About this mod
Touchups of the character portraits, keeping the spirit of the original character designs.
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
- Changelogs


If you like this mod, please consider endorsing! It helps a lot!
OCTOBER 7 NOTE: The portraits have been updated to be compatible with 1.1. If your Emily or Maru(hospital) portraits have been overwritten, it's now safe to redownload the mod.
OCTOBER 5 NOTE: Hi guys! Coming back to this mod after not touching it for a while. You can expect at the very least an update to Emily's portrait to make her compatible with 1.1 within the next day or two, and then more new portraits after that. I'm really sorry for how this went untouched for so long, but I really do want to finish it!
I'm planning to eventually do all characters, but I'll post them below as I continue to complete them! Keep an eye on this mod as I keep uploading.
For now, I'm trying to keep the original feeling of the character while also putting my own touch on them. I might also take requests to change the style of the character later, but that would be after I finish everyone I wanna do first!
If you only want to download individual characters, visit my thread on the Stardew Valley forums here.
- I recommend backing up the files you are changing. You can just copy the original files to a different folder.
- Install desired variants AFTER bundles!
- Extract the .zip file into your main Stardew Valley directory. They'll be dropped into the correct folder automatically. For steam games, by default this is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\
- Select 'yes' for any file overwrite prompts.
- Delete the modified files.
- Restore your backup.
- If you didn't backup, you can delete them and tell Steam to "verify the integrity of game cache," but this will probably remove other mods as well.
About version numbers:
- 0.bachelorettes.bachelors.otherNPCs.variants
- At 1.0, all characters are complete.