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About this mod

A open source mod for 7 Days to Die dedicated servers. Provides RESTful APIs and a powerful web management panel to help owners and administrators operate their dedicated server. Works with both Linux and Windows. (Ubuntu 22.04 and Windows Server 2016+ test passed)

Permissions and credits
This is a 7 Days to Die dedicated server tool with integrated API visualisation and administration tools, and features are constantly being added and updated.
Steps to use: 
1, download the latest 7DaysToDie-ServerKit package and extract it to the game server Mods directory, start the server
2、Open the browser: http://IP:8888 
Default account: admin
Default password: 123456
You can change the default port, account and password in the configuration file: 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\LSTY_Data\appsettings.json
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