- Refine results Found 17 results. 5052 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Bottle of Acid Crafting
LootableZombieCorpse mod enhances the looting experience in "7 Days to Die" by allowing players to loot dead zombie bodies. This adds depth to gameplay by providing additional items and resources that can be obtained from zombies upon their defeat.
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LootableZombieCorpse mod enhances the looting experience in "7 Days to Die" by allowing players to loot dead zombie bodies. This adds depth to gameplay by providing additional items and resources that can be obtained from zombies upon their defeat.
Chaos Relics - Backpack Slot(78) - v1.0
This mod increases the number of backpack slots in "7 Days to Die" to 78, allowing players to carry more items. By expanding the standard backpack capacity, this mod makes the game more convenient and practical.
- 5.1MB
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Chaos Relics - Backpack Slot(78) - v1.0
This mod increases the number of backpack slots in "7 Days to Die" to 78, allowing players to carry more items. By expanding the standard backpack capacity, this mod makes the game more convenient and practical.
mod increases the max level to 2000
7 Days of Insomnia (Immersive Sleeping) (1.0 and above) (server-side)
The most comprehensive and immersive sleeping system out there
- 61KB
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7 Days of Insomnia (Immersive Sleeping) (1.0 and above) (server-side)
The most comprehensive and immersive sleeping system out there
Highlighting of buttons and container states
Color highlighting of the container statuses and the interaction buttons. - Farbliche Hervorhebung der Behälterzustände sowie der Interaktionstasten.
- 25KB
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Highlighting of buttons and container states
Color highlighting of the container statuses and the interaction buttons. - Farbliche Hervorhebung der Behälterzustände sowie der Interaktionstasten.
Colored Container States - Farbliche Kennzeichnungen
Farbliche Hervorhebung der Lootcontainerzustände. / colored container states
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Colored Container States - Farbliche Kennzeichnungen
Farbliche Hervorhebung der Lootcontainerzustände. / colored container states
Chaos Relics - Adamantum Tier Blocks - v1.0
This mod introduces 1-5 tier blocks, powerful and visually distinct tiered blocks to 7 Days to Die, providing enhanced fortification and durability. Additionally, these blocks inflict burning damage when interacted with, adding a defensive layer against zombies and other threats.
- 21.6MB
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Chaos Relics - Adamantum Tier Blocks - v1.0
This mod introduces 1-5 tier blocks, powerful and visually distinct tiered blocks to 7 Days to Die, providing enhanced fortification and durability. Additionally, these blocks inflict burning damage when interacted with, adding a defensive layer against zombies and other threats.
NeffaS' Mining & Craft is a mod for 7 Days to Die that improves mining and crafting, adding new ores such as copper, quartz, cobalt, and titanium, as well as tools and an expanded smelting system. The mod balances resource gathering, making the experience more immersive and strategic.V 1.1 (b14) compatible
- 372.1MB
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NeffaS' Mining & Craft is a mod for 7 Days to Die that improves mining and crafting, adding new ores such as copper, quartz, cobalt, and titanium, as well as tools and an expanded smelting system. The mod balances resource gathering, making the experience more immersive and strategic.V 1.1 (b14) compatible
Halmod: Complete Edition is an overhaul that is within the dimension of a server-side modlet. It's multiplayer-friendly! The players are given two choices between 40 survivors to customize their initial load-out before they face the ever-increasing challenges of feral zombies. As the players travel between biomes, the zombies become more dangerous.
- 195KB
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Halmod: Complete Edition is an overhaul that is within the dimension of a server-side modlet. It's multiplayer-friendly! The players are given two choices between 40 survivors to customize their initial load-out before they face the ever-increasing challenges of feral zombies. As the players travel between biomes, the zombies become more dangerous.
Enhance your Molotov cocktails with a tiered system that increases burn duration and explosion radius. Each tier delivers more powerful and impactful explosions, adding a new level of intensity to your gameplay.
- 15.3MB
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Enhance your Molotov cocktails with a tiered system that increases burn duration and explosion radius. Each tier delivers more powerful and impactful explosions, adding a new level of intensity to your gameplay.
This mod allows you to craft a variety of doors, hatches, and gates available in the base game, including versions without barricades (reinforcement planks).
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This mod allows you to craft a variety of doors, hatches, and gates available in the base game, including versions without barricades (reinforcement planks).
In this mod, an element is added that makes the game world even more realistic and immersive. Now, grass begins to grow on roads and paths, giving the landscape the appearance of a long-abandoned area. This change not only improves the visual aspect of the game, making it more vibrant and rich, but also adds a new level of strategy.
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In this mod, an element is added that makes the game world even more realistic and immersive. Now, grass begins to grow on roads and paths, giving the landscape the appearance of a long-abandoned area. This change not only improves the visual aspect of the game, making it more vibrant and rich, but also adds a new level of strategy.
allows creating between 10-16k maps in the default world builder
Konvertiere deine Munition in einen anderen Munitionstyp.Simply convert your basic ammo to another typ of ammo.
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Konvertiere deine Munition in einen anderen Munitionstyp.Simply convert your basic ammo to another typ of ammo.
Chaos Relics - Ultimate Tier Explosives - v1.0
Tiered Explosives Mod adds explosives from Tier 1 to Tier 5, offering low block damage, high explosion damage, and large blast radius. Each tier brings more power and larger blast areas, perfect for wiping out hordes strategically.
- 6.2MB
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Chaos Relics - Ultimate Tier Explosives - v1.0
Tiered Explosives Mod adds explosives from Tier 1 to Tier 5, offering low block damage, high explosion damage, and large blast radius. Each tier brings more power and larger blast areas, perfect for wiping out hordes strategically.
H7SB HUD HC is a server-side mod that contains a centered Head-up-Display with additional options and reduced toolbelt size.
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H7SB HUD HC is a server-side mod that contains a centered Head-up-Display with additional options and reduced toolbelt size.