About this mod
This mod restors the missing textures of some gwent cards (fixed version)
- Permissions and credits
As the author of the original version doesn't seem to update his mod for patch 1.21 (which broke it), I decided to create a fixed version of this mod. In case the original author comes back, I will, of course, remove this fix if he wants me to do so - it's still his mod, not mine.
Besides the fact that this will work with patch 1.21 and the Blood and Wine DLC, no changes were made between the current version of this mod and the latest version of the original mod. This may change in the future, but for now I just focused on fixing the mod.
This mod restores missing textures for some gwent cards and makes small changes in starting deck.
The following cards got new textures:
- Poor Fucking Infantry
- Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter
- Blue Stripes Commando
- Catapult
- Kaedweni Siege Expert
- Impera Brigade
- Nausicaa Cavalry Brigade
The follogwin changes has been made to the staring deck:
- Removed 1 Biting Frost
- Removed 1 Impenetrable Fog
- Removed 1 Poor Fucking Infantry
- Removed 1 Blue Stripes Commando
- Added 1 Ballista (This card can't be found by another way)
- Added 1 Siege Tower (This card can't be found by another way)
The texture changes only effect new cards. Any card you had before you installed the mod will still be the same.
Well, just extract the zip file and place the "modGwentRestoreTextures2" folder inside your mods folder, but make sure that you deleted the original mod before you start the game. Also, the mod will propably not be compatible with any other mod that mods gwent.
The mod was tested with patch 1.21 and all DLCs installed :)