Jim has been on my radar for a long time. He originally applied for the community manager position that ultimately SirSalami ended up filling due to having a bit more prior-experience in the area, but we’ve maintained contact over the past 18 months and interacted on many occasions throughout the wider community. I liked his application so much that I specifically messaged him to let him know how great it was, and to let him know that if something similar cropped up again, I’d know exactly where to look.
It is clear that Jim has a great understanding of the community as a whole with a level of tact far above my own (something I’m sure the mod authors who’ve used our private forums over the past year in some of the more...heated...topics can attest to). He has a clear knowledge of modding his games and has shown a keen interest in helping many other users to mod their games within the wider community.
What’s more, he comes on board with a lot of great ideas and a serious willingness to work his ass off, which always helps!

Jim joins the team beside our current Community Manager, Dave, and our Director of Content, Paul in a role that will see him, and us, engaging more with our community here at Nexus mods as well as being an ambassador abroad, on the wide web. While Dave typically focuses on internal issues within our community; moderation, talking with and helping users and mod authors, handling disputes and what not, Jim is going to be more public and outward focussed. Things like the recent AMA we did, Get To Know Your Mod Author streams, and generally engaging more with our community is going to be his top priority.
Similarly, from my time running these sites over the past years, it’s clear that there are many misconceptions about the Nexus that are hard to shake off on the wider web. Not least, that we only host mods for Bethesda games. This obviously isn’t the case at all, and we have a keen interest in spreading the word that we are ready and willing to host mods for any and all games, not just the “big games” and not just “Bethesda games”. Jim will be taking up the flag for our cause elsewhere on the internet.
I’m really happy to have Jim on board with us (not least because he makes my job easier, and will likely do it far better than me!), so please give him a welcoming hello.
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A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingI'm so hyped up and feel guilty for being a free-user for so many years, so I just bought Premium Membership.
P.S. Your last name is awesome Jim.
See ya soon,
Your Brother
I've seen you keep your head and composure in the face of drama in the MA forums. The Nexus is well-represented with you acting as an ambassador to the rest of the gaming world.
BTW, mentioning GTKYMA? The series run by DDPrpductions83? Really, Robin? Really?
Feel free to come in to Discord and ask him, we're currently having a lovely discussion together, as we do most days
So we do get on...
You started off badly and it went downhill from there. You're raining on Jim's parade so you can just get your puerile jibes in, so I think we can leave it there (and we will).
Don't bother responding, it will just be removed.
As a longtime user of MO, I have been a HUGE fan of MO's 'virtual' system of implementing mods without touching the 'Data' folder. This has made it possible to move mods, including textures, meshes, etc etc. into and out of a game while preserving the base game files and folder structures.
I was/am awaiting the dev of the 64bit version of MO to mod not only F4 but the new Skyrim revamp due out this month.
I know this will take time, but I am SOOOoooo really happy to see Tannin... on the job at Nexus!!
Robin, MAJOR KUDOS to you for your foresight on this !!!