About this mod
This mod adds three standalone daemon-like followers - Valjeta, Signe, and Lisbeth. You can customize their skin, hair, eyes, horns, and tail colors.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

- This mod adds three daemon-like followers.
- You can find them at Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood.
- You can customize their skin, hair, eyes, horns, and tail colors via installer.

- You can also hide their horns and tails via dialogue in-game.
- HDT Physics Extensions is required for their HDT tails.
- This mod is standalone, which means you don't need any additional mods to be installed except HDT Physics Extensions.
- All followers are marriageable, essential, min 5 to max 100 level, and have Light Foot perk.
- Signe and Lisbeth's body type is UNPB.
Lore (or nonsense shit)
They seem like daemons, but they are not actual daemons nor daedras. Their race is called "Au Ra", an ordinary mortal race, only have horns and a tail since birth.
They were adventurers in Eorzea - an another world than Nirn. While they were fighting with a big maw creature Atomos, they happened to be swallowed into a wormhole in its mouth.
When they awoke, they were at riverside near Riverwood. They heard a rumor of dragonborn and believe accompanying dragonborn is the best way to find out how to get back to their home world.

*Unfortunately, their birthsigns and special skills are not reflected in-game.

FOMod Install (Recommended)
Simply download and install the mod via your mod manager.
FOMod Installer/Customizer will automatically launch on installing.

Manual Install
- Drag the contents of "00 Core Files" folder and drop into your Skyrim/Data/ folder.
- Select one Valjeta's skin color from "10 body-valjeta-black", "10 body-valjeta-normal", or "10 body-valjeta-purple" folder then put its contents into Skyrim/Data/textures/actors/character/SRDaemonicFollowers/ folder.
- Repeat same process for each follower's body, hair, eye textures, and horns and tail textures.
You can safely uninstall this mod anytime.
Just remove all files this mod installed. Using a mod manager is easier and safer.

Q: Can I change their color after I installed the mod?
A: Yes. You can customize them anytime by running the installer.
It only replaces textures so it doesn't affect your savegame at all.
Q: How can I change their equipment/spell/AI/protection settings?
A: Use follower overhaul mod like EFF or AFT.
Q: My follower's skin are all/partly unusual white/black/purple.
A: Set "Texture Quality" to "High" in Options in the game launcher.
Q: I can't find the followers at Sleeping Giant Inn.
A: Try save and load the game there. If it didn't work, deactivate SR Daemonic Followers.esp before you save. Then activate the esp again and load the save.
Q: They occasionally become invisible. I can hear their voice but can't see their body.
Q: Their tail occasionally stretches towards the horizon...
A: They are known HDT bugs. Asking them to conceal their tail then reveal again will fix these issues temporally. If it happens too often, keep their tail concealed.

Q: Their tail seem not to be attached to their body.
A: You might have failed to install HDT Physics Extensions. Try to re-install.
Q: I don't want to install HDT.
A: It's OK. Just conceal their tail. It shouldn't be a problem.
Q: UNPB? I don't use any BBP/TBBP body mod. Does it cause CTD?
A: No. Signe and Lisbeth have their own body mesh and skelton in this mod. So it works no matter what body type you use.
Q: Apparently this mod causes CTD/loading problem!
A: Apparently your environment (other mods, computer spec, etc) cannot handle high resolution textures this mod uses. You can try optimize textures at your own risk. This guide also might help.
Q. Such bug!!!!1!!
A: These followers are almost same as vanilla followers, which means they won't have any bugs specific to this mod (except the concealing horns/tail function). I suppose it's your follower overhaul mod's issue or environment issue I mentioned above.
Q: I lost them! Where have they gone?
A: Open console, then type "player.moveto [RefID]".
To check their RefID, click them while console is open. You need to load a save you haven't lost them yet.
Q: CBBE? 7Base?
A: No.
Q: Slot data? Preset?
A: No.
Q: Custom Race?
A: No plan at this moment. Maybe in the future.
You may like another daemonic race mod Tiefling by dePog.


DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99
UNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT by Blessed Redux Project team
XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS by xp32
HDT Physics Extensions by HydrogensaysHDT
HDT Tails Wearable by deadzone45
TDN Equipable Horns by Nightshade
Enhanced Character Edit by tktk
SG Female Textures Renewal by hellosanta
SG Female Eyebrows by hellosanta
High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox
ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
Kijiko Hair by Kijiko and Goldiocks
Natural Eyes by nevenbridge
Brows by Ithot
Beards by lthot
TairenSoul Face Tattoo Warpaint by TairenSoul
The Coenaculi - RaceMenu Plugin for Tattoos by Desufire
Private Squad V02L by borntoraisehell1979
UNP Spice Gear Collection by tiwa44
Improved NPC Clothing - High Res by BaronDavid