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About this mod

Bree Is A Standalone Elf Follower If you can't already tell by the title. She is a follower I have been working on know for about for a week and have been really keen to upload her to the nexus. Any bugs please do tell me.

Permissions and credits




which means no other mods will be required if you want to use her. You can use this mod with whatever custom body you have or skin texture.



{A.B.O.U.T .H.E.R}

name : Bree

race : nord

sex : female

age : 25

height : 1.0000

weight : 5.0000

voice type : female young eager

class : combat ranger

location : Sleeping Giants Inn

body type : DIMONIZED UNP  *working on cbbe version*

spells : healing

perks : eagle eye, bulls eye, ranger, power shot, shadow warrior, muffled movement,

levels with player : yes

essential : yes

marriageable : yes

armor : thieves guild armor

weapons : enchanted steel dagger of fire 




Before Bree was born, her mother and father were the most wanted thieves in all of Skyrim. They did heists together, robbing merchants and stores. Stealing and robbing valuables from citizens with a knife to the throat. Brees mother and father were also members of the thieves guild, they would earn good coin for stealing all kinds of things and then bringing them back to the guild. But, Brees mother was pregnant at the time so Brees mother and father had retired from their dirty dealing. They bought a nice simple cabin in Rorikstead with the money they had. After living there for about 3 months, they were proud they stopped their heist, stealing and pickpocket. But, unaware of Brees parents knowledge they were still the most wanted thieves in all of Skyrim. They had forgotten that they were wanted,as they were living their new lives in peace and harmony and had left their old life behind them. Brees mother started to get extreme stomach cramps the following week. After the following couple of days suffering from extreme cramps and pain, her pain had knocked up a notch and she was screaming. " It's coming, the babies coming " she says screaming of pain. Brees dad come running to Brees mother. He supported her by putting her arm around his neck and walking over to their bed. He layed her down and stripped her lower pants and layed out a dark brown sheet. Her water broke and she was ready to give birth. She started to push uncontrollably and in a flash Bree came out a healthy young girl. But, Brees mother lost to much blood from giving birth and sadly past. Brees father burst in an outrage of tears holding baby Bree in his arms holding her up to his chest. He knew that Bree would grow up never having a mother to love her. Brees father knew that there was no life for Bree where he was. So he cleaned Bree up with an old rag and sent her to an orphanage. Brees dad hated abandoning but he knew it would be best for her. He knew that he was wanted and had a bounty of death. He didn't want his daughter growing up to a father that was a criminal. He wrapped baby Bree up in some bed sheets and carried her own his horse up to Riftens orphange. He left a note, tucked in between Brees cheeks saying  " When Bree is 10 years old you will give this note to her. Please take care of her and tell that her mother and father extremely sorry for leaving her to an orphanage and that they love Bree dearly with all their hearts." He left Bree on some wooden steps outside the orphanage and knocked on the door and then blended into the darkness. While on his way home, a pair of guards saw his faced under his leather hood and stopped him and remembered his face, they started threatening him. They brought him to a prison and kept him captive their for 4 years until his execution day. When the day had come for his last breath all he thought about was Bree. He was taken to a chopping block, had his head rested on a plank of wood and decapitated him. When Breehad reached her official 10th birthday her note was given to her and she read it. Tears of sadness and joy filled her eyes as she new she had a mother and father that loved her. She then got received another note noting her execution of her father and his crimes. From then, Bree wanted revenge on the jarl. At 11 she stole a few coins and ran from the orphanage. She went down to the Thieves Guild and joined them. She was a quick learner, mastering the skill of pickpocket and sneak. She learned to use a dagger and a bow to defend herself. After more than 6 years at the Thieves Guild she was the best thief out of all of the thieves. She then planned to start a heist at the Sleeping Giants Inn in Riverwoo at the age of 25 but before she can start her rampage attack a strange person walks in the door. *you, the dragonborn*

* if you read my whole story thank you*




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