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All those peiple mentioned in the credits

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About this mod

Exactly what it says on the tintitle. Patches include Helgen Reborn, Golden Crossroads, and RaceCompatibility.

Permissions and credits
Misc. RS Children Patches

Now that I have your attention...

These are some random patches that I've either been asked to share or to create.

What mods do these patches, uh, patch?

The list of patches as of right now:

Not a huge list, sure. But there might be more to come. If you, dear reader, create a RS Children patch and want to have it on this page (for some reason), then secure the correct permissions and throw it my way.

Credit, as always, will be given.


You, of course, have several options for installation.

Manual, where you just put the files in the data folder.

Through NMM, which should work. Not a huge fan to be honest.

Through MO, which is a gamble on your part because I don't and probably won't ever use it. So I don't know what will happen.

Through another mod manager, available somewhere out on the Internets. Probably on some crazy Japanese site. Or Russian.


If you want to put/host any of these patches on another site or something, you will need to obtain permission from the original mod author.
Also, a passing mention of credit would be nice.


Ranaline, for making RS Children, which in turn makes kids not look like crazy hobo aliens.

Jokerine, for making The Golden Crossroads, which I hear involves that most despicable of crimes: Capitalism. Like Recettear! But with less haggling.

Mike Hancho, for Helgen Reborn. I'm told it turns Helgen into a decent town instead of an orgy of Bandits. (I'm using that correctly, go look it up and get your mind off the Internet.)

expired6978, for Race Menu, that made these patches possible. Also, really vain Dovahkiins.

And Bethesda Game Studios, I think they had a small part in making Skyrim. Possibly.