About this mod
Miss Morrowind? Or just a traveler stoppin in Windhelm before your next adventure with a taste for foreign drink? Well, the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm has just gotten in a shipment of drinks and food all the way from the land of the Dunmer, Morrowind, and We be sellin it for a good price and only at the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

I will try to port this when the time comes.
“Miss Morrowind? Or just a traveler stoppin in Windhelm before your next adventure with a taste for foreign drink?
Well, the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm has just gotten in a shipment of drinks and food all the way from the land of the Dunmer, Morrowind,
and We be sellin it for a good price and only at the New Gnisis Cornerclub in Windhelm! Stop by today!”
New Gnisis Cornerclub: Grand Reopening
My new mod! It started out as something to get Me back in the groove of using the CK, started out as an idea I thought was a neat idea and since, as far as I can tell, no has touched on the New Gnisis Cornerclub, the Dunmer bar in Windhelm, and thought, "huh.." So I expanded on My origin idea(which was to have it sell Dragonborn drinks) and turning it into an outright overhaul of the tavern, while remaining lore friendly and realistic for tavern in a poor area, but still the place to go for all the citizens of the Grey Quarter.
Mod Adds:
- A lore friendly overhaul of the New Gnisis Cornerclub
- A Bard/bouncer named Alvor Nelhallis(named for My best Morrowind PC)
- Lots of alcohol to steal or buy!
- A alchemy table and cooking pot.
- Latest version of Skyrim(I.e. the last patch)
- Dragonborn
-Simply place the esp in your Skyrim/data folder and launch the launcher and check it.
- Simply uncheck the esp in the launcher and then delete the esp in the data folder.
- Any mod that changes the New Gnisis Cornerclub will likely conflict
- None
This mod has been bug tested and cleaned with TES5Edit.
However, not a bug, but the esp is called New Gnisis Cornerclub Sells Morrowind Drinks. A holdover from early development.
Recommended Mods:
- Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
- DYNAVISION: Dynamic Depth of Field
- I Cant Believe Its NOT An ENB 2
- IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim
Also any HD texture mod would make this look even better.
Tools Used:
- The Creation Kit
- TES5Edit
- You do not have permission to reupload to here, the Nexus, or anywhere without My explicit permission, if you want to use this in a compilation pack, ask Me first as well.
- Me, for wasting too much time on this..
- Bethesda Softworks(for making the game)
- Xbone/PS4 Console Sticker is by yevvie
Finale Note:
- This mod uses only vanilla and Dragonborn assets.
- If you have any questions, feel free to send Me a message on here, the Nexus, or on Tumblr(I am on there everyday)
My Tumblr
I really hope you enjoy My mod! Have fun. :)