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Pull materials from nearby containers for crafting, repairing, and upgrading.
UPDATED FOR 1.0.This handy little mod, so small yet so powerful, makes most of the crafting nearly instant. When crafting very large amounts of items, it is recommended that you exit the crafting window for a few seconds to let the crafting complete quicker (this tip doesn't apply to backpack crafting).
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UPDATED FOR 1.0.This handy little mod, so small yet so powerful, makes most of the crafting nearly instant. When crafting very large amounts of items, it is recommended that you exit the crafting window for a few seconds to let the crafting complete quicker (this tip doesn't apply to backpack crafting).
Faster Smelting and More Smelted Resources
STILL WORKS FOR 1.0. Makes smelting the base scrap items a lot faster. Includes an optional file to increase the number of resources you get when smelting the base scrap items. Slower version is also available. All versions now include more items and tools.
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Faster Smelting and More Smelted Resources
STILL WORKS FOR 1.0. Makes smelting the base scrap items a lot faster. Includes an optional file to increase the number of resources you get when smelting the base scrap items. Slower version is also available. All versions now include more items and tools.
Adds the ability to craft select items and pick up others to help decorate your base.
Ztensity's Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI)
Check out Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive, with less storage demand, where you can craft new items, turn on electronics, use working lights, sleep in alternative beds and use kitchen appliances with better visuals than ever before. In alpha 21, you must now find and read the "Wiring 101" magazines to unlock lights and powered doors!
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Ztensity's Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive (UBBI)
Check out Unnecessarily Beautiful But Immersive, with less storage demand, where you can craft new items, turn on electronics, use working lights, sleep in alternative beds and use kitchen appliances with better visuals than ever before. In alpha 21, you must now find and read the "Wiring 101" magazines to unlock lights and powered doors!
(1.1) Feel - Solarpanels Extended
Get the Electricity Expansion mod for 7DTD! Adds more solar panels, battery banks, wind turbines & wire relays. Wire relays allow for efficient power distribution & all work with a 20 slot grid. Upgrade your energy production and stay ahead in the post-apocalyptic world.
- 68.0MB
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(1.1) Feel - Solarpanels Extended
Get the Electricity Expansion mod for 7DTD! Adds more solar panels, battery banks, wind turbines & wire relays. Wire relays allow for efficient power distribution & all work with a 20 slot grid. Upgrade your energy production and stay ahead in the post-apocalyptic world.
Previously 'CraftFromContainers' by aedenthorn.Craft Items, Repair Items, Upgrade Blocks, Repair Blocks, Reload Weapons, Repair Vehicles, Refuel Vehicles, Refuel GeneratorsFrom nearby Storage Crates, Player Storage (drawers, fridges, etc.), and/or VehiclesFully configurable and compatible with most storage mods!
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Previously 'CraftFromContainers' by aedenthorn.Craft Items, Repair Items, Upgrade Blocks, Repair Blocks, Reload Weapons, Repair Vehicles, Refuel Vehicles, Refuel GeneratorsFrom nearby Storage Crates, Player Storage (drawers, fridges, etc.), and/or VehiclesFully configurable and compatible with most storage mods!
NEW VARIANTS! 4, 5 and 6 block wide 3 to 8 block high.Add to the game an elevator for yourself and your vehicles.
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NEW VARIANTS! 4, 5 and 6 block wide 3 to 8 block high.Add to the game an elevator for yourself and your vehicles.
Tier 6 crafting
Lam's faster smelting and extra smelting slot
adds 5 new bellows to the game to increase your smelting time by 80%adds a third smelting slot8 slot craft queue9 slot output windowfor SMX the input craft queue is 9 slots and the output is 10 slots
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Lam's faster smelting and extra smelting slot
adds 5 new bellows to the game to increase your smelting time by 80%adds a third smelting slot8 slot craft queue9 slot output windowfor SMX the input craft queue is 9 slots and the output is 10 slots
This modlet adds a Wireless Powerbox to 7 Days to Die. This enables you to connect downstream powered items (such as traps, lights and so on) without showing the cables. Note: It works for BOTH Alpha 17 AND Alpha 18 :)
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This modlet adds a Wireless Powerbox to 7 Days to Die. This enables you to connect downstream powered items (such as traps, lights and so on) without showing the cables. Note: It works for BOTH Alpha 17 AND Alpha 18 :)
Craftable Solar Stuff for Game Version 1.0unlock now with crafting skill electrician solarbank with level 25solar cell unlock with level 65 and tier level with level 75,85,95,100 of crafting skill electrician.
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Craftable Solar Stuff for Game Version 1.0unlock now with crafting skill electrician solarbank with level 25solar cell unlock with level 65 and tier level with level 75,85,95,100 of crafting skill electrician.
This modification adds polished diamonds, silver and gold bars.You can easily sell new items to the trader and earn more money from it.2 supported languages: English and Polish.
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This modification adds polished diamonds, silver and gold bars.You can easily sell new items to the trader and earn more money from it.2 supported languages: English and Polish.
Expanded dew collector from 3 to 10 slots
Ads a perk that increases crafting and scrapping speed
Simple modlet to double the smelting speed using the bellow.
Working Wood Burning Stove for A19.3
A simple Modlet for a working wood burning stove that you can cook on.Uses stock game files (safe for Dedicated servers)Perk requirements removed for A19.3
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Working Wood Burning Stove for A19.3
A simple Modlet for a working wood burning stove that you can cook on.Uses stock game files (safe for Dedicated servers)Perk requirements removed for A19.3
(1.1) Feel - Battery Banks Extended
This mod introduces several new battery banks into the game, providing a wider range of power storage options and giving players the ability to fine-tune their power management strategy.
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(1.1) Feel - Battery Banks Extended
This mod introduces several new battery banks into the game, providing a wider range of power storage options and giving players the ability to fine-tune their power management strategy.
Expanded Decorative Blocks Vedui42
This is an XML only based modlet that adds in a few craftable decorative shape-block selectors, that can in turn be made into various decorative blocks in the game.It relies on EXISTING assets in game, ie, pool table, terrarium, treadmill, bathtub and so on.It's for SP and MP servers, and if on a server does NOT need clients
- 9KB
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Expanded Decorative Blocks Vedui42
This is an XML only based modlet that adds in a few craftable decorative shape-block selectors, that can in turn be made into various decorative blocks in the game.It relies on EXISTING assets in game, ie, pool table, terrarium, treadmill, bathtub and so on.It's for SP and MP servers, and if on a server does NOT need clients
A machine that can be buy and sell items.- And provide optional mod, Traders will reset the merchandise every day.
- 2KB
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A machine that can be buy and sell items.- And provide optional mod, Traders will reset the merchandise every day.