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About this mod

Permissions and credits
This is a light armor with a glass armor rating. 

In game, press the ~ key to open up the console. Type in help henrietta or syanna. Or help __ if you’re lazy like me.
You’ll find the numbers of her items. Type in player.additem INSERTNUMBERHERE 1 and the armor is added into the inventory.

It is also craftable under the glass section.

You have my permission these assets for SKYRIM as long as it follows CDProjekt's general guidelines, as they have told me:

-Do not claim that CDProjekt is your official partner of your mod. (Nor me for that matter)
- Do not use these assets for paid mods or third party games.
- Do not use these assets for anything very discriminatory or inflammatory.


I don’t take requests to make this/change that or going to convert it to another body. 
You are welcome to convert these clothes for other body types (CBBE, 7B, etc).

Notify me so I can share the link or upload the file to the public.

Henrietta's other dresses?

Nope. I finished these in August and decided to clean them up in one night. Too busy and not interested right now.

Hair mods?



Thank you CDProjektRed for making the Witcher 3. I have received permission from CDProjekt Red to use ALL Witcher 3 clothing assets for my Skyrim mods. Moderators, if you need to see a screencap of the e-mail, please PM me.

Thank you MoogleOutfitters for permission to use convert ported XNA-Models to Skyrim.