Changes the boulders in game to give you a small chance at mining Coal, Potassium Nitrate Powder, Lead, Sand, Clay and Rare Gems. I have also doubled the amount of collected materials from above and below ground ores and boulders.
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Version 1.1.4
Changed Rate of Harvest
Changed Harvest Amounts to account for Armor Mods and Bonus Stats
Version 1.1.3a
Patch for Progression file not loading correctly
Version 1.1.3
Added EXP Penality as you level to stop mass experience gain
Optimised code
Adjusted Mined amounts to allign with upcoming mods.
Version 1.1.2
This is an essential update
Updated Ore Blocks
Updated Progression to not remove the default Miner69r that way the mod should be compatible with other mods and overhauls.
Version 1.1.1
Changed Mining Blocks as old version was using old naming
Doubled the amount of collected ores from boulders, ground, ores.
Version 1.1
Intial Release for 1.1
Linked Mining Loot to levels of Miner69r
Version 0.21.1
Added: Dropped Rocks now gives bags instead of disappearing
Changed: Increased Mined Amounts
Changed: Seperated Boulders, Ores and Below Ground Veins to give more.
This changes the above ground boulders in game to give you the ability to mine Coal, Potassium Nitrate Powder, Lead, Sand and Clay. This will also give you a rare chance of mining Silver, Gold and Diamond. I have also doubled the amount of collected materials from above and below ground ores and boulders.
The ability is linked to levels of perkMiner69r - Scrap Iron and Clay Level 2, Coal and Crushed Sand Level 3, Nitrate Powder and Scrap Lead Level 4, Rare Gems Level 5.