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About this mod

Adds external drop tank models for F-15C and F-15J. Effects are purely visual, with no changes to function.

Permissions and credits
This cosmetic model mod adds external fuel tanks to F-15C and F-15J models.
  • DropTank-BaseTextures contain updated default aircraft textures to support the mods. Be sure to load these to properly render the new
The drop tank model is taken from base game, which shows up in the first cutscene of Mission 7: First Contact. The model has been edited to
work with player F-15C/F-15Js.

THE EFFECT IS PURELY VISUAL. There is no changes to Special Weapon performance.

The mod's effect will not be visible in Mission 13: Bunker Buster due to no special weapons models being rendered. Please consult readme02 for additional known issues.