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Created by

ZZTong MPlogue Stallionsden etc

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About this mod

This modlet provides a common definition of custom vanilla blocks that have
previously appeared in multiple modlets. Instead of having each modlet define
the same block with a slightly different name, various POI modlets could
instead share (depend upon) this modlet.

This is a prefabbers toolbox in short.

Permissions and credits

Custom Block Pack (modlet)

A few POI creators define and use custom blocks in their modlets. This modlet provides a way to share those custom blocks with other POI creators and make it easier to integrate those POIs with other modlets, such as the CompoPack.

Blocks included in the pack have many purposes such as offsetting an object for placement close to a wall, adding more random helper blocks, and even a series of really wild blocks that distort vision, add radiation, and more.

To use the blocks in the pack, you need only install the Custom Block Pack modlet and then those blocks will show up in your creative menu. All of the blocks have a "cbp" prefix making them easy to find on the list.

Using a block from this modlet creates a dependency between any POI where a custom block is used and the Custom Block Pack modlet. To have the blocks appear in game for your customers, they too need to install the Custom Block Pack modlet. 

How do I try out this modlet? 
Simply download and add the mod to your users/username/appdata/roaming/7daystodie?Mods folder 
[Check to see if when you open the first folder there is a modinfo.xml on the next folder if not then you need that folder moved to the Mods folder and the old folder deleted.

How often is this modlet being updated?
Right now, not so frequently. 

Can I add my own Custom Blocks? 
Yes, that's a goal. Simply join the Compopack discord [https://discord.gg/magolis-compopack] and/or DM Stallionsden.

What if I don't like certain blocks? 
Then you don't use them in your POIs. The presence of them in the pack does not force them into your POIs or upon your players.

How do Players manage modlet dependencies? Manually? 
We're hopeful TFP eventually implements a method for modlet dependencies.

Is the modlet server-side friendly? 
Yes. All blocks involve only XML definitions and only refer to 3D assets TFP distributes with the game.

Will it eventually include custom 3D assets? 
No as there is a CUBP [Custom Unity Block Pack]. Giving the Prefabbers a choice of what to use in their pois. 

What are the Pro's and Con's of using this modlet?

PRO: You get more block options. Things you've wanted are probably things other POI creators have wanted, and already made.

PRO: If you contribute a POI with a CBP custom block to the CompoPack, Stallionsden doesn't have to find it, rename it, and use the blockupdate tool on your POI. You save him a lot of effort.

CON: Your modlet and/or POIs now depend on the CBP modlet. It had to be installed for your POIs to work so long as any CBP blocks are in your POIs. [Simply add it as a requirement for your pois like other requirements]

CON: You can't report errors with CBP blocks to TFP. Well, you can, but they'll not know anything about the blocks.

So far, MPLogue, ZZTong and Stallion have contributed blocks. MPL's block are really innovative, Stallion made a whole bunch of blocks, ZZTong mostly made offset things or made minor-loot variants.
[ZZTong contributed blocks at the start of the project and had some influence on the formation of the project, but has otherwise stepped away from the project.]

You can download it from its current form Here...

How to use:

The custom Block Pack is a middle ground mod for Prefabbers. Simply adding the mod to your Mods folder you can have access to custom vanilla blocks to use in your POI/s. 

Why the CBP?
The game has a block limit and having a middle Mod that we can share and add to rather then having many different mods that do the same thing can help keep that limit for the game down so we can have more. 


Extract or drag the Custom-Blocks-Pack to your 
Users/username/appdata/roaming/7daystodie/Mods folder.

- Added Climbable Ivy

Offset Umbrellas extending wrong block.

  • Fixed wrong block name cbpworkbenchBustedRandomLootHelper to cbpworkbenchRandomLootHelper
  • Added a random helper of each workstation and added the cbp deco, Empty and vanilla collapsed versions of that workstation so the game has a chance to choose which one spawns in the pois. 
  • Added RatKing, RatBabies and a Ratgroup. [Bunnies shrunk down in size]
  • Added Xyths Mannequins they come to life in a sleeper volume. [type in mannequin in the search area of the volume.] Male and female version available. 

Changelog CBP
  • Added Xyths new version of the Mannequins, [Old version is still there] [Original sleeper group now calls the latest version the freeze ones have a new group]
  • Seperated the Sounds by Sphereii to individual sound files (Original random Sections still exist]
  • Removed many custom loot containers and gave the blocks vanilla lootlists for ease with overhauls.
  • Probably some other stuff i forgot to add lol
Changelog CBP
  • Fixed a few bugs
  • Added sleeper blocks for non animal sleeper blocks to spawn in normal volumes like generic and badass and be triggerable to counter the vanilla bug  when attaching a trigger volume to a volume tagged say stag or mountainlion etc
  • added zeebarks custom blocks converted to cbp.

Changelog CBP
  • Bug fixes