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Version 3.3.0
[EVA] Add optional 1st person camera support.
Fix debug messages printing when they shouldn't.
Version 3.2.0
Update for 7D2D V1.3
[EVA] Add vehicle assemly system similar to A16s.
[EVA] Rewrite sections of netcode.
Version 3.1.4
Revert some netcode changes for VehicleAttachments due to item loss.
Add index validation to XUiC_VehicleAttachmentSelectorWindow to prevent index shifting.
Fix MOR blacklist not affecting tile entities without the UI being open.
Version 3.1.3
Build against latest stable version V1.0b336.
Version 3.1.2
Add patch to allow generator fuel to be defined via XML.
VehicleAttachments split into high and low tick priorities. High priority ticks once per second. Low priority ticks every 3 seconds.
Fix some instances of VehicleAttachmentWorkstation losing items due to colliding network packages.
Fix MOR mishandling empty config string.
Fix occasional null reference with RecipeQueueItemPatch.
Fix MOR output slot check being off by one.
Fix EntityVehicleAttachable being able to be picked up if items are in attachments.
Fix Gamestaged biome spawns being broken.
Version 3.1.1
Add config option to allow workstations to be blacklisted from MOR.
Fix PassiveCollector math on determining output slots.
Fix VehicleAttachmentWorkstation not saving state in MP if vehicle is not parked.
Add patch to optionally prevent zombie stumble swings on arm and leg hits (must be enabled in config).
Add patch to optionally prevent zombies from entering the "crouched" state (must be enabled in config).
Add IDCCore keybinding configuration code for easy connection to Gears.
VehicleRadio script can now increase and decrease volume.
Fix VehicleAttachmentWorkstation kicking players in MP.
Fix VehicleAttachmentWorkstation not syncing properly in MP.
Fix NetPackageSyncVehicleAttachments not calling base write method resulting in invalid package ids.
Fix XUiC_GPSMenu throwing null ref when sharing to party.
Version 2.4.3
Add MinEvent to generate heat in a chunk.
Add MinEvent to set an entities walk type.
Version 2.4.2
Fix ammo box sometimes getting "stuck" reloading a single turret.
Version 2.4.1
Fix reported NRE with quality mod patch.
Version 2.4.0
Hydroponics basins can now optionally not require water.
Hydroponics basins can now consume seeds if desired.
Hydroponics basins can produce different outputs from the same seed.
Add patch to make quality mod on a per trader basis.
Add patch to allow for randomized entity material swapping.
Add Debug logging config option. Reduces log spam for non-critical IDCCore information. Errors will always print to log.
MOR can now override recipe name, icon, description, tint. See documentation.
Version 2.3.1
Add patch that can restrict the biomes a block can be placed in.
Add new XUiC_RequiredItemStack controller that displays required item name when hovered.
Fix XUiC_PassiveCollectorContainer failsafe causing console errors when it shouldn't.
Fix PassiveCollectorV2 throwing InvalidCastExceptions in multiplayer if block ids have shifted.
Version 2.3.0
Update for compatibility with A21.2b30.
Full redesign of multi output recipe system.
Multi output recipes now work with perks.
Add new trader entity class that is killable.
Version 2.2.6
Update for compatibility with A21.2b26.
Storage machine now allows for items to be sorted.
Add patch to make vehicle damage taken configurable on a per vehicle basis.
Version 2.2.5
Storage machine item hover colors are now XML based.
Hydroponics basins can have water bucketed into them.
Fix hydroponics basins throwing exception if unusable fertilizer was present.
Fix random NRE when repairing with multi output recipes enabled (this shouldn't have been needed).
Fix workstations not consuming items when crafting.
Version 2.2.4
Passive collector modifiers can now be shift clicked in and out of modifier slots.
Fix all issues with multi output recipes.
Fix random NRE when changing biomes.
Version 2.2.3
Fix crafted items not counting towards quests.
Add config option for multiple output recipes.
Version 2.2.2
Fix NRE when scrapping in workstations.
Version 2.2.0
Add config option to disable progression logging.
Add ammo box classes. Capable of refilling turret ammo from its inventory.
Add storage machine classes. Capable of storing 65,000 stacks of items in a single block.
Add console command to give quests to player.
Add ability to set zombie move speeds per biome.
Add crop trampling options. Configurable via blocks.xml file. Disabled by default
Add multi-output recipe functionality. New tab in crafting UI showing outputs.
Add block that gives buffs when collided with.
Fixed skill points per level mods breaking if individualized progression was disabled.
Fixed speed modifiers on passive collectors not working properly.
Fix passive collectors being pick up able with modifiers on them.
Version 2.1.1
- Add config option to allow trader talk icons to be disabled.
- Configurable player levels can now use a set amount increase per level for levels not explicitly defined.
- Add screamer configuration options. Allows for multiple screamers to be spawned when heat in a chunk hits 100.
Version 2.1.0
- Update for compatilibility with A21.1 stable.
- Passive collectors can now have their sky checks disabled via an xml property.
- Allow for scout zombies to be gamestaged.
- Allow for biome zombie spawns to be gamestaged.
- Config option to prevent zombie spawns inside landclaims.
- Allow for player levels to require specific xp amounts and allow for variable skill point rewards per level.
- Passive Collector V2 released. Old collector will remain for now for compatibility purposes. Will be removed in A22.
- Fix passive collector sometimes sharing recipes with other collectors.
- Fix occasional NRE when opening passive collector.
Version 2.0.0
Initial Release
A core library required by several of my mods to avoid shipping copies of the same DLL with multiple mods. By itself, this mod does not add any content to the game. This can also be used by mod authors. Documentation is available here.
Requires EAC off and must be installed on client and server. Place in the Mods folder like any other mod.