolves
Don't miss this outstanding package of HD textures created by KrittaKitty!
• Heart of the Beast
The fur and eye textures are included in Moonlight Tales, but not the sound files. I suggest the 'Alpha werewolf sounds' file.
• Predator Vision
It's a great heat and night vision mod for werewolves and vampires.
• A Matter of Time
Displays the current moon phase, among many other useful features.
• VioLens - A Killmove Mod
A killmove mod that has several great settings for werewolves.
• Amazing Follower Tweaks
A follower mod that allows you to have werewolf and vampire lord followers.
Recommended Perk Mods (Install only one of them at a time.)
• Werewolf Perks Expanded
• Bloodmoon Rising
Recommended Mod Manager
• Mod Organizer
• Spanish
planed features:
port some feature for Tales of Lycanthropy missing in MT
Brevi - main author of the mainfile, technical support, Howling model; wild ideas and the ability to execute them :)
Al99 - co-author, tester, creator of this description
Maryen, Redwes - testers
MadCat221 - La Femme Lycana, female werewolf model
TheOutlander - unique eye texture models that allowed for odd and blind eyes
NsJones - immersive werewolf skins and glowing eye textures
Bellyache/ wrig675 - realistic werewolf skin textures
Jeremy Hamilton/ artifex0 - natural werewolf skin textures
Foxcraft7 - more wolf-like werewolf skins
TheLys, Intelligentsia - atmospheric music from McAsmod's Werewolves Morrowind mod
INTERNATIONALvids - YouTube team composing the bone-chilling Full Moon music theme
Korodic - Werewolf Aftermath Re-Equipper
KrittaKitty - Alternate Eye Pack textures
Genebriss - Uncontrollable werewolf
oliver1706 - Werewolf Inventory Recovery Overhaul