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About this mod

My custom dragon mod, conjureable to those capable.

Permissions and credits
So this is a mod based on a dragon that will appear in my fan fiction, once I finish it.

The model is based heavily on Akatosh's from Oblivion and the texture was made for me by ThunderboltFire on DeviantArt:

Art of Gramzon battling Odahviing commissioned for me can be found here:

So what is it? Well in it's current state, the mod is fairly basic, due to my own personal limits as a modder, the mod currently just adds a spell to summon the dragon, which the Spell Tome for can be found in the armory chest in Skyhaven Temple.

Future plans:

Making his fire green.

A detailed quest line to obtain and create his spell.


ThunderboltFire for her texture work:

Oaristys for the Spell Tome model: