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About this mod

Visual overhaul that turns the scientists into hyenas

Permissions and credits
The Hyenification Chamber has broken containment amidst the chaos of [REDACTED] and all of the scientists have turned into animals.

Overhaul mod that replaces scientist assets with anthropomorphic hyenas.
 Also refits many existing items to the new models.



Drag and drop contents of zip into the games root folder.


  • The rest of the hair and beards
  • Finish refitting armor
  • First person arms
    [It's not going so well]

Completed Armor Tiers:
  • Office
  • Manufacturing


If you enjoy my work, I greatly appreciate any donations!
In case nexus donation option isn't working for you, I also have a ko-fi


Special credit to
Okaroo Photography, the source of the hyena whoop I used for the pager sound. [X]