NMM 044.2 fix release

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We’ve released version 0.44.2 of NMM today that provides a number of bug fixes and updates to problems caused in the recent 0.44 builds. Here’s the fix and new feature list:

1. New Feature: New “Uninstall all active mods” button in the Tools menu.
2. New Feature: The readme scan is now optional and you can manually perform it by right-clicking on selected mods/categories and choosing the option from the context menu.
3. Bugfix: Category view: category and mod properties failing to properly update on the list.
4. Bugfix: Category view: NMM freezing when trying to delete a mod from the list.
5. Bugfix: WoT manager crashing when the game was using a malformed version number.
6. Bugfix: NMM crashing when checking for mod updates and the server was unreachable.
7. Bugfix: NMM reporting a mod as installed/uninstalled even though the user aborted the scripted install/uninstall or there was an error performing it.
8. Bugfix: NMM failing to properly load saved column sizes.
9. Bugfix: Readme Manager creating readme archive files into the wrong folder for newly downloaded mods.
10. Bugfix: Readme Manager setup adding random mod files in readme archives.

With version 0.44.0, in moving the mod view control system fully over to our new system a few debilitating bugs quickly rose to the surface once we released the update publicly. I’m sorry for that, however, having read some of the overly-entitled opinions left in the comments, I’d like to once again reiterate a few important points when it comes to NMM.

NMM is still very, very, very much in beta. We have never alluded to it being anything other than in beta, despite the fact it’s been in beta for going on 18 months now and has 1.7 million people using it, and there’s good reasons why it’s still in beta; we’ve got a lot more things we want to add in to NMM before I’m confident to say it’s ready for a full release. We’ve got a huge to-do list of features we want to implement and I’d never want to say NMM is “done” before giving it a completely new lick of paint and a UI overhaul to make it look less like a “my first .NET program” school project. So yes, you have that to be worried/look forward to.

What does being in beta mean to us? It means we’re going to continue to add new features, updates and bug fixes, test them on our end and then push them out into the public domain to be tested by you. We don’t have a QA department. We don’t have a huge team of programmers working on NMM and we don’t have a computer farm we can send our new builds to as test beds that test every function in every operating system/program variation going. We release updates out into the public domain so that you people become our testers, because we can’t afford them ourselves. You are our QA department. That’s the whole point of this beta and that’s why we still call NMM a beta, because we rely on you. Seeing some of the horrific responses and opinions of people who were affected by the bugs in version 0.44 I can’t help but feel some of you either don’t know what software being in open beta means, or you’ve been spoilt by the recent trends in MMO games where “beta” really means “demo”. No, when we say beta, we mean beta, and we release new builds out to be tested and get valuable feedback on.

If you’re someone who relies on NMM and doesn’t want to test new builds and you just want it to work, then it’s reeeeeeeeeeeally simple (so simple I don’t understand how it’s a problem at all): don’t update NMM until you’re confident (from reading feedback in comment threads/the forums) that the newest versions are stable to use. If you think NMM is perfect exactly how it is and you don’t want anything more from it at all; why are you bothering to update at all? You can still carry on using old versions of NMM all the way back to version 0.34 (and before then if you don’t download/check for new mod versions in NMM), and we only forced an update with version 0.34.0 because we changed our login and downloading system that prevented old versions from working. If you aren’t downloading NMM to help us beta test it and provide us with meaningful feedback then it’s completely your prerogative when and how you update it. What we’re not going to do is change our releasing methods to hold your hand for you, into a Linux style system of “bleeding edge”, “current”, “release” and “stable” during the beta. Once we bring NMM out of beta we’ll probably do this; and incentivise people to be testers for us, but not now, not while we’re in beta. So the onus is completely on you, the user, on when you update NMM. We need testers, and we value your feedback on bugs and features in the program. We don’t particularly value your feedback on how you think we should have “better QA”. You’re our QA. But if you’d like to pay me the £100k or so to hire on some QA testers then by all means, I’ll tell you where you can mail the cheque.

While I can’t assure you that all our releases will be completely bug free, I can assure you that when bugs are found we document and work on them in order of highest priority as quickly as possible.


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  1. Sephyff7forever
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    My one constantly crashes or fails to install the mod
    Please help?
  2. albertwesker1000
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    my game doesnt work at all anymore for some reason
  3. cherryturkey
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am having a big problem.
    I get a box that pops up after I've chosen the game I wanted to play. It's telling me that there is a problem with writing the permission for skyrim. under the details it tells me to go to the Install info folder under my programs, but there is no install info folder.

    This is my first time using this and this might just be me doing something wrong. please let me know as soon as possible.
  4. 69mAnU96
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I hope it's the right place for this post.
    First of all: thanks for NMM and all the improvements made and planned.
    I am using the traditional view. Would it be possible to have alternate white and grey bands to make it more easy to read?
  5. User_6348343
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    My game wont launch it says that i am using a newer version of skyrim than the the mod manager and says there may be a newer patch in the next few days ? help me pls
  6. ClaycusEugeneus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you NMM, your the reason I enjoy mods. Any thing worth while does take a lot of work, with a little team work, we can all make this experience every thing it will become(rain and shine). Thanks again! From the gamers out there...play on!
  7. ShackleJC
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    well was hoping this new update was going to solve the problems, I would like to know why this update has now decided to ask me to update mods at start up, when I tell it no, it does it anyways & then puts both mods in the Unassigned folder, with lots of numbers after them, it also takes away what version it is in this folder, I like this nexus mod, But I only want is a simple Mod manager to look after my mods, You don't need to keep adding all these new features.
    1. alpharevan
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      If you don't want new features, do as Dark0ne said in this post and stop updating NMM.
    2. Thorne67
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      That was cold alpha.. the whole point in posting and using NMM is to talk about ways to improve and work on it. Suggestions, comments and the like are welcomed and read and noted.
    3. StormKat33
      • BANNED
      • 1 kudos
      I have no suggestions to think of brother but this is way out of my knowledge. Lol

      Let me have a few days and I'll get back to you.
  8. Thorne67
    • member
    • 54 kudos
    "Auto Update Mod" ...Really need to stop that or make a "There is an update for XX MODNAME XX Do you want to download and install it now? Y/N?" Instead of just doing it.

    Reason is.. I download em when I see the yellow notifications on my mod list on my own. Then I check the file structure and generally make a Docs folder and move the associated pictures and txt files if there are any, or I make my own txt files from the mod page with the modpage URL at the top to submit to the BOSS forums.Anyone else having the same problem?

    Hope you can fix this quick.
    1. Thorne67
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      Yup. I'm sorta screwed now. Can't even run NMM with all the mods I have in it. Damn it.

      Adding to this note now.. even turned off the the modem connection and ran NMM in "offline" mode and it's telling me the same damn thing. You need to add a Run NMM in OFFLINE SAFE mode. That trace mode does jack diddly.
  9. Thorne67
    • member
    • 54 kudos
    "Uninstall all active mods" works...BE WARNED...if you have a lot or really LARGE mods... it can take an hour or 2 for this function to finish. If you mess with NMM WHILE it's working on it you'll crash NMM AND your game.

    A BIG warning message should pop up if this function is used. That or just a batch option mode with the same warning message.
    1. Thorne67
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      if you DO use this function i'd suggest starting it, then goto bed or watch a movie until your hard drive light stops flickering or what not. "I" am only using it as once again...everyone in my game has purple or black heads on thier regular bodies. Sigh. Someone really needs to come up with a unified fix for this or a "how to" fix guide.
  10. Thorne67
    • member
    • 54 kudos
    "Batch uninstall and install" not available yet
    "Batch delete" not available yet.
    1. Thorne67
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      Suggestion for implementation would be alphanumerically for the options...if they're already uninstalled then a basic batch delete wouldnt really do any damage.

      For Deleting mods it'd be good if NMM made note that hey.. THIS MOD IS STILL ACTIVE, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DELETE IT?Yes/No
    2. Thorne67
      • member
      • 54 kudos
      Did a batch delete in the NMM Mods folder, Ran NMM again and at least it doesn't crash now or hang with an error message BUT.. it still shows the deleted mods as AVAILABLE in NMM. When attempting to "install" the mod THEN it CTDs to desk with an error message.