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This is my first mod, so don't be too hard with me ! :)

The Aarn Magic is a simple mod that adds 5 new spells to the game.

You can buy it from Farengar Secret-Fire in Whiterun.

If you don't want to pay, you can get all the books from a barrel in the Archmage's Quarters (see pictures).

First Spell : Shockwave

"Unleashes a powerful shockwave, which pushes enemies back."
This two-handed spell creates a large explosion around you, which make enemies fly and hurts them.
Second Spell : Aura Of Time

"As the time slows down shortly, you get a great magic protection."
This spell slows down time for 6 seconds and gives you 60 armor rating points.
Third Spell : Omniscient Shadow

"The Power of the Aarn makes you see through walls and become invisible."
Nothing more to say.
Fourth Spell : Gain Of Power

"Your magic powers allows you to gain health instantly."
You gain 100 health points.
Fifth Spell : Battlemage Shockwave

"Battlemage version of the Shockwave Power, can only be equipped in left hand. Lesser powerful, but can be used with a weapon."
Left-handed Shockwave, with a littler area effect. Costs less mana than two-handed Shockwave.

v2.0 changelog :
- Added the Battlemage Shockwave Power
- Reduced the Aura Of Time's slow down time to 2 seconds
- Minor bugfixing : the Shockwave now works in interiors

v1.1 changelog :

- Added book location (Barrel, in the Archmage's quarters)
- Reduced Gain Of Power charge time to 0.5 second
- Reduced Omniscient Shadow charge time to 0.5 second
- Added a 1 second slow down time on the Shockwave
- Improved the Shockwave visual effects

v1.0 changelog :

- Added the Shockwave Power
- Added the Aura Of Time Power
- Added the Omniscient Shadow Power
- Added the Gain Of Power