About this mod
Adds several recipes to make Glue and Duct Tape, including bringing back the Glue recipe using Murky Water.
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Purpose of Mod:
This mod introduces several new ways to make glue and duct tape.
First of all: Glue.
- It makes no sense to me that the recipe for glue using murky water was removed. So our first priority in this mod is to restore the legacy glue recipe using murky water and bone to make duct tape. The recipe using boiled water is untouched; now you have a choice. I'll credit FlufferNutterSandwich for FNS Snow-2-H2O Rope Crafting and Using Murky Water in Glue Paint and Paper as inspiration, but truth be told I've been wanting to do something about this Dev mistake since day one. I didn't use any resources from FNS's mod.
- This mod also adds resin to the game as a drop from pine trees, and a recipe to make glue from coal and resin. This was inspired by Ananais Resin Glue (of course I used no resources from that mod either), but unlike Ana's resin mod, you can only get resin from unburnt pine trees (including the "dry" ones that look dead). Also, neither Maple nor Oak trees drop resin. You may, however, find resin in "Chem" loot, and the Traders may occasionally carry resin.
Second: Duct tape.
It makes no sense to me that duct tape can't be made in many different ways. Therefore this mod adds recipes to make duct tape:
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from cotton and glue
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from cotton, boiled water and bone
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from cotton, murky water and bone
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from cotton, coal and resin
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from plant fibers, coal and resin
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from plant fibers and glue
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from plant fibers, boiled water and bone
- Adds recipe to make duct tape from plant fibers, murky water and bone
Finally: Charcoal?
If you have my other mod Charcoal Revolution! I've included a patch which includes recipes for glue using charcoal and activated charcoal.
If you have enhancements or other changes to suggest, please do so in the discussion posts. If you find errors, please refer to the "Anticipated Questions" below. Developed for and tested on 7 Days to Die version 1.2 (b14)I hope you find this mod a useful and enjoyable enhancement to your mod library, but if not, thank you anyway for reading this far!
Install the mod manually. Mod Manager programs are excellent when they work, but while 7 Days is no longer in Alpha, I still see reports that Mod Managers install files from mods to incorrect folders. I've seen too many reported problems which are traceable back to a Mod manager that failed to install the mod properly. Maybe someday I'll reconsider. But for now if you insist on using a Mod Manager, you're on your own to figure out a workaround.
Load Order and incompatibilities:
This mod may be incompatible with other mods which change similar functions. Most notably, it conflicts with Ananais Resin Glue mod and FNS Snow-2-H2O Rope Crafting and Using Murky Water in Glue Paint and Paper mod. I don't recommend trying to run several mods concurrently which change the same things, because at best you will get confusing results. If you insist on running "Sensible Duct Tape and Glue" along with other similar mods, you might try different load orders. Maybe you will wind up with usable results, good luck with that.
Otherwise, "Sensible Duct Tape and Glue" can be loaded in any order, as can "Charcoal Revolution!" But in order to function correctly, the patch must load after both SDTaG and CR. If you install them without changing the folder names, this should happen automagically, but if you have any trouble, just rename the folder for the patch to something starting with "ZZZ_" and that should (literally) sort it.
Known Issues or Bugs: No bugs known at the time of release.
Anticipated Questions:
Q: Are you aware that there's already a mod that does this, and does it better than yours?
A: I am aware that other mods exist which are designed to solve the same problem in different ways. I feel my approach is better, but if you disagree, I understand completely. Please feel free to use one of those other mods. I firmly believe that everyone should enjoy 7 Days to Die in their own way.
Q: Will you consider suggestions for improvement?
A: Maybe, if I like your suggestion and it's within the scope of my meager skills. Also, I will leave permissions open enough that others may make variants and release them, provided that I am credited as the original mod author.
Q: Is "Sensible Duct Tape and Glue" compatible with "Charcoal Revolution?" Are there recipes to make Glue and Duct Tape with Charcoal or Activated Charcoal instead of Coal?
A: Yes. A patch is included which does exactly that. See "Installation" and "Load Order and incompatibilities" above.
Q: What have you got against Vortex and other Mod Managers? Why won't you enable the button for Mod Manager download?
A: Well, that's two questions, but I'll answer both here. I haven't got anything against Mod Manager programs, and in fact I use Vortex for Skyrim. The only problem I have with Vortex is that I still occasionally see reports that when used with 7 Days to Die it has installed files in the wrong locations, resulting in problems. Perhaps one day I will reconsider, but probably not.
Q: Why do you set stack sizes at 65000? Isn't that excessive?
A: Yes it is excessive, and I do it because that's my playstyle. Please feel free to adjust the "Stacknumber" in the items.xml file to whatever suits your playstyle, but I don't recommend trying numbers higher than 65000 because the game engine might not like numbers that big.
Q: What about Translations?
A: Although I could do translations using online machine translation resources, frankly I spend too much effort and time on this hobby already, and making translations add a lot more additional time and effort than I care to spend. Again, I will leave permissions open enough that others may make translations and release them, provided that I am credited as the original mod author.
Q: Your mod doesn't work. Will you fix it?
A: I'll try. The likelihood of my success will largely depend on how much you're willing to work with me on it. Before reporting a problem, try basic troubleshooting, starting with backing up your mods and save games. Try removing the mod to see if the problem goes away. Also try backing up your other mods and save games (yes, it's worth saying twice), and installing ONLY my mod. Next, try starting a new game. If the issue persists after that, in your report describe the problem in enough detail that I can try to re-create it, and send me your log file (NOT a screenshot) and I'll see what I can do.
Q: Log file? What's that and where is it?
A: It is a text file called Player.log and it is typically found in the "C:\Users\[your Windows username]\AppData\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die" folder.
Q: Is multi-player supported? Is this mod Server Side? Client Side? Would all clients have to download and install the mod?
A: Unlike other similar mods, "Sensible Duct Tape and Glue" does not have any graphic assets, instead using the vanilla assets with tinting to give resin its distinctive appearance. My understanding is that 7 Days to Die mods which are .xml only (like this one) can be used on the local PC or on a server without clients needing to download it, although EAC may have to be disabled. Unfortunately I cannot test that, as I don't have a server and I can't afford to rent one to test it. Test at your own risk.
Q: Do your mods work on console platforms or are they PC only?
A: As with servers, I don't know and I don't have the time, patience or resources to ensure that they work on consoles. Test at your own risk.
Q: Is this mod safe to install and uninstall mid-game?
A: As far as I know it is, but keep in mind that while 7 Days to Die is out of the Alpha phase, development continues, and bug reports continue to be submitted. As such 7 Days to Die may exhibit unexpected behaviors, including but not limited to corrupting your save. Therefore it has never been advisable to install or remove mods mid-game. All I can tell you is that I installed and uninstalled this mod several times during testing and never broke my save.
Q: How do I install mods manually in 7 Days to Die?
A: This question is outside the scope of this document, and anyway there are many tutorials available on the internet which answer this question far better than I could. You might try using your favorite search engine to find such a tutorial.
Credits and thanks:
- Resin Glue by ananais
- FNS Snow-2-H2O Rope Crafting and Using Murky Water in Glue Paint and Paper by FlufferNutterSandwich
and To:
- Max Fox Gaming for an excellent tutorial series, without which I'd never have been able to create this mod.