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About this mod

Modified assets from vanilla Skyrim that makes each mage armor spell give casters a unique appearance.

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This mod edits the mage armor spells (oakflesh/stoneflesh/ironflesh/ebonyflesh/dragonhide), making them use unused EffectShaders which I've slightly tweaked to appear more like the material associated with each spell. The goal was to make realistic looking flesh spells that weren't too distracting or ridiculous looking.

Oakflesh now makes a caster's skin and apparel turn to bark. (Uses new texture added by this mod)

Stonflesh is similar to Oakflesh but makes a caster stone-like.

Ironflesh and Ebonyflesh create the illusion that a caster's skin and apparel are metallic and reflective. (pictures cant really display this effect well, needs to be seen in-game)

Dragonhide will now cover the caster in pulsating scales. (Uses new texture added by this mod)

There are similar mods that unlock the unused vanilla shaders, but personally i think they don't look appealing at all as they are. Leave comments if you think any of the visual aspects should be altered further.

INSTALLING MANUALLY: Open the .zip folder and drop the "Data" folder into your Skyrim folder. To manually UNINSTALL, make sure to remove "fxdragonskinspell.dds" and "oakfleshwood01.dds" from Skyrim\Data\Textures\effects