Thanks to MRPyro for this great video!
AKrossbow review is start in about 0:44?
and Thanks theDeModcracy for
Thanks Nozi87 for This Feature review!
Mihail, the AK-rossbow

As you can see, you need Dawnguard DLC for this mod to work
texture path is little messed up in previous file, please download again!
Just Tell me What this mod Do!
This mod make you able too crafting new AKross Bow name 'Mihail'
with 2 Firewoods and 4 Steel ingots
and new bolt name '
with 2 Steel ingots for 10 of them
by the way, you must able to crafting steel items to craft Mihail
noting much to say, it's simple
No leveled list
No involved quest
No special perk or enchantment
just stand alone AKrossbow(and bolt)
Okay.... What Mihail and Spiral bolt does?
Compare to vanilla crossbows, Mihail does more damage, more fire rate and ignore 50% of target armor
and Spiral bolt is one great
flying faster then the other bolts, and more accurate
Sorry for my bad English
and Thank you for reading