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About this mod

From a teen to twenty-something .. to becoming the She-Devil with a Sword herself, Red Sonja makes for an exciting playthrough. Contains three slot file saves for various stages of age progression.

Permissions and credits
For a fun playthrough of Skyrim's main quest .. remember the one you haven't played for years because you wore it out - only this time you'll be starting as 17-year old Sonja who later age-progresses into adulthood and ultimately transforms into the "She-Devil with a Sword" herself. This is ..

Red Sonja _ Origins (from wikipedia):
  • Red Sonja lives with her family in a humble house in the Western Hyrkanian steppes (this seems to be in modern Ukraine/Russia though historical Hyrcania on the borders of modern Iran/Turkmenistan). When she is just 17, a group of mercenaries kills her family and burns down their house. Sonja attempts to defend herself, but can't lift her brother's sword. She is brutally raped by the leader of the group. Answering her cry for revenge, the red goddess Scáthach appears to her, and gives her incredible fighting skills, on the condition that she never lie with a man unless he defeats her in fair combat.

And suggested adaptation for Skyrim's main quest:
  • Slot file #38 - Having followed the mercenaries that killed her family Sonja first appears as a young teen crossing the border into Skyrim. What befalls her there leads to the death of several legion guards but, due to overwhelming forces, her eventual capture. Welcome to Skyrim and the headsman's block.
  • Slot file #39 - Her next incarnation doesn't occur until she's gone through the ceremony of the combined voices of the greybeards on High Hrothgar. This rite of passage for the dragonborn had a bigger effect on her than she first realized. All who look at her now no longer see a skinny, little girl. Sonja has emerged as a force truly to be reckoned with.
  • Slot file #40 - The person that passes through the time-and-space portal from Skuldafn into Sovngarde to join with the mighty Alduin in one last fight to the death is none other than a fully battle-hardened "Red Sonja" (cue the Sovngarde theme). Other than 'Dovahkiin' it is this name that will follow her and precede her in fame through all her remaining adventures in Skyrim.

(Red Sonja's appearance is a composite based on the paintings and illustrations by Boris Vallejo and Lucio Parillo .. and with just a pinch of Raquel Welch.)

You'll need the following:
  • Enhanced Character Edit v 1.4 by the ECE Team which in turn requires SKSE 1.6.9+. Update to v1.4 if you already have an older version and be sure and checkmark "No Cheeks Fix" when installing it.
  • The Eyes of Beauty by Gabriel Mailhot
  • KS Hairdos 400 by Shocky, Stealthic Khaos and Kalilies. Google.
  • You can use either Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius Jeir and Caliente (my personal preference and the one I used to make her) or DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 with compatible textures. The looks are quite different but so what? Sonja doesn't mind. Just kindly don't use with the un-modded vanilla body unless you want the 17-year old looking like an old hag. BTW - the pictures on this description page are all with the CBBE body; pictures in the image section with UNP.

And yes - I realize KS is difficult to get what with legal issues and broken links. If you don't already have it stored for your personal use and can't find it just do your best with what you've got.


  • Download manually to your desktop.
  • Unzip
  • Place the "_#_commonTriRaces.slot" files (not the folder) inside your CME_save folder on your computer. It's located at UserName > "My Documents" > "My Games" > "Skyrim" > "CME_save". Select "copy and replace" for any conflicts.


You'll be entering "showracemenu" as usual in your console.
Choose the Race > NORD
Choose her Sex
then move down to Slot Load.
Select "Next" in the first window that pops up, then select the Slot # corresponding to her stage of development: #38 - teen Sonja, #39 - adult Sonja; #40 - "Red Sonja"

Enter 'Done'. Name your character and then save it back to the same slot.


You're more than welcome to use this file in any way you wish without permission.

Thanks to the mod authors I've mentioned above,
to the Nexus and Bethesda, and
to those of you who have in the past or who now continue to support this community.

Take care and have fun.

For 35 other famous heroes and heroines go to

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On the skyrimnexus -

On the newvegasnexus -

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