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About this mod

Warehouses and trade unions buidable on the water with moving other selected buildings from the coast to the water. For all regions.

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This mod allows to build traditional warehouses (without having to connect to the Kontor) and trade unions in harbor on the water, and also allows to move selected buildings from the coast to the water. In this way, you can move production/extraction off the coast into the sea.

Unlike other mods, the quay system has not only been added, but buildings has also been rearranged with feedback animations adjusted.


  • are two-level (additional warehouse III for OW)
  • increased the storage capacity on the island like the depot: 50/100 (150 for III)
  • do not require connection to trading post

Trade Union works like on the land.

Buildings available in the harbor menu, from the moment of unlocking for a given region: two icons between the quay and the depot (for OW, additionally for warehouse III).

Additional structures that can be placed on water:

  • Public Mooring (OW/NW)
  • Commuter Piers (OW and if you are using "Spice it Up", then for NW, Arctic and Enbesa as well)
  • Trading Post for all regions
  • for Enbesa: Salt Coast Building and Seafood Fisher
  • for Arctic: Whale Coast Building and Seal Hunter (both buildings now require no heating)

Coastal buildings for OW/NW works on the water from vanilla game.

Additions to the full functionality of the mod:

When building on water, you must create a minimum road between the building and the warehouse, but you do not have to build it to the harbor.