About this mod
Every social logic in Skyrim for npcs is changed, they talk more often to each others. And will less likely greet to you from a distance, they will also greet less often too, making them to not act as much as robots. NPCs are also more clever and will know for example if they talked to a npc and will therefore talk to another or not talk at all.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

See this mod as a overhaul for the communications of Skyrim intended to use with (optionally) Relationship Dialogue Overhaul and Immersive citizens.
Ever wondered why npcs always seems to have a longer pause between each sentence? Well No more, They are actually talking like people should do now.
Every social logic in Skyrim for npcs is changed, they talk more often to each others. And will less likely greet to you from a distance, they will also greet less often too, making them to not act as much as robots. NPCs are also more clever and will know for example if they talked to a npc and will therefore talk to another or not talk at all. After some time, they talk again with each others.
Expressions is also overhauled, they express themself when they actually should.
Emotions is as well overhauled, You can see how the npcs face look more alive.
Did you accidently run in to some stuff, and npcs start to yell at you?
Well it won't happen as often now, It happen way too often in vanilla.
This is a must-have mod for anyone that has sound on while playing.
What it covers:
This covers all talking/singing npcs ( also new modded npcs ), no matter what language you have.
Also covers modded sentences.
- RDO ( Relationship Dialogue Overhaul ) is compatible.
- Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul is compatible.
- Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO is compatible.
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul is compatible.
- Face to face conversation is compatible.
- No npc greetings is compatible, use the optional.
Not compatible with:
- FSS - No pause between lines - This mod already do what that mod does and more!
Savegame compatible and clean:
The mod is savegame compatible and is also safe to uninstall.
This mod is completely script free.
Choose one of the Main files or one from the optional files.
Activate with your mod manager
This mod is made by Gorgulla and is ONLY allowed to be uploaded by Gorgulla on either Nexusmods or Bethesda.
If you find it elsewhere, IT'S STOLEN.
You are not allowed to change my mod and upload it as your own.
My other SSE mods (Click on image to go to mod site):