Bethesda Game Studios moving on to their next adventure

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It has been one and a half year since the release of Skyrim, and though there will still be minor updates coming down the road, Bethesda Game Studios have decided that it is time to move on with the main bulk of the team. And for those wondering, in a tweet, Pete Hines confirmed that there will not be any more DLCs for Skyrim at all. We can practically say that Fallout 4 was announced today, unless they have changed their release strategy, and TES VI is in the making (doubtful).

Thank you, Bethesda, for a wonderful game!

Skyrim has been a labor of love for us since we started designing it in 2006. We never imagined it would become the phenomenon it has. And that is because of you, the fans. It was all of you who made it a success. We can’t thank you enough for embracing the game, spreading the word, and making it your own.

For the last year and a half we’ve been working on new content for Skyrim; from the game updates, Creation Kit, Steam Workshop, Kinect support, to DLCs. Parts of our team have also been in pre-production on our next major project, and that game is at the point where it requires the studio’s full attention to make it our biggest and best work yet.

Even though we’re moving on, we’ll still have minor updates to Skyrim as needed. We’ve invested so much of ourselves into Skyrim and will never truly say goodbye to it.

We loved hearing your stories, your in-game triumphs, and your suggestions. One thing stuck out to us through those emails, letters, and postings. And that is – video games matter. They’re as important to you as they are to us. It’s not just about entertainment, it’s about your time. And you chose to spend it with our game.

Thank you again for all your support. We hope you stay engaged in the gaming community here and elsewhere. Keep spreading the word. Games are the world’s best entertainment because they can do what other forms cannot – fill you with the wonder of exploration and the pride of accomplishment. We look forward to sharing our next adventure with you.

Until next time,

Bethesda Game Studios


UPDATE: I see a lot of people asking about the "Redguard DLC". It was a rumor, and a false one at that. This has been confirmed by Pete Hines already. Yes, they did trademark Redguard back in 2012, but that was to renew it to protect it.


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  1. channel0
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    if you look at the way fallout 3 is still being maintained here on the nexus, i'm pretty confident skyrim will have a good maintenance basis from the modders for years to come...
    maybe even a redguard mod
    if only bethesda would release their source code after -say- 5 years and give their abandoned game completely to the modding community, who knows, eh?
    i can understand the devs have to move on. but their hard work, AND the means they gave to the modders to improve on that, should not go to waste.
    looking forward to Fallout 4...I'd be a fool not to
  2. Kursan
    • supporter
    • 241 kudos
    I had not kept up with this forum in awhile, 80 pages holy crap! Let me just say I am as pissed off as most people that Bethesda left Skyrim the way it did, but since there is about as much reasoning with them as with my ex wife, it is time to move on and take the game for what it is. Most if not all bugs can and will be fixed by moders eventually.
    Hoodoo_ man pointed out that the developers seem a bit more touchy about this title than past elder scrolls and I think so too; the reason for that is probably that Bethesda actually thinks they got it right and we are just a bunch of ungrateful ingrates, why? Because they go by figures. Skyrim was undeniably a best seller and outperformed previous titles, it is unquestionably one of the most successful games to date in popularity and sales and that is what counts in business.
    @Spectral Dragon, I think your suspicions about the next TES VI and or Fallout 4 makes sense, I think also they will go to a new engine mainly because of the new consoles; however the rest of your argument is flawed because every Elder scrolls game had in fact its own engine. Morrowind had a quake 3 I believe with its own construction set (the first to be released to the public), Oblivions engine was a totally new beast with its own construction set and was also used for Fallout 3, and then Skyrim had its "creation" engine and "creation kit" which was also used for some other games like Rage. There are big differences between all of them and sadly using a new engine does not equate a more careful approach to building and testing a game.
    Also there never was a planned Redguard dlc, that was just rumor, this has been extensively covered in the forums. 
    The one thing that I wish Bethesda would address is that with their last "update" they managed to screw the game some more and ruined the facial expression of the pc! I can live without another bugged dlc, but to walk away from your product with such a blatant immersion breaking flaw in place really says allot about their business ethics. 
  3. SpectralDragon
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    I have not (and will not) read all 80 pages of this so I am going to base what I say next on the first couple pages here as well as the last couple pages.
    I am not sure what Bethesda has announced in terms of Fallout 4, but if my suspicions are correct they will need to make it for the next gen consoles as well as pc, and if that's the case they will need to make a new engine.
    This is good news for Elder Scrolls VI. While all the nifs will have to be done from scratch and they will have to learn a new engine, it will ultimately lead to more cautious developers and hopefully bug-testing. I believe they have used the skyrim engine for both oblivion and morrowind (I haven't looked that up so don't quote me on that.) So the old engine is probably at the peak of what it can do.
    Hopefully a lot of the older ideas will return. Throwing Weapons, Spears, halbreds, medium armor, more original architecture, stats. New things too like a revamped class system (hopefully combining what was good from morrowind/oblivion and skyrim.) Better scripting options, an extreme mode for those who like that thing, harsher diseases, better enemy AI, better companion AI.
    One thing I want is more immersive and thought out story which is longer, side quests which are also more immersive and thought out, a return to guilds, a lot of dynamics in terms of how quests change the world, ect.
    I was disappointed with the announcement that they were moving on as well. I wanted one last DLC, but alas it seems it is not to be. One reason I think they felt they could do this is the modding community but that leaves the console people in the dark almost. I also am disappointed with the lack of being able to do anything against the Thalmor.
    There is more, but that covers the basics I think.
  4. BrittanniaBandit
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Apprently they were working on "redguard" dlc but yeah i would of been happy enough if they made this one last dlc but they didnt :L 
  5. nyxalinth
    • account closed
    • 29 kudos
    I'm bored crapless with both Oblivion and Skyrim, at least for the time being.  Even mods don't much help for me.  That might change, ut right now, I'm ony sort of playing Oblivion, but technically, using it to play a conversion mod. 
  6. hoodoo_man
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    • 0 kudos
    I don't have any formal training in game design. My background is mainly CG, photo work, and more on the Graphic Design/artistic side of things. But knowing most of what it takes to make an animated movie--or even special effects for regular movies (which is even harder IMHO. Did you know that the reason it's always raining in the uninspiring American version of Godzilla is that the creature ended up looking way more realistic when it was wet? ) I don't doubt you for a moment.
    I think team is an important term to recognize here, too. When I got good at modding Oblivion, I started an entire separate worldspace. It was limited, but I had topography, quest-lines, side-quests, characters, and a bunch of new armor and weapons designed. It was just way too much for one person to pull together on their own and it finally died of natural causes because I ran out of energy. So game design is not a one-man job. That's important to take into account, too--there are different devs., probably all with different opinions on what needs to be in, and what can be left out. 
    Prior to Skyrim, I always thought Bethesda's main problem with TES titles was that they tended to be over-ambitious in the planning stages and then unable to quite deliver--either due to the limitations of the technology at the time--look at the AI, for example, it's come a long way just from Oblivion, definitely from Morrowind, and I don't think Daggerfall had AI to speak of. They're usually better about admitting their shortfalls though. I thought Oblivion was an attempt to be everything to everyone and therefore was weak for everyone. I actually like Skyrim a lot--I just wish it were slightly easier to mod . It just feels rushed to me--like they had all these additional plans--you can even see pieces of them left over--and suddenly somebody said, "That's it, guys--wrap it up. It's time to hit the shelves." Like the day of or something. . . .
    For some reason Bethesda is a little more touchy about problems with TES5 than they have been about previous titles where they've actually been very helpful. Are they perfect--no, and things are probably getting worse--but that's the world we live in. There are still so few companies willing to try an ambitious, immersive RPG that's not Anime inspired, so I have to give Bethesda props. Also they're probably responsible for more hours of lost sleep on my part than any other single entity--which should count for something . I just feel the whole Skyrim thing was hyped to death, released too early, and then just dropped to move on--and I understand why people feel frustrated and angry.
    Hoodoo Man

    In response to post #8171166.

    just as a note, although the construction kit doesn't enable the ability to change everything, it still allows for the creation of many possibilities for modding, and therefore should be given credit. although Skyrim has it's many, many, many, many..... MANY downfalls, it takes even a prestigious company such as Bethesda a long time to create a game as detailed and immersive as it currently is. trust me, I may not belong to a development group, but I have had a small amount of experience and legitimate education in the field of video game development, and I will say, it is a SHITTON of work. in my first week of class almost everyone struggled to make a simple 2D pong game, so let me say this..... making a video game isn't as simple as having an idea, grabbing some friends who know a programming language, calling some students from your high school's art class, and saying "we're going to make a game that is Skyrim, but with a bunch more features", cuz it doesn't work that way. even if you can mod, that doesn't mean that you will have any knowledge on how to create a video game. sorry, this is kind of a long note.... and it kind of turned into a lecture....... my bad......

  7. thenobody0
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Really upsetting news. I thought Skyrim was going to be this growing game that I could play for the next decade but I guess not. I've finished most of the quests Skyrim and the DLCs have to offer. There is just not much left to do. Guess I'll be moving on unless some big quest mods come out.
  8. jackalx137
    • member
    • 34 kudos
    as much as i would like to drive into bethesdas next masterpiece (hoping its a elder scrolls or fallout)
    i do however also fear it being a fail in my eyes. the reason why is i think everytime they make something new they start from scratch and trash all there old work. which from my point of view is stupid, because 1 it will eat up alot of time they could have spent making new content rather then having to waste that time remakeing every flower, insect and so on. also 2 they sometimes leave out awesome things that the last version had like wtf happen to spears, throwing weapons, crossbows and such in oblivion? skyrim is really nice work but they also did leave out things as well, like i assumed they would add the hardcore mod from fallout nv into skyrim. it would of been very fitting and well welcomed in skyrim but it was lefted out. my point is yes skyrim is good but thats skyrim and once they make a new game every drop of data will likely be new, meaning all that makes skyrim good may not be in the next game. just like oblivion wasnt half as good as morrowind was even though the combat was better and the world had better graphics. I think the better bethesads does the more people expect from them next game.. but not I..
    bethesa I know you guys read these forms, your top goal for a new game shouldnt be making something new it should be giving us back what we loved 1st and 2nd then giving us something new and never before dreamed. because just from my view point alone if you forget or just leave out something like vampirism for the next elder scrolls then I wouldn't want to play it. that's been a big part of elder scrolls from day one in morrowind for me. I know not everyone likes vampire because they need to try to overcompensate.. I cant relate but I understand.. I also I know things like twilight made it all seem very soft and girly.. but I see it for what it was before that fail came out. anyway readers my point is not vampirism my point is what if bethesa leaves out the reason you like the game most? and that is wtf im talking about.

  9. daventry
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Any reason why Bethesda hasent announced their Next Adventure yet, witch i would assume its Fallout 4 or something with the Name Bethesda
  10. EnigManic
    • premium
    • 28 kudos

    ...Just because a company, at one point in time, releases a product with which some individuals are dissatisfied, it does not mean that all future products will be equally disappointing to the same people. But I do recommend waiting to hear what the early buyers say about it before doing anything...

    Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout Vegas, Skyrim..
    Four games in a row (that all should have been absolutely mind-blowing) inadequately beta-tested before being released with hundreds of bugs, clumsy cookie-cutter level design, and gameplay features that could have been much better with a little more time and effort. With every Bethesda game, we appreciate what's good about it but hope the next game will be better and Bethesda keeps letting us down.
    1. HuhJuhWuh
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I guarantee it. if you can tell me how a game like Skyrim, Morrowind, and Oblivion runs, then I might be inclined to actually tell you why you're argument is uneducated. go ahead, tell me... but do some research first.
    2. busybgamer
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      They did not do correct bug checking first which caused lots of frustration within me. From ground zero level of when Skyrim released, I have first hand experience of the feelings this person is having. I ABSOLUTELY loved the game so much, that even though I crashed almost every 10-20 minutes I still played Skyrim through it all. Hell, any other game I would have played and had that many bugs I would have put down after the first couple of crashes, but Skyrim was different.