About this mod
Modified assets from vanilla Skyrim that makes each mage armor spell give casters a unique appearance.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Oakflesh now makes a caster's skin and apparel turn to bark. (Uses new texture added by this mod)
Stonflesh is similar to Oakflesh but makes a caster stone-like.
Ironflesh and Ebonyflesh create the illusion that a caster's skin and apparel are metallic and reflective. (pictures cant really display this effect well, needs to be seen in-game)
Dragonhide will now cover the caster in pulsating scales. (Uses new texture added by this mod)
There are similar mods that unlock the unused vanilla shaders, but personally i think they don't look appealing at all as they are. Leave comments if you think any of the visual aspects should be altered further.
INSTALLING MANUALLY: Open the .zip folder and drop the "Data" folder into your Skyrim folder. To manually UNINSTALL, make sure to remove "fxdragonskinspell.dds" and "oakfleshwood01.dds" from Skyrim\Data\Textures\effects