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About this mod

Advanced version of ADF-11F with upgraded weapons. Replace ADF-11F or adds ADF-11X as a separate aircraft

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ADF-11X Advanced Raven

The advanced version of the ADF-11F, developed by North Osea Gründer Industries and completed by General Resource post-Lighthouse War, the ADF-11X incorporates several enhancements. This fighter features additional rudders in the rear for improved maneuverability and stability, along with a faster engine and additional weapon pods for full stealth capability.

Equipped with an array of advanced weaponry, including triple rapid pulse lasers, four stealth missiles, an advanced Tactical Laser System (TLS), advanced stealth missiles, laser weapon UAV, an invisible energy barrier for unparalleled defense, and electric flares for countermeasure effectiveness.

The cockpit is outfitted with a pioneering holographic display, laying the groundwork for the technology later perfected in the Falken, providing superior situational awareness. 

Its nickname is "Advanced Raven."



  • Added two rear stabs to improve stability and mobility
  • Added Weapon Pod system to increase stealth capability
  • Added two pulse laser pod on each wing
  • Added Falken's cockpit model with dynamic system
  • Replace Standard 1x2 missile pylon to 2x2 missile pylon. Make the plane can bring 4 missiles at once

Weapon loadout:
  • PLSL: Triple Pulse Lasers -x3600
Rapid-fire 3x Pulse Laser

  • MSL: 4-launch Stealth Missile - x160
Stealth Missile with better damage, reload time, and homing. Use base QAAM stats. Can launch up to 4 missiles

  • SPW1: Advanced Tactical Laser System - x40(XTLS, labeled as TLS)
Arsenal Bird's laser without auto-lock. 15 seconds uptime, very high damage, long range up to 15.000 km

  • SPW2: 8-launch Advanced Quick-maneuver Air-to-air Stealth Missile - x88 (XQSM, labeled as QAAM)
QAAM that can launch up to 8 missiles per salvo. Better stats than original QAAM. Can fire 2 missile to single target. Basically QAAM + LAAM as one weapon

  • SPW3: Advanced Weapon UAV -x48 (XWUAV, labeled as UAV)
Weapon UAV modified to be lightweight but with increased firepower. Now it can fold its wings to create more space, allowing the plane to carry up to 4 WUAVs (6 WUAV for Replace edition). Now equipped with Guided Tactical Laser System

Invisible barrier that can block any attacks for 10 seconds. Smaller in size than Arsenal Bird’s Rectenna Barrier. Remember that while the shield is active, you can’t fire any weapons because they will hit the shield’s hitbox. Also, it’s green



  • Osea - Air superiority grey, red decals
  • Erusea - ADFX-10F livery, red decals
  • Special - Black livery used by Hugin and Munin, white decals
  • Mage - Osea skin with Mage Squadron markings
  • Spare - Osea skin with Spare Squadron markings
  • Strider - Osea skin with Strider Squadron markings
  • Metallic Red - A metallic skin painted in classic Zone of Endless red livery, white decals
  • Mimic - Black
  • Mimic - White
  • Mimic - Dazzle Camo Skin based from Rage/Scream Dazzle Camo
  • Phoenix Skin
  • Grabacr Skin
  • ADFX-10X Variant
  • ADFX-10X Nemo


Mod files:
  • ~~ADF-11X Base File_P
Base file. Must be included or the mod doesn't work

  • ~~~ADF-11X Addon module File_P
Addon module file. Include Skin pawn (s00 skin pawn included)

  • ~~~ADF-11X Replacer module File_P
Replacer module file. Include ADF-11F Pawn and Skin pawn (no s00 skin pawn included)

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!ADF-11X_Addon temporary Compability patch_P
Temporary compability patch for other addons mod, only supports RMQ-4F addon mod and other addons mod that created before it

How to Install:
  • Create "~mods" folder inside "\ACE COMBAT 7\Game\Content\Paks" if that folder doesn't exist
  • Extract the archives
  • Copy/Move "~~ADF-11X Base File_P" to ~mods folder
  • Copy/Move "~~~ADF-11X Addon module File_P" AND/OR "~~~ADF-11X Replacer module File_P" to ~mods folder too. You can choose one of the module (addon or replace) or both
  • Install Sincerity,s Additional Skin Slot and Essential files too, to make the skin works
  • Done. Enjoy the mod~ 


Some (updated) notes:
  • This mod has been updated. Now the rudder's UV map has been merged with the main body's UV, instead of separated UV
  • Now it has its own PlayerPlaneConfig
  • Replace UAV weapon from pulse laser to TLS
  • Addon version have only 4 UAV installed, meanwhile Replacer edition have 6 UAV installed
  • This mod is compatible with ADF-11F Glowing camera, except for Skin 13-15
  • Sincerity's Additional Skin Slot and Essential files still needed for replacer edition for shown skin 8-15
  • If you want to use this mod with other addons mod that created after this mod, please wait for sincerity's update first. After that, you can delete the temporary compability patch
  • If you want to update the mod, please DELETE the old one, and use the new one instead, or the mod will broken
  • Deleted the "Replace per skin slot" module.
Internal name: adf11x


Thanks to:
  • PROJECT ACES: for the models
  • Gen0-234: for Guided TLS blueprint
  • GreenTrafficLight, kosnag, and M4rkoz again: for Nimbus Template
  • Rythus and Zhidious for ADFX-10 custom template
  • kosnag for cockpit modules
  • Daftestdrafter: for General Resource Emblem
  • Sincerity: for allowed me to use his Data Table assets
  • Other Get Home, Be Home, Stay Home members that helped me a lot and can't mentioned by me here
  • Of course You for downloading my mod