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Arnaud dOrchymontUploaded by
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About this mod
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul is a plugin for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.Its main objective is to increase player in-game immersion by greatly improving Artificial Intelligence (AI) of friendly NPCs (citizens) in order to make them act and react like true humans in relation to their environment or to an aggressor.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Dawnguard Dragonborn Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are not allowed to modify my files, including creating bug fixes or improving on features under any circumstances
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
The SkyUI Team for SkyUI which allowed me to implement a configuration menu.
Kudix for the logo displayed in the MCM menu and for the banners.Donation Points system
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Portuguese Author:ELTK9 Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul PTBR Traducao Russian Author:Unknown Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Russian Translation Polish Author:anathema83 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul spolszczenie (polish translation) Turkish Author:Frostpale Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Turkish Translation Spanish Author:Francisco Pozo - DJ FrANKy EHP Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Spanish - Translations Of Franky - TOF Italian Author:ag1963 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul-Traduzione italiana German Author:Penetrator3 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Deutsch Portuguese Author:Anderson Machado Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Traduzido em PtBr Czech Author:GrimReaperCZ Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul - Czech translation - Changelogs
Version 0.4.1a
- Change log available here:
Version 0.4.1
- Change log available here:
- Change log available here:
- Error designs preventing Bjorlam to sleep and to interact with his camp have been fixed.
- Full version:
- The AI of Elrindir, Idolaf, Olfrid, Alfhild, Bergritte, Eorlund and Fralia have been redone in order to improve their quality up to my current standards.
- Bjorlam's camp has been moved closer to his carriage, therefore, Bjorlam should be easier to find at night
- A typo mistake in the new configuration menu has been fixed.
Lite version:
- Full version:
Version 0.3.5
- Full version:
- The feature "General Behaviors" has been implemented to the citizens living in one of the following locations: Windhelm, Anga’s Mill, Hlaalu Farm, Holly frost Farm, Katla’s Farm, Brandy-Mug Farm and The Red Wave. It means that all these NPCs will sleep at least 6 hours per day. Note that due to the fact that about thirty NPCs didn't have a place to sleep, I had to add extra beds and thus to do structural rearangement in different houses and on Windhelm's docks.
- A new power has been added, this power allow you to use a very straightforward menu allowing you to disable, activate and to update Immersive Citizens. This menu works in conjunction with the MCM menu and doesn't require SKSE or SkyUI. This menu should allow you to update Immersive Citizens on saves with the version 0.2.4 or prior installed on it (assuming that you don't get a CTD before to be able to use this menu).
- The shack behind FrostFruit Inn has been moved in order to improve the compatibility with popular mods (don't forget to update DynDOLOD)
For whatever reasons, sometimes, the encounters involving the compagnions kept running indefinitely. This prevented the player to enlist as follower Farkas, Vilkas, Aela, Njada, Athis, Torvar and Ria. This could also prevent the player to complete quests such as Purity. This problem has been fixed.
- You can now partially disable the influence of weather for the citizens living in Whiterun.
- The feature Survival Insctint has been disabled for Banning, Hogni Red-Arm, Lisbet when they are inside Reachcliff Cave in order to prevent this feature to distrupt the quest The Taste of Death if you decide to kill Eloa.
- Immersive Citizens has been updated in order to be in line with the latest version of USLEEP.
- The patches for OCS, RRR, ELE and ELFX have been updated in order to be in line with the latest version of Immersive Citizens.
The Special Edition version is live:
Lite version:
- Full version:
- Full version:
- Several errors and defects on the navigation meshes used in Whiterun or used in Whiterun's houses have been fixed.
- Several navigation meshes used in Whiterun have been redesigned in order to reinforce the compatibility with Dawn of Whiterun (original version) or with Whiterun overhauls which have been made in a similar way than Dawn of Whiterun.
- Due to a game engine bug, Athis and Torvar could sometimes take damages during their brawl, in order to prevent one of them to die accidentaly, they will stop to brawl if their health goes under 40%.
- The compatibility patch for OCS has been improved. Minor clipping issues between static objects have been fixed as well as some navigation bugs.
Lite version:
- Full version:
- Full version:
- The AI of Lillith, Jenassa, Nazeem, Ahlam, Ulfberth, Adrianne, Jenssen and Elrindir have been redone in order to improve their quality up to my current standards.
- The compatibility has been improved, (without quality loss). As a result, CRF will be compatible by default (a patch is nore more required).
Nazeem, Lillith, Ahlham and Jenassa will be able to know if a new house has been assigned to them and thus they will be able to interact with their new house without the need of a compatibility patch.
The AI used by friendly NPCs restored by CRF (or another mod) such as Grushnag are now overhauled via the main plugin (Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp)
Note to people who use CRF and Touring carriage: you will have to use the TC-CRF patch from wasite.
- Additional modifications have been done on the brawl scene between Njada and Athis in order to prevent them to go too far from their initial fighting location
- During the quest "Ancestral Worship!", a bug preventing Golldir to run away from the final room when overwhelmed by Draugrs has been fixed.
- The compatibility patch for OCS has been updated.
Lite version:
- Full version:
- Full version:
bug fix:
- The offsetcarrybucket animation has been fixed.
- During the brawl between Njada and Athis, Njada and Athis could sometimes use their weapons instead of their fists, this has been fixed.
- During the quest "Proving Honor", a bug preventing sometimes Farkas (or Aela if you use CRF) to react when attacked has been fixed.
- Most of the time, the scene between Jaree-Ra and Sorex Vinius didn't play correctly, this has been fixed.
- During the quest "Lights Out!", an AI preventing sometimes Jaree-Ra to travel to Broken Oar Grotto has been fixed.
- During the quest "Lights Out!", an AI preventing the final scene between Jaree-Ra and the player to play has been fixed.
mod fix:
- The combat AI designed for Derkeethus has been assigned by mistake to Annekke Crag-Jumper, as a result, it could be very tedious for the player to rescue Derkeethus during the quest "Extracting an Argonian". This also prevented Annekke Crag-Jumper to use "Survival Inctinct" if the quest "Extracting an Argonian" wasn't completed.
- Most of the AI used by the citizens of DarkWater Crossing and Rorikstead have been redone in order to improve their quality up to my current standards.
- Minor improvements have been done on the AI used the citizens of Riverwood.
- Preliminary changes have been made on the AI used by the citizens of WIndhelm, therefore the patch for OCS has been updated.
Lite version:
The combat AI designed for Derkeethus has been assigned by mistake to Annekke Crag-Jumper, as a result, he could be very tedious for the player to rescue Derkeethus during the quest "Extracting an Argonian". This also prevented Annekke Crag-Jumper to use "Survival Inctinct" if the quest "Extracting an Argonian" wasn't completed.
- Full version:
Version 0.3.2
- Full version:
- The main plugin has been updated to be in line with changes from USLEEP 3.0.5.
- The AI used by the citizens living in Riverwood (except Delphine) have been redone in order to improve their quality up to my current standards. Special attention has been adressed to the following NPCs: Gerdur, Hod, Frodnar, Dorthe, Alvor and Sigrid.
- The AI used by Ralof and Hadvar once they reach Riverwood during the quest "Before the Storm" has been fully overhauled. Note that to allow Ralof and Hadvar to use their new AI on an old save with immersive Citizens installed, you'll have to reboot the Whiterun Hold area through the MCM menu.
- The AI used by Hod, Gerdur and Frodnar during the quest "Before the Storm" (Stormcloak side) has been fully overhauled.
- The AI used by Dorthe, Alvor and Sigrid during the quest "Before the Storm" (Imperial side) has been fully overhauled.
- The AI used by Lucan & Camilla Valerius during the quest "The Golden Claw" has been fully overhauled.
- The AI used by Stump has been improved.
- Minor corrections has been made on the AI used by the citizens living in Falkreath.
- The compatibility patches for ELE, ELFXEnhancer and ELFX - Hardcore have been updated.
Lite version:
- Full version:
Version 0.3.1a
- Full version:
- The Citizens in Falkreath will no longer have conversations about the civil war once you finished the civil war quest.
- Some adjustments have been made on the "Go Home" feature used by the members of the bard college to prevent that feature to cancel lessons.
- Social Interactions have been added for the members of the bard college
Lite version:
- The translations for the MCM menu used in the Lite version has been added.
- Some adjustments have been made on the "Go Home" feature used by the members of the bard college to prevent that feature to cancel lessons.
- Some adjustments have been made on the "Go Home" feature used by Calixto in order to allow him to offer a tour when he uses that feature.
- Full version:
Version 0.3
- A lite version of Immersive Citizens has been added. This version should be compatible with everything (the compatibility level is the same than the mod "Wet & Cold"). This version adds the following features to the NPCs which are friendly and unique (named): Survival Instinct, Combat Style & Go Home. Note that the “Go Home” feature can be disabled or customized via the provided MCM menu. The development of these features is now finished.
Changelog for the full version:
- Due to bad vanilla setting, in some cases, my AI wasn’t injected in the following NPCs: Snilf, Delacourt and Illia. This has been fixed.
- The AI used during the random encounter involving a noble riding a horse has been reworked. The noble should no longer get stuck on the road and he should no longer teleport with his horse in a random tavern.
- The selection process for the bard's audience scene has been modified to prevent the game engine to select a child for the “dancer role”.
- For user’s convenience, the additional files are now archived in a BSA file.
- A logo (made by Kudix) has been added to the MCM menu.
- A lite version of Immersive Citizens has been added. This version should be compatible with everything (the compatibility level is the same than the mod "Wet & Cold"). This version adds the following features to the NPCs which are friendly and unique (named): Survival Instinct, Combat Style & Go Home. Note that the “Go Home” feature can be disabled or customized via the provided MCM menu. The development of these features is now finished.
- The noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon was disabled by mistake in the version 2.8 (power attacks wasn't affected), this has been fixed.
Version 0.2.9
- - The AI used by the horse riders and their horses have been reworked. The horses will no longer follow their owner during their trip when they are not used.
- The "Survival Instinct" feature wasn't implemented on the Ferrymen (Gort, Harlaug & Jolf) and on Aslfur, this has been fixed.
- The "Survival Instinct" & the "Go Home" feature have been improved. The functionality of these features is now totally independent of NPCs environment.
- The compatibility patch for CRF has been updated.
- A compatibility patch for Moonpath to Elsweyr has been added. Note that you don't need this patch if you use the improved version of "Moonpath to Elsweyr" implemented in "Legacy of the Dragonborn" from icecreamassassin. Note also that this patch is not compatible with my patch for Realistic Room Rental.
- - The AI used by the horse riders and their horses have been reworked. The horses will no longer follow their owner during their trip when they are not used.
Version 0.2.8
- - The AI used by the Falkreath's citizens has been fully overhauled.
- "Survival Instinct" was still used by NPC reanimated through some spells such as Dead Thrall, this has been fixed.
- "Go Home" has been improved, the homeless NPCs will act more realistically in the local tavern (assuming there is one).
- A lot of AI used by the citizens of Rorikstead, Whiterun, Riverwood and Darkwater Crossing and by the Khajiit merchants have been reworked or improved.
- Several improvement or minor bug fixes have been done on random encounters, notably the one with the dark brotherhood assassin. A list will be available soon.
- The AI used by the bards have been improved (still not perfect): now, when you enter inside an Inn, if a bard is there, he will start to sing, but only between 19 pm and 23.5 pm (in Skyrim vanilla, a bard starts to sing whatever the hour). Note that if you want him to stop singing, you still need to ask him to stop.
- The AI used by the Legates and their stormcloak equivalents have been improved.
- Fixed a bug preventing sometimes the NPCs to sit correctly on bar stools.
- The compatibility have been improved, without quality loss.
- A Russian translation of the MCM menu has been added (courtesy of Kopasov).
- The compatibility patches for ELE, ELFX, RRR, OCS & CRF have been updated.
- - The AI used by the Falkreath's citizens has been fully overhauled.
- The main plugin has been updated to be in line with changes from USLEEP 3.0.1.
The compatibility patch for CRF has been updated to be in line with the latest version of CRF.
- The main plugin has been updated to be in line with changes from USLEEP 3.0.1.
Version 0.2.5
- Important Note:
If you have a save with the version 0.2.4 installed on it or an older version, then it's not safe to use the version 0.2.5 (or a newer version) on this save, because I changed the architecture of the plugin. This is the first and last time it happens.
If you use the STEP patch, you will have to wait for an update from the STEP staff before to use this version of “Immersive Citizens”.
Performance optimization:
The loading time is no longer increased, even when you use the coc command from the main menu.
Compatibility improvement:
Some features have been implemented in a different way in order to avoid minor conflicts. As a result, the load order between “Immersive Citizens” and “Deadly Dragons” doesn’t matter anymore. Generally speaking, there is less load order restraint to respect.
The compatibility patches for OCS and CRF have been remade.
The compatibility patch for RRR has been updated.
Bug fix:
The “Go Home” feature has been rebuilt to fix several bugs which could be annoying for the players playing a sneaky thief:
-If activated on sleeping NPCs, it caused NPCs to wake up, this has now been fixed.
-At night, the feature was rather inefficient to make NPCs sleep, now the feature is efficient at 100%, assuming each NPC own a bed.
-During the loading screen, at night, NPCs using this feature was charged on their reference point instead to be charged in a sleeping state on their bed, this has been fixed.
A bad interaction with Requiem caused a thief NPC (the one from the random encounter) to spam the invisibility spell. This should now been fixed.
Fixed a load of vanilla bugs preventing several vanilla NPCs to sleep.
AI improvement:
The AI used by the citizens living in Whiterun or in Rorikstead or in Riverwood has been improved.
Convenience improvement:
- The plugin now comes with an optional MCM menu allowing you to reboot, update or disable the mod properly. It also allow you to turn off some features of the mod that you may dislike (example: weather influence). To get the MCM menu, SKSE and SkyUI are required. Note that SKSE and SkyUI are NOT required to ensure the mod functionality, therefore they are optional.
- The plugin will now work at 100% even if you don’t start a new game. For reminds, it’s not safe to update from an older version of “Immersive Citizens”, because I changed the architecture of the plugin. Either you need to start a new game or load the plugin on a save without “Immersive Citizens” installed on it.
Note also that “Immersive Citizens” now comes with 2 scripts. One for the MCM menu which will run only on player order. Another one which will run once, during less than 1 second, when you load the plugin for the first time.
- Important Note:
- Donations
Straight donations accepted

Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul is a mod whose purpose is to increase player in-game immersion by greatly improving Artificial Intelligence (AI) of friendly NPCs (citizens) in order to make them act and react like true humans in relation to their environment or to an aggressor. Specifically, combat AI is revamped, with citizens using a new “Survival Instinct” feature that gives them the ability to evaluate danger from an aggressor and respond to it more realistically while under attack. Their non-combat behavior has also been expanded, with new and realistic behaviors including improved schedules, occasional travel, and better use and response to the world around them. Whether fighting or living their lives, NPCs will respond to things like the weather, or an individual’s profession and relationships. The end result should add considerable depth to the world around you.
Immersive Citizens is officially featured by Bethesda Game Studios (source), therefore it has been tested and validated by BGS's quality assurance teams.
Immersive Citizens is the result of more than 6 000 hours of work (source), therefore if you enjoy it, please consider taking a moment to endorse it.
Compatible with AE,
The complete description is available here.

Author: Arnaud d'Orchymont.
JawZ for the first FOMOD installer.
Kudix for the banners.
Bethesda for the Creation Kit & The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
The SkyUI Team for SkyUI which allowed me to implement a configuration menu.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This content of this Skyrim game modification may not be copied, modified, reproduced, re-uploaded, or sold in any form, whole or in part, without the express permission of the author. This includes, but is not limited to, all descriptions, files, quests, AI packages, and names.