About this mod
Rich, revamped and re-imagined 4k (and 2k) textures for steel bolts, arrows and quivers. All crafted with care for excellent in-game aesthetics.
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Due to multiple requests I am returning to update my oldrim mods to the latest versions. Stay tuned.
15/03/16 - Uploaded separate darker version by request (see images)
17/03/16 - Uploaded and added a 4k Steel Bolt and quiver retexture (see images)
- Uploaded a 2k version of the Steel Bolt and quiver retexture.
19/03/16 - Uploaded a completely revamped 4k version of both the coloured and dark palette versions. (See images)
- Uploaded 2k versions of both the coloured and dark palette versions
19/06/18 -Uploaded completely new and updated textures for both Steel arrows and steel bolts.
If you enjoy my work please endorse to let others know.
Basically I got sick of the vanilla mush they call a "texture" and so designed a set of vibrant and detail rich textures to better fit the aesthetic of my game.
Also I have been a long time skyrim player and have revelled in the hundreds of excellent mods provided by the community. So I'm uploading this as a way to start giving back to the community.
All textures are replacers for vanilla textures.
-4k Steel Arrows with blue feathers (2k optional)
-4k Steel Arrows with Orange feathers (2k optional)
-4k Steel Bolts (2k optional)
Download and install with MO or NMM or add to your Data folder
My Socials:

Why I mod:
Back in 2012 I threw myself into the immersive mystical world that is Skyrim. yet as I played one thing began to irk me. The textures!
To put it plainly they suck. I tried to ignore it but over time it got to me so much that I literally forced myself to learn the art of creating textures just so I could fully immersive myself in glorious and copious amounts of detail.
Eventually I realised maybe other people would enjoy my creations. And so here I am sharing my many hours of trials and errors with this amazing community and if even one other person can enjoy them as I have I count that as a success!
Thank you to this amazing community of mod creators and users I am humbled to be counted as one of you.
Why I'm on Patreon:
As some of you may know or have guessed, creating mods take many hours, many more cups of tea and yet more cups of coffee. I do it because I love it and because I get excited to I share my creations with others who love it too.
That being said, if you shout me a coffee or a tea this will help me to cover my expenses like purchasing texture resources, my electricity bill and my sanity.
(Disclaimer: I will of course continue to create mods whether I receive support through patreon or not.)
"Heim Hin Miiraad Alun Amativ"
A huge shout out to Bethesda for creating the best game series of all time!